For every look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ.
Love's Illusion True Self-esteem does indeed set us on the Right Path
Say No to Yourself So You Can Say Yes to Jesus
What does self-denial really mean? This article explores the meaning, and also considers what we are to deny, and how to practice denying yourself in an age of self-fulfillment.
The Sum of the Christian Life: The Denial of Ourselves
This article is an excerpt from John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, dealing with the Christian philosophy of self-denial.
How We Wage Battle against Sin, Satan and Ourselves
Self-Denial Defined
For young people, being guided by scripture is crucial to avoiding the danger of worldly self-affirmation. In fact, scripture calls for self-denial, which is contrary to the desire to live by your own will.
A Cross-Shaped Life
This article shows that living a "cross-shaped life" is living with an understanding that following Jesus means death and self-denial, as well as joy. A Christian is someone who lives with the experience of all three of these things.
Running the Race
The Lord's Will … for the Lord's Day
Lord’s Supper: An Attitude of Service
Handling Discouragement - Part 1
These two articles are about handling pessimism and criticism in ministry. Pride as a danger for the minister is also discussed, as well as the self-watch and self-denial of the minister. These two articles also focuses on encouragement for the ministry.
John Calvin: A Man of Compassion
In this article, the author shows how John Calvin was a man of compassion. John Calvin's self-denial, charity, and enjoyment is also discussed. Calvin's view of the poor and the rich, and his view on economics is also mentioned by the author.