John Wycliffe: A Fruitful Tree
This article draws the line from John Wycliffe and John Hus to Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin. It does this by showing some themes shared together.
Ninety-Five Theses
The publication of the ninety-five theses is known as the beginning of the Reformation. What led Luther to write them? This article sketches his life and the context that led to the writing of the ninety-five theses.
Luther's Ethic in Present Day Crisis
This essay is an attempt to understand the ethics of Martin Luther and how they can be applied in present contexts without trying to modernize Luther.
Martin Luther: The Musician
The Just Shall Live By Faith: The Conversion of Martin Luther
Luther's Theology of the Cross
What was Martin Luther's theology of the cross of Christ and about God's revelation of himself?
Luther and the Reformation
This article is about the history of Martin Luther, the Reformation, the 95 theses, and Reformation theology.
Seeking the Unity of the Church (2)
Christians confess with one voice that they "believe in a holy catholic church" - a confession which highlights the importance of pursuing church unity. The reformers Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli loved and laboured for church unity. In their struggle with the Roman Catholic Church, especially in relation to the doctrine of the Lord’s Supper, these men were always motivated by a desire for the unity of the church.
Reformation in the Sixteenth Century
This article provides an overview of the sixteenth century Reformation and the teachings of Martin Luther and John Calvin.
Leaving a Church
This article speaks about people leaving a church and the reasons why they leave. It discusses the history of Martin Luther leaving the Roman Catholic Church, Dr. J. Gresham Machen leaving the Presbyterian Church, and Pastor Bill Hill leaving the Southern Presbyterian Church. In light of this history, the author comes to a conclusion about when it is appropriate and necessary to leave the church.
From Bondage of the Will to Christian Freedom
What Luther Says to This Confessional Age
Our celebrity culture, with its self-promotion attitude, has eroded the practice of true confession of sins. This article shows Martin Luther's perspective on confession of sins as part of the worship service and in private communication with others.
The Importance of the Printing Press for the Protestant Reformation (Part 2)
This article looks at the development of the printing press by Johann Gutenberg, showing how it was used by Martin Luther during the Reformation. Here attention is given to how the printing press was used by Luther for the printing of new Bible translations, tracts, and other books, and how the invention of the press changed Europe.
The Importance of the Printing Press for the Protestant Reformation (Part 1)
This article looks at the development of the printing press by Johann Gutenberg, showing how it was used by Martin Luther during the Reformation.
Reading Luther Not Wisely But Well (Part 2)
This article offers some works of Martin Luther which can be a good start for anyone seeking to better understand Luther.
Reading Luther Not Wisely But Well (Part 1)
Looking at the different reactions to Martin Luther's work, this article shows that Luther's work cannot be understood separate from his life. This author discusses four aspects of Luther's biography that help the reader better understand his written work.
95 Theses on Martin Luther Against the Self-Indulgences of the Modern Church
This article looks at the character and views of Martin Luther, discussing whether or not they are in line with the modern evangelical church.
A Legacy of Shame: Luther and the Jews
This article looks at Martin Luther's attitude toward Jews, and the development of anti-Semitism in Europe.
Luther and Calvin on Music and Worship
This article shows that John Calvin and Martin Luther shared the same conviction: that restoring singing to God's people is part of restoring true worship. The author shows how their differing starting principles led to their different views on the place of hymns and psalms in a worship service, as well as the place of musical instruments.
Reformed Righteousness
This article looks at how the Reformation is still relevant today. The author looks at the Reformation under Martin Luther, showing that the struggle of knowing we have justification before God still exists today. This is a call to the church today to embrace reformed righteousness, learning to live through the sufficient and complete work of Christ by grace alone.
Martin Luther's Account of His Own Conversion
This article is Martin Luther's account of his conversion after his study of Romans 1.
Luther and Calvin
The Prince of Darkness Grim: Luther’s Battle against the Devil
Martin Luther and the German New Testament
Reformation and Mission
Apple in Right Hand while Bringing Up Children
Martin Luther and Music: 1483-1983
Martin Luther and Civil Disobedience
Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
Let's Hope It Was Not a Ghost! Some Remarks on the Calling of Luther
Bach and the Reformation
Faith Alone
This article is about Luther's struggle to come to the understanding of justification by faith alone.
Martin Luther Addresses Youth
"Luther knew people because he knew himself." This article is about Luther's pastoral care, specifically to the youth. The author also discusses the fifth commandment and the education of the youth.
Reforming Education Today in the Light of the Reformation
This article is about Reformation day, about Martin Luther and the Reformation. Luther's separation from the Roman Catholic Church is discussed.
Instruction in the Faith Lessons from John Calvin
Thesis #1: Repent
Reformation: The Holy Spirit is No Sceptic
Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses and the Beginning of the Reformation
Martin Luther on Reformed Education
The "Erasmian Impulse"
Luther and the Power of the Gospel
Melanchthon’s Place Among the Reformers
Martin Luther: The Law and the Gospel
The Economists of the Reformation
Luther's Rules for How to Become a Theologian
Martin Luther warns that we must not be put off by the word 'theology'. In the way he understands it, theology is for everybody. We can learn true theology from king David in the Psalms. In the Psalms Luther finds three "rules" by which to become a true theologian: Oratio, meditatio, tentatio" (prayer, meditation, trials).
Martin Luther: From Struggle with Rome until Death (1517-1546)
This article is about the second part of Martin Luther's life, specifically about his struggle with the Roman Catholic church, the indulgences, and at Worms 1521.
Martin Luther: From Birth to his Conversion
This article is about the early life of Martin Luther and his faith struggle.