The Holy Spirit, His Ministry, and the Preacher of God (Part 1)
Equipping the Church
Anxiety and Depression, My Strange Friends
Do you suffer from depression and anxiety? This article shares the experience of a minister who has once suffered from anxiety and depression, and the lessons learned along the way.
Office or Profession?
Take Heed to Your Attitude to Ministry: Developing a Positive Attitude
Some ‘Musts’ of the Ministry
The Minister as a Man of God
The Minister as a Waiter
This article discusses the responsibility of the minister to serve, and it does so by showing five parallels between the minister and a waiter.
What Is a Preacher? Marks of a Healthy Church 2
Servant of God's Word: The Office of Minister
Ministering to Our Ministers
2 Timothy 4:5 – The Character of the Christian Minister
This article reflects on the character of the minister as Paul speaks of it in 2 Timothy 4:5.
You, Yes You, Are a Minister!
The Marks of a Gospel Minister
How Long in One Place? Considering the Length of Ministry
Planning for a Minister's Retirement
How can the church care best for the future needs of the minister? Proper planning for retirement is one aspect of this. This article looks at the biblical example in the Old and New Testament of the provision God commanded for the priests and Levites. Such planning is important, and can be of great benefit to the church.
Beginning Well in the Ministry
The Minister as a Physician and the Seminary as Medical School (2)
This article draws a metaphor of the minister as a physician and the seminary as medical school. Biblically a link is made between the spiritual and physical condition – sickness and healing. The minister, like a physician, must be trained to correctly diagnose and prescribe. The nature of this work requires training at seminary in order to shape the minister and teach him to use his tools well.
The Minister as a Physician and the Seminary as Medical School (1)
This article draws a metaphor of the minister as a physician and the seminary as medical school. Biblically a link is made between the spiritual and physical condition – sickness and healing. The minister, like a physician, must be trained to correctly diagnose and prescribe. The nature of this work requires training at seminary in order to shape the minister and teach him to use his tools well.
Calvin as a Model for Reformed Ministers Today (2)
Calvin as a Model for Reformed Ministers Today (1)
The Courage of the Minister of the Word (2)
The Courage of the Minister of the Word (1)
The Making of the Minister (2)
The Making of the Minister (1)
After seeing how difficult a calling the ministry can be, why would anyone want to be a minister? This article answers that God makes the pastor, and prepares the way for him from childbirth. The apostle Paul is an illustration of this. It is God's power that makes men useful to his ministry. A minister will therefore not be proud, since he is only an instrument of God's hand.
The Work of the Minister of the Word
What is the work of the pastor? This article maintains that a fundamental aspect of the work of the minister is teaching doctrine (1 Timothy 4:13). The author describes what it means to teach doctrine and what this teaching should look like. In order to fulfill this task, the pastor must also value reading.
The Meekness Required in the Servant of God (2)
The Meekness Required in the Servant of God (1)
Ministers and (Their) Mothers (2)
Motherhood is a good analogy for the work of the minister. They are great principles for the ministry embedded in the role of the mother. The author discusses this concept by looking at 1 Thessalonians 2:7.
Ministers and (Their) Mothers (1)
Motherhood is a good analogy for the work of the minister. They are great principles for the ministry embedded in the role of the mother. The author discusses this concept by looking at 1 Thessalonians 2:7.
Preaching and the Real Battle for Worship (1)
"Oh, what God is this?!" Won't it be wonderful if these are your words after hearing a sermon? Preaching should lead to worship similar to that of Revelation 4. The minister has a calling to behold God unto the church.
Apostles of Satan
There are some ministers who are actually false prophets and apostles of Satan. These preachers deny the enormity of sin, the wrath of God upon sinners, and Jesus as the only true way to God.
The Calling of Ministers in the Church
The Minister of the Word
Sermon and Prayer
Call Fatigue
Overseers of the Church
The Spirit and the Word in Preaching
The preacher, or minister, depends on the Holy Spirit to understand God's word and preach it clearly and boldly. Also, the effectiveness of preaching depends entirely on the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 4:1 - Choosing Your Preacher
Guidance for Ministers
The Church Reformed
An Under Shepherd
Gratitude for Grace in Ministry
NEEDED! Bright Young Man for Handling the Most Powerful Instrument on Earth
The Congregation's Regard for Her Preacher
Two or Three? A Look at the Reformed View of Office
Reaping Blessing from Criticism
Caring for Your Pastor
God’s Sufficiency for Inadequate Men
Looking Back – A Balanced Ministry
How Should the Pulpit Address the Pew?
Congregational Prayer
This article on congregational prayer is about public prayer in the church. This article looks at the minister in public prayer in the public worship service. The Scripture passage 1 Timothy 2:1 is also discussed.
Evaluating Sermon Criticism
How should the minister react to sermon criticism? This article looks at openness to and good evaluation of sermon criticism, the self-criticism of the minister, preaching supervision, and the elders and sermon criticism.
Preaching: The Main Duty of the Preacher
Mutual Censure in the Consistory
"If You Had Only Told Me..." What Pastors Wish Their Parishioners Would Say to Them
Preparing Young People for Marriage
Survival in the Ministry
The Minister and the Church – Biblical Attitudes
Dissolving the Minister-Congregation Relationship
Calvin and the New Protestant Pastor
How Should a Minister Address the Congregation?
More Than A Dream
The Preacher as Priest
Another Look at Article 11 of the Church Order
The Ministry and Counselling
Leave it to the Pastor
Respect and the Ministry
Authority and the Ministry
Teach with Clarity
Bible Translations and Reformed Training for the Ministry
The Ministry Today
Worship: Evangelical or Reformed?
This article is about the difference between Reformed and Evangelical worship. Two aspects are discussed: the presence of God, and the understanding of the minister's office in the worship service.
Seminary Education: Its Necessity and Importance
This article is about the requirements of the minister and the importance of theological education (theological seminary in this regard).
Handling Discouragement - Part 1
These two articles are about handling pessimism and criticism in ministry. Pride as a danger for the minister is also discussed, as well as the self-watch and self-denial of the minister. These two articles also focuses on encouragement for the ministry.