How Economic Profits Relate to the Creation Mandate
This article discusses the relationship between faith and the areas of economics and human flourishing. It first shows how a biblical perspective affects how we view the dramatic changes in global population and wealth. Then it evaluates corporate profits through a biblical lens. It addresses the question of how the cultural mandate applies to believers in a new economic environment. Finally, it considers three points of application.
Studying ... Economics?
If economics is the study of resource allocation, how should Christians approach this study? This article explains the challenges and benefits of studying economics as Christian.
Twelve Theses on a Christian Understanding of Economics
Is there a Christian approach to economics? There are twelve principles that shape a Christian understanding of economics, which makes it possible to talk about Christian economics.
How Basic Economics and Effective Church Leadership Go Together
Is there a relationship between economics and church leadership? If you see economics as stewardship, then there are some lessons to take from economics. An economically wise church leadership requires that out of all the ministry opportunities before you, allocate your limited resources to the most effective ministry opportunities.
The Globalization of Hermeneutics
What is the globalization of hermeneutics? According to Blomberg there are five topics that consistently recur with greater frequency than any others in biblical studies: liberation theology, feminism, economics, religious pluralism, and the contextualization of the gospel.
The Weber Thesis – Religion and Economic Action
Revelation 6:5-6 – The Black Horseman
A Christian Approach to Economics
Sphere Sovereignty
A Judeo-Christian defense of free enterprise?
Interview with Dr. Bob Goudzwaard
A Christian Perspective on Economics
Just Prices Today
Hartropp looks at the inadequacies of neo-classical economics. He compares it to the great Christian tradition of just price theory and examines the resurgence of just price economics in the Fair Trade Movement. Prices paid and received in markets should reflect justice to all the participants. Prices can be too low or too high.
John Calvin: A Man of Compassion
In this article, the author shows how John Calvin was a man of compassion. John Calvin's self-denial, charity, and enjoyment is also discussed. Calvin's view of the poor and the rich, and his view on economics is also mentioned by the author.