Psalm 95 - Aspects of the New Testament Sabbath Psalm 95 as Interpreted by Hebrews 3-4
Perfect Sabbath-Keeping
From Sabbath to Lord's Day
How to be a Good Steward of Your Time
Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Restlessness
Sabbath and the Tenth Commandment: Exodus 20:17
Worshipping the Lord of the Sabbath
This article explains that the Old Testament Sabbath, an institution of the Lord at creation, has enduring significance for the church after Christ. God as Creator and Redeemer calls his people still today to rest on the Lord's Day.
The Fourth Commandment The Ten Commandments Series: Part 4
Seven Things to Remember
Identity Crisis The Bible Mandates the Lord’s Day, a Blessing to Believers
Why Keep the Lord's Day?
Our Continuing Obligation to Keep the Sabbath
Ten, Nine, ......
Proper Sabbath Observance: The Sojourner's Sabbath
This is an article on the Sabbath—what it means for believers, how it has developed throughout history, and how we should observe the Sabbath today.
Discovering God's Will: Paley's Problem with Special Reference to "the Christian Sabbath"
This article wants to consider the value of William Paley (1743-1805), Archdeacon of Carlisle, as Christian ethicist. Paley propagated theological utilitarianism that raises fundamental questions about the relationship between faith and ethics. Paley's problem was how to discover the will of God.
The Signs of the Covenant
How Rest Is Restored – Sabbath & Jesus’ Redemption in the New Testament
To obey God's commandment about resting on the Sabbath is a matter of a change of heart. For it is only in Christ that true rest is restored. This article explains the implication of this for keeping the weekly Sabbath.
Why People Can’t Rest – Human Nature Revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures
John 7:22-23 – Circumcision and Perfection: A Johannine Equation
In John 7:22-23 Jesus defends himself against accusations because of his healing of a paralytic on the Sabbath. In this essay the author traces the logic of Jesus' actions. The need to be perfect and the urgency of the circumcision on the Sabbath are explored.
Calling the Sabbath a Delight
The Right Use of the Lord's Day
This article gives a synopsis of the biblical data on the Sabbath, as well as some thoughts on what we should and should not do on the Sunday.
Grain-Gleaning and Sheep-Rescuing: Sabbath Works of Necessity
What about the 4th Commandment?
Keeping the Sabbath An Aid to Worship
Christ's Resurrection & the Change of the Sabbath Day
Guidelines for Sanctifying the Lord's Day
On the Sabbath
This is a study on the fourth commandment and its implications for the believer today. It looks at the meaning of Sabbath through the whole of Scripture in an attempt to show what the Christian attitude should be towards the Sabbath.
Affirmation of the Christian Sabbath
The Lord's Day is intended to secure rest, blessing, and delight for the Christian. This article shows how keeping the Sabbath brings that, and it gives practical suggestions to keeping the Sunday.
Celebrating the Sabbath? Biblical Principles and Practice Regarding the Lord’s Day
Nicea: Jacob and Esau Come of Age
From Holy Day to Holiday
Rest or Stress 4th Commandment
Continental Lord's Day versus Westminster Sabbath
O Day of Rest and Gladness...or Burden and Sorrow?
An Analysis of Calvin's Sermons on the Fourth Commandment
Sunday: The Lord's Glorious Day (A Resource)
Sunday Celebration and Working on Sunday
A Mother Looks at the Sabbath Observance
Sunday Labor
Observing the Sabbath begins with a clear understanding that God's people have been sanctified in Christ. Since they are set aside for God, God’s people can dedicate the Sunday to the Lord. This article discusses why the church needs the Lord’s Day, and looks at the topic of working on a Sunday.
The Sabbath and the Covenant
According to Exodus 31:13, the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant. In order to properly understand the meaning of the Sabbath, one must understand the nature of the covenant God gave His people. The Sabbath is given by God as a reminder of the everlasting Sabbath. In heaven it will always be Sabbath.
The Synod of Dordrecht and the Sabbath
Together with other issues, the Synod of Dordrecht faced some concerns around the keeping of the Sabbath. The Synod of Dort had to decide what to do with the threat of not keeping the Lord's Day, and what to do with those who think that keeping the Sabbath is not required by God. The church today faces these same questions.
The Westminster Standards: A Comprehensive Treatment of the Sabbath
Looking at the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21, this article argues that the fourth commandment concerning the Sabbath is a universal command. The author places the Westminster Confession of Faith in its historical context, looking at how it's perspective on the Lord's Day was received by the people.
Nehemiah 13:15-18 - Judah’s Profaning the Sabbath
Nehemiah 13:15-18 reveals how Judah profaned the Sabbath. This article looks at what contributed to this sin and provides reasons why keeping the Sabbath was so crucial for God’s people. The author discusses what it meant to not keep the Sabbath, and how Christians today should view the Sunday.
Why on Sunday
God's Special Day
Why Easter Makes Me a Sabbatarian
The Sabbath is a part of salvation history, since God will bring His people to eternal rest. This article shows how Sabbath finds its meaning and fulfillment in Christ, demonstrating that the fourth commandment is still applicable to the church today.
A Primer on the Lord's Day
Rehearsing Rest: The Sabbaths
How to Spend the Sabbath Profitably
The Sabbath
The Command We Love to Keep
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21:7
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21:7 is about Lord's Day and Sabbath.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21:8
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21:8 is about the Sabbath.
Keeping the Sabbath
Colossians 2 – Is the Sabbath Permanent?
The Lord's Day: A Test Case
No Scissors on the Sabbath
Deuteronomy 15 - Living under the Laws of Exodus-Sabbath
Revived by Sabbath Revival
This article states the case for the Biblical Sabbath and how we should keep it.
The Sabbath Institution
This article is about the obligation, the sanctity and the observance of the Sabbath.