Our Debt to Dort
The church owes a debt to the Synod of Dort for the contribution it made in four areas: Bible translation, church order, liturgy, and Sabbath observation.
The church owes a debt to the Synod of Dort for the contribution it made in four areas: Bible translation, church order, liturgy, and Sabbath observation.
This article focuses on the role that John Wycliffe played for the translation of the English Bible. The background to this work, and the opposition to and impact of this translation are examined.
Preaching is central to Reformed worship. This article shows that this was at the heart of the Reformation, and it gives three reasons why preaching is important.
Congregational prayer is part of the worship of God’s people, so it must receive proper attention. This article looks at the role of the minister and congregation in congregational prayer.
The article looks at what the Reformed creeds teach in relation to postmillennialism and premillennialism. It shows that the creedal stance is amillennialism.
Various reasons are given to compel the church to accept homosexuality as normal, such as, "You must not judge, you must love others, you must forgive." This article evaluates these reasons, and shows that homosexuality is a sin.
Those who left the Hervormde Kerk in 1886 did so out of great grief. Thus, their separation became known as the Doleantie. This article sketches the picture of this separation and the role which Abraham Kuyper played in it.
The great theme of the Heidelberg Catechism is comfort - comfort found in our Saviour Jesus Christ.
During the Reformation, the need for Christian schools was acknowledged. Supporting this historical legacy, this article puts the covenant obligation upon parents to establish such schools. The author also shows how Reformed Christian education can be promoted in a practical way.
During the Reformation, the need for Christian schools was acknowledged. Supporting this historical legacy, this article puts the covenant obligation upon parents to establish such schools. The author also shows how Reformed Christian education can be promoted in a practical way.
During the Reformation, the need for Christian schools was acknowledged. Supporting this historical legacy, this article puts the covenant obligation upon parents to establish such schools. The author also shows how Reformed Christian education can be promoted in a practical way.
One of the battles which resulted in the formation of the Christian Reformed Church was that members of Freemasons where allowed to be church members of the Reformed Church of America. This led to members separating from this church and forming the Christian Reformed Church.
This article shows that the infallibility of Scripture rests on its claim that it is the Word of God. This article discusses the Old Testament account of this claim, focusing on the claim of the Psalms.
This article shows that the infallibility of scripture rests on its claim that it is the word of God. This article discusses the Old Testament account of this claim, focusing on the claim of the Psalms.
This article shows that the infallibility of Scripture rests on its claim that it is the word of God. This article discusses the Old Testament account of this claim, focusing on the claim of the prophets.
The infallibility of Scripture rests on its claim that it is the word of God. This article discusses the Old Testament account of this claim, focusing on the first five books.
Looking at Romans 3:2, this article shows that the infallibility of Scripture rests on its claim that it is the oracle of God—the means through which God speaks to his people.
Looking at Romans 3:2, this article shows that the infallibility of Scripture rests on its claim that it is the oracle of God - the means through which God speaks to His people.
This article shows that the infallibility of Scripture rests in the self-authentication characteristic of Scripture. The Bible claims divine authorship.
This article looks at four different approaches to the inspiration of Scripture: denying inspiration, believing in partial inspiration, adding something extra to Scripture, or accepting Scripture as the inspired word of God. The author also discusses the relationship between inspiration and revelation, showing what it means to confess biblical inspiration.
This article focuses on God's revelation through both general revelation and special revelation. After examining the meaning of each, the author shows that the reason God provided man with general revelation was to leave no excuse for man's disbelief.
The only way in which God can be known is through His self-revelation. Man cannot get to know God through his own effort. God reveals Himself to man because of the covenant that He made with mankind. In this article the author highlights some modern threats to gaining this knowledge of God; namely, agnosticism, skepticism, rationalism, and mysticism.
It was Martin Bucer’s influence on Calvin which made him to return to Geneva with the mandate to restore church discipline there. Despite opposition, John Calvin was not deterred. Calvin restored the church to be self-governing and independent. Discipline should be applied both to life and doctrine, with no exceptions for office bearers. This article gives three reasons for discipline in the church.
Not only did the Secession of 1834 involve a restoration of true church doctrine, but it also involved a restoration of biblical church government. Through the Secession, God led many churches to return to the Church Order of Dordt and biblical church polity.
This article looks at the task of deacons: their work with the poor, with unbelievers, distribution of the alms and offerings, and deacon visitations.
This article on the task of the professors of theology, also looks at theological training and the theological seminary.
In this article on the appointment of deacons, the author also gives a historical overview of the office of deacon as well as a discussion on deaconesses.
This article on congregational prayer is about public prayer in the church. This article looks at the minister in public prayer in the public worship service. The Scripture passage 1 Timothy 2:1 is also discussed.
This article is about Luther's struggle to come to the understanding of justification by faith alone.
The church must preach the will of God with respect to the obedience owed the state, and the church must make plain the will of God for government. What tasks does God give to government? What calling does the government have towards the citizens? When does government overstep its calling? The author looks at the state as the servant of God.
In these articles about the Christian and work, the author focuses on labour, laziness, idleness and rest. The relation of work and sustenance and charity is also mentioned. The author also discusses our career from a Christian viewpoint, as a divine vocation. What is the purpose of work?
This article on Joshua 4 is about the task the people of God have to remember the deeds of God. A Memorial is always there for teaching, especially the teaching of children about the deeds of God.
"Luther knew people because he knew himself." This article is about Luther's pastoral care, specifically to the youth. The author also discusses the fifth commandment and the education of the youth.
This article on family visitation looks at the oversight of elders in the church, the history and purpose and methods of house visitation, and the benefits of family visitation.
This article is about the care of the church for her theological students and student aid for theological students.
This article is about loneliness and aloneness, the closeness and presence of God, and hospitality in the church.
This article on student preaching, is about a theological student and the permission to preach in the churches.
This article is about the election of elders and deacons in their office in the church. This article also looks at the methods of election.