Elders in Every Town
Nine Ways Your Church Can Help Your Pastor Continue to Grow
Your church has a role to play in the spiritual growth of your pastor. Here are nine things.
Should You Preach from a Full Manuscript?
Three Reasons Every Pastor Needs to Be a Theologian
This article argues that every pastor needs to be a theologian in his work. It explains how the Enlightenment reshaped the pastoral role away from the Christian academy, and then provides three reasons why it is valuable for the church to recover a vision of the pastor-theologian for the local church: it is biblical, historical, and necessary.
Christian Leadership Part 10: The Efficient Administrator A Man with a File
Christian Leadership Part 8: The Wise Communicator A Man with a Microphone
Christian Leadership Part 6: The Courageous Captain A Man with a Banner
Christian Leadership Part 5: The Patient Shepherd A Man with a Staff
Christian Leadership Part 4: The Humble Servant, Part 2
Christian Leadership Part 3: The Humble Servant, Part 1
Christian Leadership Part 2: Introduction to Leadership
Christian Leadership Part 1: Introduction to Leadership
Five Tasks Every Pastor Needs to Do Today (and Every Day)
This article considers five aspects of pastoral ministry. It states that a pastor needs to watch himself, watch his teaching, preach Jesus Christ, do personal work, and minister to the community.
Your Ministry Is Not Your Identity
What are temptations for the pastor? One would be to find your identity in your ministry.
Why Should a Pastor Use All His Vacation Time Each Year?
This article gives a few reasons why a pastor ought to use all his vacation time each year: it would be for him, his family, and his church.
Five Things to Focus on in Your First Year in Ministry
This article offers wisdom for a pastor in the first year of his ministry: spend time getting to know the flock, do not try and change things, work hard at preaching and teaching, pray for God's help and be patient, and work on being healthy.
Pastoring a Dying Church
This article considers what is the pastor's best approach when entering a dysfunctional, dying congregation: be a pastor to the flock.
Why a Pastor's Spiritual Life Matters
This article offers seven reasons for a pastor to pursue devotion to God.
A Welcome Word Eight Ways to Encourage Your Pastor
Friendly Fire in the Church
How is a pastor to deal with attacks from fellow ministry leaders, or even members of the flock? This article provides a list of eight points to consider when false accusations, unfair criticism, and slander come at the pastor.
Life as a Shepherd Leader
What should be the priorities of a pastor? This article answers by considering the role of shepherds. It discusses how the kings of Israel often failed to serve as shepherds, but how the Lord Jesus was the perfect shepherd of his sheep. The article issues a call to imitate the Chief Shepherd.
Feed My Sheep The Shepherd is the Main Biblical Metaphor for Leaders
The Pastor's Calling (Part 2)
This article explains how the pastor's calling is theological. The author shows from the New Testament, particularly Paul's letters to Timothy, that the reading, teaching, preaching, and study of Scripture are all inherently theological.
The Pastor as Theologian (Part 1)
This article laments the transformation of theology into an academic discipline more associated with the university than the church. The author speaks of the need for the pastor in the local church to function as a theologian.
Friendships in the Ministry
Ministering to Our Ministers
Seven Things to Remember before You Quit a Pastorate
Studies have shown that the average pastor quits a church within his first five years of ministry there. This article offers seven things that every pastor must remember when tempted to quit.
Thirty Reasons Why It Is a Great Thing to Be a Pastor
Do you enjoy being a pastor? There are thirty reasons that make pastoral work great, and this article unpacks them.
How Many Hours Should Pastors Work?
Pastor, Love Your Wife
This article offers some encouragement for a pastor to love his wife by first walking with God.
Twelve Marks of Excellent Pastoral Ministry
Every true pastor wants to care for God's church in a good way. This article discusses twelve marks of good pastoral ministry.
The Work of the Pastor (Part 2)
This article offers an thorough answer to the question, "Whom does the pastor shepherd?"
The Minister’s Private Prayer
"Preacher" and "Preaching": Some Lexical Observations
In this essay, the author offers some lexical observations on the use of words like "preacher," "preaching," and "proclamation" in the New Testament. This article makes a distinction between a pastor of a local church and a preacher with a missionary calling. The use of these terms in the apostolic fathers is also noted.
Preaching to People: Confession of a Preacher
"My Pastor, A Sabbatical?"
The Perfect Pastor
Shepherding the Flock
The Service of Leading
Using an example from the world of music, this author illustrates the kind of commitment and humility that is required in leaders. These qualities are required in pastors as leaders of the church, and fit with Ephesians 4:15-16.
Gospel-centered Pastoral Counselling
How to Handle Criticism as Pastors
Keep it Confidential
Beginning Well in the Ministry
Calvin as a Model for Reformed Ministers Today (2)
Calvin as a Model for Reformed Ministers Today (1)
The Courage of the Minister of the Word (1)
The Making of the Minister (2)
The Making of the Minister (1)
After seeing how difficult a calling the ministry can be, why would anyone want to be a minister? This article answers that God makes the pastor, and prepares the way for him from childbirth. The apostle Paul is an illustration of this. It is God's power that makes men useful to his ministry. A minister will therefore not be proud, since he is only an instrument of God's hand.
The Work of the Minister of the Word
What is the work of the pastor? This article maintains that a fundamental aspect of the work of the minister is teaching doctrine (1 Timothy 4:13). The author describes what it means to teach doctrine and what this teaching should look like. In order to fulfill this task, the pastor must also value reading.
The Meekness Required in the Servant of God (2)
The Meekness Required in the Servant of God (1)
Ministerial Depression
The Minister of the Word
1 Corinthians 4:1 - Choosing Your Preacher
Preaching – A Divine Calling
Guidance for Ministers
An Under Shepherd
The Steward
A Question of Priorities
Looking at 1 Timothy 4:16, this article shows how the pastor should set priorities in his life.
On Choosing a Seminary
Pastors: Some Implications From Paul's Defence
The Trouble with Ministers: Adultery and Alcoholism
Caring for Your Pastor
Pastoring the Dying and the Mourning
Church Offices in Historic Reformed Doctrine
The Primacy of Preaching
The Minister and His Relaxation
Pastoral Care of the Terminally Ill
The Pastor as Attorney
The Pastor and His Health
Ten Years On: A Happy Pastorate
Raised Up by The Lord
This article is about the call to the ministry and the pastor's internal and external call (the call from God and the call from the church).
Lessons from Genevan Presbyterianism
This article looks at the church government principles of John Calvin and the Genevan Church Order. The article also focuses on the position of the pastors and elders, and the importance of church discipline.
Ministering to Your Pastor
Church members are prone to forget that their pastor is one of them. Here is a reminder about how to minister to your pastor and what you can hope for as a result.
Gildas Salvianas Redevivus - The Reformed Pastor, Richard Baxter
This article is a reflection on Richard Baxter's The Reformed Pastor. This work discusses the nature of the pastor's task in the congregation.