Life after the Death of a Son: What I Have Learned about God's Calling
This article explains that God's calling and presence in our daily lives are constant, which can be rejoiced over even and especially in times of grief.
The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 31
30 Suggestions for Theological Students and Young Theologians
A Pastor’s Reflections: Getting Benched
What should you do if you face deposition or you come to the end of pastoral ministry? Does it mean you have lost your calling? This article indicates that you need to have wisdom and remember your responsibilities towards your family.
Daily Work, a Divine Calling
Does My Church Have to Confirm My Call to Ministry?
This article explains that when it comes to the callto the ministry, a personal sense of calling is insufficient. The subjective sense must be validated by others, particularly the church.
The X Factor
When calling a pastor, a church should not confuse knowledge and skills, with spiritual maturity. This article explains, with biblical examples, that crucial to the calling of a pastor is the man's heart.
The Hero Of God
The Pastor's Confession
What is at the heart of a pastor's calling? As a theologian, he does not teach simply what the church has historically believed, but he teaches out of his personal theological convictions. This article explains that a pastor's personal confession is intertwined with his own theology.
The Call to the Ministry
Four Questions and Answers to Understand God’s Calling
Do you have a passion for doing work in God's kingdom but not sure where God is calling you to go? This article offers four questions and answers to help you work through this issue.
Called to the Office?
The Centrality of Everyday Work
The Lord Is Calling You!
Consider Your Calling: The Call to the Ministry
Are you called to the ministry? How do you know? There are two things to consider for calling to the ministry, the internal call and the external call. This article explains them.
Rethinking Christian Calling
Is your work a calling from God? Are you called by God to marry the person you want to marry? What does it mean to be called by God? While the Bible uses the word in different ways, this article examines the invoking of a "calling from God" to affirm decisions.
The Order of Application
What is the order of the application of redemption? The article deals with this question and establishes the order of salvation: calling, regeneration, faith and repentance, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification.
The Christian Life as Calling
The Reformation taught that God gives each believer a calling that is distinct but not separate from the call unto salvation. Therefore the Christian life requires faithfulness to the specific calling that God gives each believer.
How Can I Tell If I’m Called to Pastoral Ministry?
How can you tell if you are called to pastoral ministry? There are ten questions you may want to consider in thinking about your calling.
Has God Called You? Discerning the Call to Preach
Calling has two sides, the inward call and the external call. This is the way God works to call people into the ministry.
Am I Called to the Ministry?
How can you know if you are called to pastoral ministry? 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 give the biblical answer to this question of calling. This article offers six question you can ask as a checklist for yourself.
Six Distinguishing Marks of a Call to Gospel Ministry
How do you know that you are called to preach? This article suggests that there are six distinguishing marks of a true calling to the ministry.
God's Indisputable Sovereignty
This is an extensive defense from Scripture of the doctrine of the sovereignty of God, touching upon words such as chosen, elect, election, calling, appointed, and ordained. The article also touches on the nature of the human will.
Outsourcing Our Job Description: A Please to Fellow Ministers
Work Matters – Created to Work
The author wants to portray work and employment as a God-given calling. Work is not a punishment, but rather a gift from God to exercise a meaningful contribution in God’s creation. Man is called to work with a stewardship posture.
In the Service of the King
Martin Luther refuted the view that the true Christian calling involved becoming a monk. He began affirming the spiritual value of the ordinary profession as part of one's high calling. But the Christian church has since abused this teaching as well, and man is once again faced by his own greed versus a true godly vocation.
Calling and Regeneration
The Call That Brings a Response
Effectual calling refers to the activity of God, who makes a person receptive and responsive to the truth he hears. This article explains how effectual calling relates to preaching and how it should shape the view of those preached to.
Calling and Repentance
This article explains the relationship between regeneration, calling, and repentance. How do these three work in bringing man to salvation? This question the article answers.
Me ... A Gate Keeper?
Saved by Grace – Introduction, and The Occasion and Rise of the Controversy
The Introduction is a reminder of the historic Synod Utrecht of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands in 1905 and the contributions of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck’s theology to the debates at that time. Bavinck’s book on calling and regeneration is placed in its historic and theological context.
How Then Should We Work? Rediscovering the Biblical Doctrine of Work
To the Reformers all labour was accepted as a calling and performed as unto the Lord. This article maps the path that led the church to embrace the dualistic view of life and forget the implications of the priesthood of all believers. It shows that embracing the call to follow Christ is foundational to understand the theology of work. This is how the church can recover the biblical truth of vocation.
Calling in the Theology of Work
Following the Leader
Thoughts on the Call to the Ministry
When is it that someone can say he is called to the ministry? This article provides some clarity to this question. Calling is the work of God through the Holy Spirit. The author identifies three essentials aspects of the call to ministry.
Shepherds Needed
The Calling of Ministers in the Church
The Office of the Christian Believer in the World
Ten Commandments For the Christian Student
Isaiah 55:1-3 - Come
In Isaiah 55:1-3, God is the one calling and inviting people to come to Him. This invitation is for the thirsty - those who are called by God's grace.
Call Fatigue
Called by Grace
God's Calling: The Office of the Christian Believer
Matthew 22:14 - Called or Chosen?
Working from Matthew 22:14, this article shows the relationship between calling and election. Though the gospel is preached to many, only those who are elected believe.
The Golden Chain of Salvation (Part 2)
This article is a the second in a trilogy which looks at the golden chain of salvation - predestination, calling, justification and glorification. Here the author focusses on the topics of predestination and calling, looking at the concepts of God's general call and His effectual call.
Preaching – A Divine Calling
I Need a Vocation!
Numbers 11:29 - All the LORD'S People Receive His Spirit
Makers of the Scottish Church: John Knox Among all the Makers of the Scottish Reformed Church one Stands Pre-Eminent: John Knox
Preparing for Missionary Service
Finding New Office-Bearers
Beginning Our Work in Hope
Work: Curse or Calling?
The Call to Faith and Repentance
Calvin's Directives on the Call to the Office
Genuine Interest = Communication Perspectives on Teaching and Learning
You Were Called At…
The Economists of the Reformation
Showing the Gospel in Social Praxis
What is the Church's primary calling and mission?
2 Thessalonians 2:13-15 - The Bible Teaches the Doctrine of Election - Part 1
These two articles looks at election, the sovereignty of God, calling and preaching and the assurance of faith from 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15.
When the "Want To" and the "Ought To" Don't Match
What is the proper way to react when we realize our life as a disciple of Christ does not match the nature of our calling? This article is about sanctification.