Devout Singing
The Rebellion of Song
Singing is a great spiritual weapon. Why? Because songs of faith rebel—against the world, circumstances, and our hearts.
Play Skillfully
Sing for Joy in The Lord
Sing a New Song
Singing Christ into Our Hearts
Singing has been a vital part of the life of God's people since the Old Testament. This article encourages the use of hymns in the worship of the church, but particularly hymns rich with godly experience as well as a focus on the mercies of God in his Son. The church must exercise great care in choosing its hymns.
Three Ways the Psalms Should Shape Modern Worship
Church music and singing are essential to the worship of the church. This article explains three ways in which the Psalms should shape the worship songs of the church.
"The Psalter: Psalms and Canticles for Singing"
Musical Resources for Singing Scripture
This article introduces a number of resources that could be used in singing in public worship.
Hymns and a Psalm: "Jesus Lives and So Do We," "All Creatures of Our God and King," and Psalm 18
This article introduces Psalm 18 and a couple of hymns for singing in public worship: "Jesus Lives and So Do We," "All Creatures of Our God and King."
But I Like to Sing Bass... – Why We Shouldn't Always Sing in 4-Part Harmony
This article reflects on the way musicians and organists in particular can provide leadership in the singing of a congregation.
Song, Glorious Song Music, the Food of Heavenly Love, is Our destiny – Now and Forever
Restoring Psalms to Worship
This article wants to encourage the singing of psalms in weekly public worship.
Instrumental Music in Worship?
A Playlist for Anxious and Hurting Disciples
How can the church serve the hurting and broken through its liturgical music? Singing only victory songs does injustice to God's people. This article explains that the church in its worship services should learn to sing four types of songs.
The Importance of Music in the Church
According to Colossians 3:16 singing should be a form of teaching and admonishing one another. This article discusses this by looking at the content of what the church sings and the manner of singing.
Why I Didn't Sing When I Visited Your Church
How is singing in your church service? This article looks at hindrances that make it difficult for visitors to participate in church singing.
Music and Hymns in History!
The Role of Singing in Worship
Improving Congregational Singing
"I" in Psalms and Hymns
Why We Sing Old Testament Psalms
This article gives a historical overview of Psalm singing from the Bible and church history. Psalm singing is an important way of expressing love for God's word.
Sing Praise to the Lord – But Why Sing Psalms?
The Sung Prayers
Church Music
Why Should We Sing all 150 Psalms?
Should the church still sing the Psalms today? Are they not songs of the old covenant? God's church is called to sing all the Psalms. In singing the Psalms, we learn about the life God calls us to, the beauty of Christ, and the justice of God. Singing the Psalms will also enrich God's church to think about some topics which may be difficult. In singing Psalms, we sing God's word back to Him.
Singing the Psalms With the Psalmist
Looking at Hebrews 2:11-12 and Psalm 22, the author shows how Jesus is the Psalmist who leads His church to sing about His work. The work of Jesus invokes gratitude and thankfulness in the believer's heart. Not only is the work of Jesus the reason for singing Psalms, but Jesus Himself joins His church in singing.
Improving the Psalter: Has the Time Come?
Singing the Imprecatory Psalms
Should the church sing Psalms which pronounce curses on others? This article shows that singing imprecatory Psalms teaches God's people the true fear of God, reminds them of God's justice, and teaches them to rejoice in God's judgment.
Various Reformed Traditions of Psalm-Singing
Linking the Reformed tradition to Psalm singing, this article looks at the practice of Psalm singing in churches around the world.
"Through Endless Ages Sound His Praise:" The History of Psalm-Singing in the Church
This article traces the history of Psalm singing from the Old and New Testament, through the early church, through the Reformation, up to the present day. The author shows how the restoration of singing Psalms in corporate worship has been a blessing to God's church.
O Come Let Us Worship (6): Praising the Lord in the Congregation
This series of articles is about the elements of the worship service. Here the author looks at corporate singing during worship. Corporate singing has a characteristic of dialogue, and comes as a response to God's word.
O Come Let Us Worship (5): Praising the Lord in the Congregation
This series of articles is about the elements of the worship service. Here the author looks at the significance of singing in worship, discussing the goal, necessity and nature of corporate singing.
The Afscheiding’s Commitment to Psalm-Singing
Is the singing of hymns a deviation from God’s word? This article discusses the viewpoint of the Secession churches (of the Netherlands in the 1900's) on the singing of Psalms and hymns in the worship service.
Musical Instruments and Musicians in Worship: A Confessional Perspective
Rediscovering the Psalms
Worshipping With the Elders (in Heaven)
Looking at Revelation 5, this article shows how prayer, singing and the congregational amen are vital to Christian worship.
Luther and Calvin on Music and Worship
This article shows that John Calvin and Martin Luther shared the same conviction: that restoring singing to God's people is part of restoring true worship. The author shows how their differing starting principles led to their different views on the place of hymns and psalms in a worship service, as well as the place of musical instruments.