Church History And New Testament Studies
What are students for the ministry being taught at seminary? This article looks at two subjects that students must study: the New Testament, and church history.
What are students for the ministry being taught at seminary? This article looks at two subjects that students must study: the New Testament, and church history.
This article looks at the rise of Jacob Arminius and Arminianism as events that necessitated the Synod of Dort.
Who has the responsibility to educate children? This question can only be answered through listening to God’s call to parents. This is what the author argues for, that an understanding of the covenant has great bearing for the education of children. The author shows how Christian schools play a role in keeping the parents responsible for the education. It extends a call to all parents to heed to this rather than throw the responsibility to the government.
The Reformation taught that God gives each believer a calling that is distinct but not separate from the call unto salvation. Therefore the Christian life requires faithfulness to the specific calling that God gives each believer.
Prayer is a gift of God to his covenant people. Therefore, to understand the nature of prayer, one must understand the nature of the covenant. The article explains this, showing how this understanding shapes the practice of the believer in prayer.
God’s covenant of grace is the basis of Christian education. This article gives five things that should not be the basis of a Christian school. Then it shows how the covenant shapes an understanding of Christian education.
From Acts 13:1-4 this article shows that the Holy Spirit is the one who prepares the church for mission work and gives the call to a missionary. This article also shows the character of the church that engages in mission work.
Regarding the authority of Scripture, some have argued that it depends on the Bible's content, and as such, the Bible is inspired only as far as its main message is concerned. This article defends the full authorith of God's Word, which meant for the Reformers that one may preach from any passage with the confidence that it is the inspired Word of God.
The biggest threat facing Christian education is the influence of humanism. Why is it a threat? It is because at the core of humanism is the belief that man is the measure of all things. This article shows that to face this enemy, the Christian teacher has been given faith, Scripture and the covenant as tools.
This article explains that a big challenge facing Christian school teachers is the influence of humanism on students, parents, and teachers themselves.
The biggest threat facing Christian education is the influence of humanism. Why is it a threat? At the core of humanism is the belief that man is the measure of all things. Looking at the Humanist Manifesto, this article gives five characteristic of humanism.
This article shows that the presupposition behind the writing of the Heidelberg Catechism was that God has determined a covenant of grace.
To have Christian schools, one must have Christian teachers. This article highlights the need for an institution to train such teachers for the purpose of Christian education.
This articles shows that Christian schools are necessitated by God's covenant call to parents to raise His children in the truth of His character and works. The responsibility for Christian education lies with parents, and therefore parents are called to contribute to the financing of Christian schools. The article supports this argument with scripture and the history of the Reformation.
This articles shows that Christian schools are necessitated by God's covenant call to parents to raise His children in the truth of His character and works. The responsibility for Christian education lies with parents, and therefore parents are called to contribute to the financing of Christian schools. The article supports this argument with scripture and the history of the Reformation.
This trilogy of articles are an exposition of 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 about prayer. Those involved in the ministry must be prayed for. The nature of their work requires it, because of the importance of the work and the abundance of temptations and difficulties facing them.
This trilogy of articles are an exposition of 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 about prayer. Those involved in the ministry must be prayed for. The nature of their work requires it, because of the importance of the work and the abundance of temptations and difficulties facing them.
This trilogy of articles are an exposition of 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 about prayer. Those involved in the ministry must be prayed for. The nature of their work requires it, because of the importance of the work and the abundance of temptations and difficulties facing them.
Family worship is what distinguishes a Christian home from other homes. In this article, the author shows that the place of the Bible, prayer and praise at home is crucial. The author also shows that Christian schools are not meant to replace family instruction.
In striving against the Remonstrants - the heirs of Arminian heresy - the synod that met in Dordrecht in 1618/19 was fighting for church unity. False doctrine divides the church. The synod understood that church unity can only be attained on the basis of the truth. This truth must be embraced and confessed by the true church.
"I believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic church." This confession was wholeheartedly embraced by the reformers. The reformers confessed that true unity can only be found in the truth of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Scriptures. This article calls today’s church to follow in the reformers' footsteps.
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. If this is so, then the confessions must be binding, and discipline must be exercised on those who depart from them.
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. This article focuses on what the Form of Subscription requires from individuals.
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. This article focuses on the history behind the Form of Subscription.
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. This article focuses on the importance of adhering to the Reformed confessions.
How can believers be certain that Jesus will return? It is certain that Jesus will come again, because Jesus is controlling everything in this world to advance the day of His coming. Secondly, Jesus' first coming serves as a sign, since it was a fulfillment of prophesy. Similarly, the second coming of Jesus and judgment day has been prophesied.
What is the relationship between believers and the seminary? The author makes it clear that believers serve the seminary and the seminary serves believers. The one cannot exist without the other. The seminary is the work of the church preparing ministers of the Gospel, and true faith depends on the preaching of the Gospel, which is what makes the believer. In this sense seminary and saints are sine qua non.
What is the relationship between believers and the seminary? The author makes it clear that believers serve the seminary and the seminary serves believers. The one cannot exist without the other. The seminary is the work of the church preparing ministers of the Gospel, and true faith depends on the preaching of the Gospel, which is what makes the believer. In this sense seminary and saints are sine qua non.
Christians confess with one voice that they "believe in a holy catholic church" - a confession which highlights the importance of pursuing church unity. Why is church unity so crucial? Why must it be pursued? This article discusses the benefits of church unity.
Christians confess with one voice that they "believe in a holy catholic church" - a confession which highlights the importance of pursuing church unity. Church unity must be pursued based on the truth of scripture and the confessional foundation of the church. In seeking unity, a distinction must be made between essential and non-essential doctrines. Examples from John Calvin are given to demonstrate this.
Christians confess with one voice that they "believe in a holy catholic church" - a confession which highlights the importance of pursuing church unity. Church unity is found in the truth of scripture and is based on the confessional foundation of the church. However, subscribing to the same confessions does not guarantee church unity.
Christians confess with one voice that they "believe in a holy catholic church" - a confession which highlights the importance of pursuing church unity. At the time of the Reformation, the reformers strove for unity in the church. However, the church still divided. Why did this occur?
Christians confess with one voice that they "believe in a holy catholic church" - a confession which highlights the importance of pursuing church unity. The reformers Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli loved and laboured for church unity. In their struggle with the Roman Catholic Church, especially in relation to the doctrine of the Lord’s Supper, these men were always motivated by a desire for the unity of the church.
Christians confess with one voice that they "believe in a holy catholic church" - a confession which highlights the importance of pursuing church unity. This article lays out the biblical grounds behind the Christian's obligation to seek church unity. The author also provides a historical survey of the early church and how she sought this unity.
There is nothing so painful to Christians as witnessing the separation of Christ church. This author maintains, however, that sometimes separation is the way to obey Christ. This article looks at the influence of rationalism, biblical criticism and the church and state relationship in the Netherlands leading up to the Secession of 1834.
What are pastors being taught at seminary? This article looks at two subjects which pastors in training must study: 1. The Greek of the New Testament and the appropriate exegesis of the New Testament, and 2. Church history.
John Wycliffe was called the forerunner of the Reformation. What caused him to have that title? This article focuses on the struggle Wycliffe faced within the Roman Catholic Church. His view of the church and God’s predestination caused him to stand up against the heresy and corruption within the Roman Catholic Church.
Who has the responsibility to educate children? A proper understanding of the covenant has great implications for the education of children. This article shows how Christian schools play a role in keeping parents responsible for education. The author extends a call to parents to heed to this call rather than leave the responsibility to government.
This article is about communication in the church. The author looks at differences in the church, listening and our convictions, pride, and suspicions in the church.
This article looks at John Calvin's idea of women in the office of deacon (deaconess).