Zechariah 6:1-8 - Perfection of The Church

The prophet lifted up his eyes again. He sees two high mountains of bronze. Between these two ‘mountains is the exit of heaven, the palace of the living God. At the same ‘moment that Zechariah is lifting his eyes, four chariots come out from between the two mountains.  It means that they are coming from the throne of the LORD God.  

Zechariah 4:1-14 - Preservation of The Church

Probably during the same night, Zechariah receives a vision again like the other ones. The interpreting angel appears again and wakes up Zechariah. Zechariah seems to be like a man who is wakened out of his sleep. Zechariah then sees a golden lampstand with a bowl on top of it. ‘Above the bowl are seven lamps with seven lips on each of the lamps. A strange vision? It reminded Zechariah directly of the good old days. 

Zechariah 3:1-10 - Justification of The Church

Repeatedly there is a strong mutual connection between Zechariah's night visions. It is especially remarkable that every consecutive vision draws on the previous one so that there is an elaboration and explanation of what had been said before.  In the third vision it was said that there would be an immense ‘growth of the church so that Jerusalem would be inhabited like villages without walls because of the multitude of men and cattle in it. 

The Word of God is Not Fettered

True ecumenicity — is it possible? In many ecumenical organizations, the antithesis is forgotten and humanism (in a new form) has taken its place. Criticism of the Bible and falsification of the Scripture mark much of today's ecumenism in an alarming way. In antithesis with the Babylon of false ecumenism, the appeal is still there: “Come out of her, My people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues” (Rev. 18:4).

Preach the Word

The redemptive-historical method, which is required by Scripture itself, stands opposed to the so-called exemplary method. What exactly was the exemplary method? Briefly, it was a method of considering the meaning of all kinds of moments in biblical history in such a way that we as believers receive an example of how we are or are not to act. Especially persons in Biblical History were considered as examples for later generations. 

I Will Worship

We all know the expression taken from Lord's Day 38 of the Heidelberg Catechism, in answer to the question “What does God require in the fourth commandment?” “first that, especially on the day of rest, I diligently attend the church of God to hear God’s Word, to use the sacraments, to call publicly upon the LORD, and to give Christian offerings for the poor.”. This article pays attention to the expression “that, especially on the day of rest, I diligently attend the church of God." 

If You Confess

The ideas of “Catholic” and “Reformed” are not opposites or mutually exclusive. This claim is for the church which remained in the truth. We speak of the Catholic church as the Apostles’ Creed speaks of the “Catholic church” and in the sense of Lord's Day 21 of the Heidelberg Catechism when it states that the Son of God gathers this church out of the whole human race from the beginning to the end of the world.

He Desires a Noble Task

Among the offices which function in the Church of Jesus Christ, the office of the minister of God's Word takes an important place. It is an excellent start of the Form for the ordination (or installation) of ministers of the Word when first of all the congregation is referred to Christ Himself. I quote, “the exalted Christ gathers His church through His Word and Spirit, and in His grace uses the ministry of man”.

Response to Your Baptism: Chapter 10 – We Want to Serve the LORD

This article discusses the third question in the Continental liturgical form for profession of faith, "Do you declare that you love the Lord God and that it is your heartfelt desire to serve him according to his Word?" It shows the difference between slavery and loving service, and how thankfulness is essential to the Christian life.

Response to Your Baptism: Chapter 4 – Taught Here in This Church

This article explains the background to the phrase in the Continental liturgical form for profession of faith that calls for agreement with the doctrine "taught in this Christian church." The article states that the church is to be found where the teaching of Scripture is maintained. It provides a synopsis of the debate in the sixteenth century regarding this very matter, between Catholics and Protestants.

Response to Your Baptism: Chapter 3 – Doctrine and Life

This article considers the first question in the liturgical form for profession of faith used in the Continental tradition, "Do you wholeheartedly believe the doctrine of the Word of God, summarized in the confession and taught here in this Christian church?" It explains that "doctrine" is the teaching of the Lord, and how it is as important as lifestyle.

Redemptive-Historical Preaching Over Against Various Forms of Modern Exemplarism

This article shows the way exemplary preaching does injustice to scripture by discussing its use under liberation theology, theology of revolution, and feminism. The author shows that redemptive historical preaching is what should be emulated by pastors, since it is preaching that truly seeks to do justice to God's revelation throughout history.

For the Sake of Christ's Kingship in the Church The Significance of the Doleantie, especially from an Ecumenical Point of View

This article is about the significance of the Doleantie 1886 especially from an ecumenical point of view. The author also discusses the Doleantie and the maintenance of Reformed doctrine, and the Ecclesiastical conference of 1883 and 1887 in the Netherlands.