The Elders in Jerusalem in the Book of Acts
"I Do Not Want a Home Visit" The refusal to receive pastoral care by the pastor or elders
Aspects of the Home Visit Conversation
A comprehensible sermon
A contemporary sermon
The text and the sermon
Pastor and teacher in the pulpit
The Sermon: What May we Expect?
Protocol for Communication with the Session
Biblical Eldership
The Institution of Eldership and Its Task
Home Visits – Questions for Children
Character of Home Visits
Spiritual Leadership in Church Planting
Perspectives from the Past: Dickson on Elder Visitation
"In the Multitude of Counsellors"
Elders and Deacons as Biblical Counsellors
Biblical Eldership – The Manner of the Work
Biblical Eldership: The Mandate of the Work
Well Ruled Who shall Lead, Teach and Pastor the Church? Scripture is Clear
Setting the Standard Why Elders, the Biblical Model, Provide the Best Government
Leadership in the Church
What should church leadership look like? This article first discusses New Testament terms for church leaders, such as apostles, elders, and deacons, and then explains that elders are called to rule God's church, and should be men, not women.
Elders Who Know the Sheep
What is the necessary knowledge that elders must have of their sheep? This article shows that there are three essential areas.
Called to Rule
Elders are called to give oversight in the church. This work includes exercising church discipline. This article shows that church discipline is broader and narrower. It discusses aspects of the broader discipline that must constitute the work of elders.
Esteeming the Elders Very Highly for Their Word’s Sake
Elders have a duty towards the church based on the calling Christ have them. However, this article shows that the church also has a duty towards elders, to respect the authority of office-bearers for the sake of Christ.
Is Luke an Exponent of "Early Protestantism"? Church Order in the Lukan Writings
How does Luke represent Christian leadership in the early church? Giles finds it inappropriate to regard the ecclesiology of Luke as "early catholic." He emphasizes that those would lead in the Christian community are not rulers but servants.
Ten Things You Should Know about Church Elders
This article reflects on some of the New Testament data concerning elders.
1 Timothy 5:17-18 – Worthy of Double Honor
This article is a study on 1 Timothy 5:17-18. Focus is given to the work of elders and the honour they must be given.
Comforting the Bereaved
Shepherding the Flock of God
Five Ugly Qualities of the Anti-Elder
There are many pastors who should not be pastors, and many elders who have no business being elders. It is for this reason that God told his church how it can discern the anti-elder type. This article gives five qualities of such a person, inferring them from 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
Do Not Admit a Charge against an Elder, Except...
Should elders be treated different from other believers according to 1 Timothy 5:9? This article explains what it means not to admit a charge against an elder, and what implications it has for the church and their expectations on pastors.
Looking for Leaders
This article helps us to consider how to go about nominating office-bearers in the church. It discusses what office-bearers—elders and deacons—are called to do, and what qualifications for leadership they are required to have. In relation to this, consideration is given to 1 Timothy 3.
Authority in the Church
Should I Tell the Pastor?
The Role of Office-Bearers
Office-bearers are given by Christ to his church to equip the saints. This article looks at the biblical foundation for the role of elders and deacons, their qualifications and duties, with texts such as 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
Principles behind Reformed Church Polity (2)
Church polity seeks to answer the question: how does Christ want things done in his church? This article shows that Jesus Christ rules his church through the office of elders. It discusses the shift of authority from the apostles to office-bearers.
Elders as Shepherds of the Church of God
Respect Your Elders
The article discusses the application of the commandment to respect and submit to elders. This is done with the help of the text in 1 Peter 5.
What Do They Do…? A Look at Two Things the Elders Do
Elders: Their Character and Calling
The Elder and Church Government
Reflections on Pastoral Care to the Elderly
The High Calling to Shepherd Small Souls
The Offices and the Congregation
The Officebearer and Young People
Inquiring after the Faith
Equipping to Feed the Church of God
Who Runs This Church?
This article is about the fourth membership vow: "Do you agree to submit in the Lord to the government of this church and, in case you should be found delinquent in doctrine or life, to heed its discipline?" Who runs the church? Jesus is the only king and head of the church. How does he rule the church? He delegates his authority to pastors and elders and reigns through His Word and Spirit.
The Qualification of the Office of Elder (5): Married, With Children? Not Necessarily
This series of articles looks at the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This article focuses specifically on 1 Timothy 3:2-4. Must a man be married and have children in order to serve as an elder? Can unmarried men or married men without children also serve?
The Qualifications of the Office of Elder (4): The Elder's Blamelessness
This series of articles looks at the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This article discusses what it means that elders must be blameless.
The Qualification of the Office of Elder (3): Adult Males - The Scriptural Defense
This series of articles looks at the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This article discusses whether women can be office-bearers, concluding that God only calls men to serve as elders in the church.
The Qualification of the Office of Elder (2): Adult Males
This series of articles looks at the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This article discusses whether women can be office-bearers, concluding that God only calls men to serve as elders in the church.
The History of the Office of Elder (6): After the Reformation
The History of the Office of Elder (5): Restored During the Reformation Era
In order to rightly understand the office of elder, one must know the development of this office throughout history. This article looks at the struggle during the Reformation to restore God's church to be as He wants it. This struggle also included the fight for the restoration of the office of elders.
The History of the Office of Elder (4): After the Apostolic Age
The History of the Office of Elder (3): During the Apostolic Age
In order to rightly understand the office of elder, one must know the development of this office throughout history. This article looks at the role of elders in the New Testament. The author shows that there is a link between the Old Testament synagogue model and the formation of elders during the apostolic era.
The History of the Office of Elder (2): During and After the Babylonian Captivity
In order to rightly understand the office of elder, one must know the development of this office throughout history. This article looks at the development of this office during the Babylonian captivity, throughout the intertestamental period, and into the New Testament. The author looks at the synagogue system and the role of New Testament elders in supervising the worship service and spiritual life.
The History of the Office of Elder (1): In the Nation of Israel
In order to rightly understand the office of elder, one must know the development of this office throughout history. This article looks at the history of this office from the time of Adam, Moses, and the prophets. The author also discusses the qualifications of elders and their duty to bring God's Word.
The Nature of the Office of Elder (3): Christ’s Rule Through the Body of Elders
Jesus Christ rules His church through the office of elders. The rule of Christ takes place through the consistory – a body of elders standing together. This article provides the scriptural support for this body of elders, and shows the necessity of having a group of elders rather than one elder.
The Nature of the Office of Elder (2): The Rule of Christ
Jesus Christ rules His church through the office of elders. This presence of Christ is manifested in the work of the elders. The rule of the elders on Christ’s behalf consists of feeding, nourishing and protecting Christ's Church.
The Nature of the Office of Elder (1): The Office of Rule
Looking at the teaching of scripture and the reformed Confessions, this article defines the nature of the office of the elder. The author concludes that the nature of this office is that of rule. Elders are called to rule Christ's church on His behalf. The author closes the article by giving reasons why God instituted such an office for His church.
My Last Word: Let the Deacons Use Their Office Well
This article is a continuation of the previous articles entitled Diaconal Conferences. Considering the difficult nature of their work, this article is designed to encourage deacons to do their work faithfully and diligently. It is a call to both elders and the congregation to encourage deacons. The author also highlights that Christ promises a reward for faithful deacons - this also is a great encouragement to deacons to perform their work to the best of their abilities.
To Be or Not to Be Reformed (4): Upholding the Formula of Subscription
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. If this is so, then the confessions must be binding, and discipline must be exercised on those who depart from them.
To Be or Not to Be Reformed (3): Upholding the Formula of Subscription
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. This article focuses on what the Form of Subscription requires from individuals.
To Be or Not to Be Reformed (2): Upholding the Formula of Subscription
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. This article focuses on the history behind the Form of Subscription.
To Be or Not to Be Reformed (1): Upholding the Formula of Subscription
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. This article focuses on the importance of adhering to the Reformed confessions.
Seminary Applicants and the Role of the Elders
What is the process behind the decision of whether an individual will go to a theological seminary? This article maintains that not only is the individual himself behind the decision, but the church federation and the church elders. Elders have the responsibility to seek out and encourage suitable individuals to consider going into the ministry.
Catechism Instruction
The Elders Ask Questions
The Value of Family Visitation
The Name and Nature of Family Visitation
The Elder and the Preaching
The Elder and the Administration of Discipline
The Elder and the Visiting of the Sick
Family Visiting
Family Visit Tonight
Through Love Be Servants
Some Thoughts on Term Eldership
The Elder as Preserver and Nurturer of Life in the Covenant: What the Bible Says
Are Elders and Deacons Really Office-Bearers?
The Work of Elders
The Duties of Elders
Elders, Church Discipline
Valuable Verbs For Visiting #5: "Guard"
How Should We Train Our Future Pastors?
Home Visitation: Back to the Basics
Selecting Elders and Deacons
A Life-Supporting Atmosphere
The Bible and Church Planting: Presbyterian Structure Proposition: We Should Start New Churches with a Fully Presbyterian Structure
A Scandal to the Church The Question of Titus 1:6 and the Children of Elders
Finding the Elders We Need
Evaluating Sermon Criticism
How should the minister react to sermon criticism? This article looks at openness to and good evaluation of sermon criticism, the self-criticism of the minister, preaching supervision, and the elders and sermon criticism.
Mutual Censure in the Consistory
Election of Elders
This article is about the election of elders and deacons in their office in the church. This article also looks at the methods of election.