John Wycliffe: A Fruitful Tree
This article draws the line from John Wycliffe and John Hus to Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin. It does this by showing some themes shared together.
The Doctrines of Grace in Calvin and Augustine
The Title: The Church
In a polemic seemingly against the Roman Catholic Church's understanding of the church as an institution, Calvin rejects the notions of Rome that place authority in the church in the hands of mere man rather than in the truth of Scripture.
Piety, According to John Calvin
An Analysis of Calvin's Sermons on the Fourth Commandment
Calvinist Restrictions
Calvin: Why He Still Matters
John Calvin still matters today, because Calvin demonstrated how valuing God's truth is crucial to shaping true theology, church, education, and politics.
John Calvin: Lover of the Church Catholic
John Calvin defended the break from the Roman Catholic Church, and yet he was not in favor of schisms. In this article the author shows how Calvin worked to call all reformed churches to unity in doctrine and lifestyle.
The Mission Labors of John Calvin
It is sometimes said that the doctrine of election eliminates the need for mission work. Is this true? John Calvin would rather say that the doctrine of election is the motivation for missions. The hope of mission work is found in the fact that God elects. This article demonstrates this truth from Calvin's life and mission work.
John Calvin’s Doctrine of Predestination (2)
Without predestination there can be neither gospel nor grace. John Calvin believed that failure to preach election and predestination is equivalent to being ashamed of the gospel. Christ's election and reprobation are absolute and unconditional. Election is based solely on God's grace. Calvin challenges the church to preach these doctrines boldly.
John Calvin’s Doctrine of Predestination (1)
Without predestination there can be neither gospel nor grace. John Calvin believed that failure to preach election and predestination is equivalent to being ashamed of the gospel. Christ's election and reprobation are absolute and unconditional. Election is based solely on God's grace. Calvin challenges the church to preach these doctrines boldly.
Calvin’s Struggle for Church Discipline
It was Martin Bucer’s influence on Calvin which made him to return to Geneva with the mandate to restore church discipline there. Despite opposition, John Calvin was not deterred. Calvin restored the church to be self-governing and independent. Discipline should be applied both to life and doctrine, with no exceptions for office bearers. This article gives three reasons for discipline in the church.
Calvin the Preacher
The greatest tool God used in Calvin was his preaching. John Calvin knew the importance of this calling for God’s people. His preaching was systematic (preaching through every book of the Bible), personal (using language people could understand), theological (focusing on God's glory and holiness), and directed toward the church.
Justification: Considering the Judgment Day With Singular Delight
Why was the teaching of justification so important to John Calvin? For Calvin, justification and sanctification are both found in Christ and are inseparable. Justification allows for assurance of salvation, and includes the continual forgiveness of sins. The gift of justification is our only hope in facing judgment day.
John Calvin, the Church Reformer (2)
John Calvin, the Church Reformer (1)
Calvin as a Model for Reformed Ministers Today (2)
Calvin as a Model for Reformed Ministers Today (1)
Seeking the Unity of the Church (5)
Christians confess with one voice that they "believe in a holy catholic church" - a confession which highlights the importance of pursuing church unity. Church unity must be pursued based on the truth of scripture and the confessional foundation of the church. In seeking unity, a distinction must be made between essential and non-essential doctrines. Examples from John Calvin are given to demonstrate this.
Seeking the Unity of the Church (2)
Christians confess with one voice that they "believe in a holy catholic church" - a confession which highlights the importance of pursuing church unity.
The Fourth Commandment: Our Catechism, Calvin, and Ursinus
Does the way in which the Heidelberg Catechism deals with the fourth Commandment in Lord’s Day 38 leave you longing for more? The catechism does not say anything about what is forbidden on the Sabbath. Is this an issue? This article looks at Calvin's perspective on the fourth commandment and how this perspective influenced Ursinus.
The Diaconal Care of Non-Poor Christians (1): The Propriety of Such a Care
Diaconal work is always associated with caring for the poor. This article argues that this should not be the case. Deacons are also called to care for the non-poor. This is the first article in a five part series on the role of the deacon. This article discusses the biblical and historical grounds for diaconal care for non-poor Christians, concluding with an example from the time of John Calvin.
Calvin and Prayer
Reformation in the Sixteenth Century
This article provides an overview of the sixteenth century Reformation and the teachings of Martin Luther and John Calvin.
Rome, a Synagogue of Satan?
Faith and Assurance
Calvin's Geneva
Pastoral Collegiality and Accountability in Calvin's Geneva
This article discusses the challenge of loneliness, isolation and depression facing many pastors today. The author presents John Calvin's model of collegiality, accountability, and gospel faithfulness among pastors as a way to address this challenge.
Justification, Faith and Works: Calvin on Ezekiel 18:17
Looking at Calvin's commentary on Ezekiel 18:17, this article discusses the topics of faith, good works, and justification.
'A Good Friend' — The Life of Martin Bucer
The Two Kingdoms Doctrine: John Calvin
This article discusses John Calvin's stance on the two kingdoms doctrine in relation to eschatology, as well as in relation to spiritual, church and civil government
John Calvin, Practical Theologian: The Reformer's Spirituality
In Praise of Men
This article gives reasons why we can thank God for the lives of those who served God faithfully. The author shows how John Calvin upheld the biblical truth and sought to glorify Christ. Calvin's exposition on election describes the foundation for Christian assurance.
Calvin and His Contributions to the Reformation
John Calvin, Practical Theologian: The Reformer’s Spirituality
Luther and Calvin on Music and Worship
This article shows that John Calvin and Martin Luther shared the same conviction: that restoring singing to God's people is part of restoring true worship. The author shows how their differing starting principles led to their different views on the place of hymns and psalms in a worship service, as well as the place of musical instruments.
The Use of ‘Example’ in Calvin’s Sermons on Job
Some Aspects of the Preaching of John Calvin
The Ecology of John Calvin
This article analyses the thoughts of John Calvin on ecology using the approach of redemptive history. The author discusses Calvin's view on the goodness of creation, and concept of being imitators of God in preserving nature. Christians can enjoy the goodness of nature and be sensitive to its fragile nature without embracing secular environmentalism.
Piety With Proper Bounds: John Calvin on Christian Worship
Psalm Singing in Calvin and the Puritans
What Sort of Man Was John Calvin?
Luther and Calvin
Protestantism in France, Netherlands, Hungary, Spain and Italy
This article on church history shows the influence of John Calvin on the Reformation, which resulted in the spread of Protestantism in France, the Netherlands, Hungary, Spain and Italy.
Calvin's Other 'Son'
Calvin's Primer on Presbyterianism
John Calvin and Christian Piety
Reformation and Mission
John Calvin on Psalms and Hymns in Public Worship
John Calvin the Evangelist
This is about John Calvin's heart for missions and his work in church planting.
Calvin and the Bible
John Calvin and Women Deacons
This article looks at John Calvin's idea of women in the office of deacon (deaconess).
John Calvin the Theologian The Leader of Theologians
Church Offices in Historic Reformed Doctrine
John Calvin's Concern for the Poor
Reforming Education Today in the Light of the Reformation
Instruction in the Faith Lessons from John Calvin
'Theater of His Glory'
Prayer: The Chief Exercise of Faith
The Reticent Reformer: Model or Misguide?
Melanchthon’s Place Among the Reformers
Calvin and The Church
John Calvin on the Church
John Calvin and Civil Government
The Economists of the Reformation
Calvin's Restrictions on Interest
This article is about John Calvin's view on the legitimacy of interest. Calvin could agree with the idea of interest, but also placed restrictions on the charging of interest. This article also looks at the relevance of Calvin's view on interest for the credit crisis of 2008 and the policies of banks and governments.
Lessons from Genevan Presbyterianism
This article looks at the church government principles of John Calvin and the Genevan Church Order. The article also focuses on the position of the pastors and elders, and the importance of church discipline.
A Discussion of "The Necessity of Reforming the Church" by John Calvin
This article is about Calvin's view of the reformation of the church. The author discusses Calvin's view on worship, justification, sacraments, and church government.
Another side of John Calvin
John Calvin: From Second Reform in Geneve till Death
The Reformers on Psalms and Hymns in Public Worship
John Calvin and Missions
This article is about John Calvin's view of missions and mission methods.
John Calvin: A Man of Compassion
In this article, the author shows how John Calvin was a man of compassion. John Calvin's self-denial, charity, and enjoyment is also discussed. Calvin's view of the poor and the rich, and his view on economics is also mentioned by the author.
Preserving church unity: Calvin and the believers in Wesel
This article is about church unity and fundamental and non-fundamental articles of faith. Calvin gives advice to the French stranger church in Wesel about the treatment of the Lutheran and Reformed differences regarding the Lord's Supper.