Would It Not Make Things Easier for Evangelism to Be a Bit Arminian Instead of Strictly Adhering to the Canons of Dort?

Why bother with mission and evangelism if God is sovereign and will thus fulfill his purpose anyway? Isn't evangelism made much more attraction in the Arminian framework, where Christ is said to have died for all mankind? This article shows this to be erroneous thinking, for the doctrine of election is not a hindrance in evangelism when properly understood.

Churches Partnering Together – Catching the Vision: Understanding Kingdom Partnership

The purpose of this book is to show that churches can do more together than they can do apart. What would encourage churches stretched thin by their own ministry needs and financial pressures, to engage in kingdom partnership? Bruno looks at what drove Paul and the Gentile churches to join together for a collection for the Jerusalem church. He notes three motivations that propelled this partnership: fellowship and unity, compassion, and mission.

Living at the Crossroads – Gospel, Story, Worldview, and the Church's Mission

This volume is about worldview. This is a concept that emerged in the European philosophical tradition. As a concept it wants to enable believers to understand more faithfully the gospel and to live more fully in that story. In Chapter 1 the authors indicate how a Christian worldview starts with the gospel of the Kingdom of God.

The Urban Face of Mission – Mission, Missions, Theology, and Theological Education

In Chapter 1 the author wants to address the isolation or marginalization of mission from theological training, theology from mission, and the church from the world. Conn offers possible reasons for this separation. He further suggests modifications that are currently being employed, and ends with some practical suggestions to encourage the process of modification.

What Is the Mission of the Church – What in the World Does Jesus Send Us into the World to Do?

Chapter 2 wants to answer the question, “What is the church’s mission in the world?” The authors think it best to start with the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19. First, they examine a few other passages that are sometimes understood as offering a fuller mission identity for the church: Genesis 12:1-3, Exodus 19:5–6, Luke 4:16–21.

What Is the Mission of the Church – A Common Word in Need of a Careful Definition

The following words of Stephen Neill are used to introduce chapter 1: “If everything is mission, nothing is mission.” The chapter wants to introduce the concerns of questions like, What is the mission of the church? Is the mission of the church the same as the mission of God? Should we distinguish between the mission of the church and the responsibilities of individual Christians? Is Jesus’ mission continued by the church?

Reformed Evangelism: "Election and the Free Offer of the Gospel"

In this article on election and the free offer of the gospel, the author looks at election in an evangelism and mission context. Things like the call of the gospel, the well-meant offer of the gospel in the preaching, the general (universal) calling and effectual calling, and unconditional election is discussed.