Prophetic Protest against Poverty The Old Testament Prophets on Rich and Poor
Poverty, Prosperity, And The Gospel
Cross-Shaped Giving
A Wallet Full of the Wrong Money Read: Luke 12:13-21
I Wish I Was Rich
What would you do if you were rich? This article argues that the better question is what you are doing with what you have now. Are you exercising stewardship? Generosity isn’t about how much you have, but what you do with the bit you do have.
1 Timothy 6:17 – How to Be Rich
Christians know that wealth is a gift of God, and therefore they do not have to feel guilty about being rich. At the same time the Bible warns against being deceived by wealth. From 1 Timothy 6:17 this article discusses ways in which Christians can learn to live with their wealth.
1 Timothy 6:17-19 – Learning to Be Rich
Is 1 Timothy 6:17-19 meant for the rich only? Who is rich? This article argues that this text is meant for you also because you are rich.
Jesus Loves the Rich
Can the rich be saved? This article shows that Jesus cares and loves the rich too.
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John Calvin: A Man of Compassion
In this article, the author shows how John Calvin was a man of compassion. John Calvin's self-denial, charity, and enjoyment is also discussed. Calvin's view of the poor and the rich, and his view on economics is also mentioned by the author.