The Belgic Confession of Faith Article 16: Eternal Election
Assurance of Election
Predestination Is Practical
This article discusses the practical value of the doctrine of predestination.
The High Mystery of Predestination
This article provides pastoral direction to those called to preach on predestination. It considers the teaching of predestination itself, the reason for teaching it, and the effect of predestination upon the believer.
Adding to the Church: The Puritan Approach to Persuading Souls
This article seeks to find answers to whether the Puritans were evangelistic in their preaching. Further it seeks to find out how they went about persuading souls to believe. It probes the nature of their confrontations, the language they used, and whether doctrines such as election, predestination, and particular redemption confined and restricted the scope of their evangelistic messages.
Objections to Predestination Answered
The article compares the differences between predestination and fatalism. The teachings of predestination are spelled out clearly and reference made to such theologians as Calvin and Luther. On the other hand, fatalism is traced to philosophical circles such as the Stoics.
Limited Atonement
The article deals with the doctrine of limited atonement. The main texts considered include Jesus' high-priestly prayer in John 17:1-13 and the angel Gabriel's announcement of the birth of Christ in Matthew 1:21. The author shows that Christ did not die on the cross for every man that ever lived but for the specific people chosen by God to believe and enjoy the benefits of salvation. This teaching also relates to the teaching of predestination.
The Double Predestination to Holiness and Sin
This article considers the following question: in view of the so-called double predestination of (1) some to eternal life and (2) others to eternal condemnation, what is the nature of God’s predestination in either case? Shedd says that God’s predestination unto life brings about holiness in a sinner, while his predestination unto sin leaves a person in his sin.
The author contends that the doctrine of predestination is the one that exalts God the most, for faith depends on God's eternal choice. The author also faces difficulties with the argument from Pelagians and Arminians that the Calvinistic understanding of predestination makes God the author of sin. The author answers this by ascribing to God abilities and purposes that are beyond human understanding. He argues in the end that the doctrine of predestination ascribes to God the greatest supremacy and glory.
The Sovereign God of Predestination
This article looks at the doctrine of predestination, showing that it flows from God’s mind and fulfils his purpose and pleasures.
Be Not Highminded but Fear (The Proper Attitude of the Christian Toward the Truth of Absolute Predestination)
From Romans 11 this article shows that the proper attitude in approaching the doctrine of predestination should be that of humility and fear.
Our Spiritual Roots: The Reformation and the Doctrine of Predestination
The Doctrine of Predestination
What is predestination? Predestination seeks to express the truth that God has chosen his people before the foundation of the world for eternal salvation. This article gives the biblical ground for this teaching, its place in Reformed theology, and its comfort to the believer.
The Battle for Grace Alone
The author discusses the origins of the battle between Augustine's teachings of predestination and grace, and Pelagius's views on the same issues. Pelagianism later developed into semi-Pelagianism, a teaching that has remained to this day.
Evangelism, Missions, and Calvinism
Is believing in predestination a hindrance to evangelism? Because he taught and believed in predestination, John Calvin has been accused of lack of enthusiasm for evangelism and mission work. To answer this accusation this article looks at Calvin's teaching on evangelism and mission work and how they relate to predestination
Comfort for Suffering Saints Jerome Zanchius (1516-1590)
Election and Free Will – Why a Book on Election and Free Will?
The subject of election, or predestination, raises many questions in people’s minds. In this book the author tries to answer many of those questions from the Scriptures. The first chapter introduces the importance of the subject, noting the biblical witness to God’s electing love and the search for assurance in the insecurity of contemporary life.
Brief Survey on the Controversy on Universal Grace (1634–1661)
What was the Amyraut controversy? This controversy is associated with teachings on universal grace that flared up in the Reformed churches of the seventeenth century. Nicole provides a brief survey of the major developments in this controversy and follows this up with a summary of the most important arguments advanced by both sides.
Predestination: God Has a Purpose
Predestination refers to God's eternal decision of particular sinners for salvation and eternal life. Let the article explain.
More Than Conquerors
This article explains the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints from Scripture and from the doctrine of predestination. God is the ultimate power by which believers are able to persevere.
Romans 11:36 - Predestination and the Glory of God
This article looks at Romans 11:36, discussing how the doctrine of predestination should lead us to glorify God since it reveals His perfect mercy.
Knowing the God of Election - The Intensity of the Resonance
John Calvin’s Doctrine of Predestination (2)
Without predestination there can be neither gospel nor grace. John Calvin believed that failure to preach election and predestination is equivalent to being ashamed of the gospel. Christ's election and reprobation are absolute and unconditional. Election is based solely on God's grace. Calvin challenges the church to preach these doctrines boldly.
John Calvin’s Doctrine of Predestination (1)
Without predestination there can be neither gospel nor grace. John Calvin believed that failure to preach election and predestination is equivalent to being ashamed of the gospel. Christ's election and reprobation are absolute and unconditional. Election is based solely on God's grace. Calvin challenges the church to preach these doctrines boldly.
The Church of Christ: The Company of the Elect
John Wycliffe was called the forerunner of the Reformation. What caused him to have that title? This article focuses on the struggle Wycliffe faced within the Roman Catholic Church. His view of the church and God’s predestination caused him to stand up against the heresy and corruption within the Roman Catholic Church.
Living Space: God's Predestination and Our Room to Move
The Comfort of Predestination
The doctrine of predestination is a source of comfort to the believer.
Hard Questions: Predestination and the Gospel
Does predestination hinder the evangelism to all men? This article answers this question by highlighting that the gospel is to be preached to all, and through this preaching God calls those He elected to eternal life.
The Five Points of Calvinism (Part 3): Unconditional Election
This is the third article in a series on the five points of Calvinism. This article focuses on unconditional election. The nature of man, being sinful, is not a foundation for God's election. Predestination is completely rooted in God. Desiring Christ, repentance, and seeking forgiveness are marks of election.
The Five Points of Calvinism (Part 7): Evangelism
This is the last article in a series on the five points of Calvinism. This article responds to the accusation that Calvinism hinders evangelism through its belief in predestination. In actual fact, Calvinism should incentivize evangelism.
The Golden Chain of Salvation (Part 2)
This article is a the second in a trilogy which looks at the golden chain of salvation - predestination, calling, justification and glorification. Here the author focusses on the topics of predestination and calling, looking at the concepts of God's general call and His effectual call.
The Golden Chain of Salvation (Part 1)
This article is a the first in a trilogy which looks at the golden chain of salvation - predestination, calling, justification and glorification. Here the author focusses on the topics of foreknowledge and predestination.
Answering the Objections to the Doctrine of Unconditional Election Part 1
This article looks at the objections raised against the doctrine of unconditional election. Attention is given to the objections that are based on predestination.