When You're Not Sure God Accepts You
Doubt and Assurance
Doubt as Virtue, Assurance as Arrogance
Desiring the Word of God
Moving from Uncertainty toward Assurance
What are the grounds for assurance of salvation? Is it possible to have the assurance of salvation? God gives his children assurance through the promise of adoption, the work of the Spirit, and through sanctification.
The Assuring Spirit
Assurance is the certainty that belongs to faith. This article proves this claim by looking at the work of the Holy Spirit in relation to the assurance of faith. It shows that assurance of salvation is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Faith Is Assurance: Q. 21 of the Heidelberg Catechism
Assurance is the certainty that belongs to faith. This article proves this truth by looking at the meaning of faith a sure confidence, as explained in Lord's Day 7, question 21 of the Heidelberg Catechism, and the teaching on assurance of faith from the Westminster Standards.
Faith Is Assurance: The Reformation Gospel
Assurance is the certainty that belongs to faith. This article compares Martin Luther’s and John Calvin’s teaching on assurance of faith, showing that they maintained the biblical teaching. It then evaluates the teaching of the Puritans on assurance compared to that of the Reformers.
Faith Is Assurance: Scripture
Assurance is the certainty that belongs to faith. This article gives the biblical basis for the assurance of faith.
Precious Assurance
It is God’s will that his children should be assured of their salvation. On the other hand, assurance of salvation is not experienced by all believers. This article looks at how the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and Arminianism, as well as some teachings of the Puritans, rob believers of their assurance of salvation.
Uncertainty and doubt are also part of the life of a Christian. This article wants to reflect on the nature of faith and assurance in the Christian's experience.
What a Wonder!
Isn't a wonder to know that the Holy Spirit dwells in you? This article explains that this knowledge should be the source of assurance, hope, and motivation.
John Owen: Preacher of the Pactum Salutis (Covenant of Redemption)
How We Obtain Assurance and Persevere in Faith
Election and Free Will – Why a Book on Election and Free Will?
The subject of election, or predestination, raises many questions in people’s minds. In this book the author tries to answer many of those questions from the Scriptures. The first chapter introduces the importance of the subject, noting the biblical witness to God’s electing love and the search for assurance in the insecurity of contemporary life.
Faith and Assurance
Almost Home
What is the relationship between perseverance of the saints and assurance of salvation? This article attempts to answer this question as it looks at the possible order in which one can place these teachings in the life of a believer. The author concludes that these are both by God's grace.
Knowing the God of Election - The Intensity of the Resonance
Justification: Considering the Judgment Day With Singular Delight
Why was the teaching of justification so important to John Calvin? For Calvin, justification and sanctification are both found in Christ and are inseparable. Justification allows for assurance of salvation, and includes the continual forgiveness of sins. The gift of justification is our only hope in facing judgment day.
We Know... We Know...
Faith and Assurance
No Separation From God's Love
John 10 presents Christ as the Shepherd. This article shows that Christians are assured of their salvation because the Father has given the sheep to the Son, and the Son gave His life for the sheep. Also, the Father and Son are one, so no one can snatch you away from the Father's hand. This is our assurance.
Final Perseverance
What is a True Christian?
Looking at the epistle of John, this article identifies four indicators that provide assurance that one is a Christian: accepting God's remedy against sin, devotion to God and His glory, pursuing holiness, and being part of God's people, the church. These four things are signs that one is a Christian.