Three Ways the Resurrection of Jesus Can Transform Your Life Today
What is the significance of the resurrection of Christ for you? The gospel reveals that the resurrection eliminates doubt, brings hope in grief, and offers forgiveness to sinners.
Christianity Isn't Just about Forgiveness
Is Christianity simply about forgiveness? This article argues that the gospel message is about not only forgiveness but also restoration through the resurrection of Jesus.
How to Model Forgiveness with Your Own Children – Thoughts from a Mom in the Trenches
How do you teach your children the matter of forgiveness? This article offers some advice on how to model gospel forgiveness so that you can lead your own children to understand God's goodness and forgiveness for them.
The Limitations of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is often treated as merely a form of therapy, as a way of moving on. In other cases, limitations are imposed upon forgiveness, where someone decides to forgive but never let the other person forget. This article shows, however, how the Bible teaches that forgiveness is an act of mercy and has no limits.
Ten Things You Should Know about Forgiving Others
What does it mean when the Bible calls us to forgive others? This article explains ten things you need to know to exercise biblical forgiveness.
I'll Forgive When He Proves He's Sincere
This article explains that extending forgiveness to those who ask for it should not wait until it is discerned whether the offender is sincere. Forgiveness should be granted upon the request itself. In cases where the offender needs help in overcoming sin, help should be given as well.
Living by the Promise of Forgiveness: Joseph and his Brothers
Why Is God's Forgiving of Us Dependent on Our Forgiving of Others?
The fifth petition of the Lord's Prayer causes much confusion, as it seems to condition God's forgiveness of us on our forgiving of others. This article discusses the matter, explaining who pray this prayer and thus what ought to be the disposition of their hearts when doing so.
The Blessings of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is the soil in which spiritual fruits and divine blessings are cultivated. This article explains that extending forgiveness to others brings great blessings upon the Christian life.
Forgiven and Forgiving
God's Definition of Forgiveness
The Preciousness of Forgiveness
Genuine Sorrow...Wholehearted Joy: The Why, When, and How of Confession
Conviction of sin is hardly possible in today's Western culture. We believe not in sin and forgiveness but in illness and recovery. Increasingly, the people who gather in churches for worship come expecting to have their self-esteem enhanced.
He Sat Down
What are the things that blind us to the fact that we are needy? This article offers two issues, namely, self-justification and following the lies of Satan. These become hindrances to seeking God's forgiveness. But since Christ's sacrifice is complete, we can rest in and celebrate his grace for needy people.
Forgiveness: The Key to Ministry Unity
Forgiveness is essential to bringing unity in the ministry. There are three things forgiveness does to resolve conflicts and bring unity.
Why It’s Hard to Forgive
Forgiveness: why is it so hard? It is hard because we are called to relinquish our desire for revenge and trust God's justice.
Forgiving Ourselves
Forgiving yourself—can this be the freedom from the guilt you are struggling with? Self-forgiveness is not a biblical concept. Freedom from the slavery of self-forgiveness can come by knowing the forgiveness we have in Christ. The article explains this, as well as ways to deal with the sinful mindset of self-forgiveness.
Two Shall Become One Flesh, Part 3: Realizing Recovering
How can heaven and earth be joined together when they are currently so separated? This article gives the answer: through the atonement of Jesus Christ. He fulfills all the recoverings that happened in the Old Testament sacrificial liturgy by becoming the covering himself. This article concludes with reflections on how this comes into the Christian life of forgiveness, based on 1 John 1:6-2:2.
Rendering Forgiveness
Receiving Forgiveness
How Not to Ask for Forgiveness
Every Christian sins, so every Christian needs to ask forgiveness. Yet how we ask forgiveness speaks to the quality of our repentance. This article mentions five ways we can evaluate whether our repentance is sincere or not.
Common Myths about Forgiveness
This article dispels some common myths about forgiveness. These myths include the idea that you cannot forgive until you have worked through your emotions against the offender, forgiving while still angry or upset is hypocritical, and if I forgive, I must forget. The article concludes with a definition of forgiveness.
Five Pastoral Insights from Philemon
This article raises five pastoral insights from Philemon, a letter about forgiveness.
What You Don’t Need to Forgive
To build a healthy marriage one must know that some things do not call for a response of forgiveness. This article identifies three things in particular.
Defining Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a promise to no longer remember someone’s sin and to stop holding it against them. This article gives the biblical ground for this definition.
5 Problems with Unconditional Forgiveness
Does God require you to exercise unconditional forgiveness? No. Why not? The article unpacks five problems with unconditional forgiveness.
Is there a condition to forgiving? This article argues that Christians are called to forgive as God forgave them. Therefore the condition of forgiveness is repentance.
Not "Just Forgiven": How Athanasius Overcomes the Under-Realized Eschatology of Evangelicalism
Is the view of salvation generally held in contemporary evangelicalism an under-realized eschatology with a too-narrow focus on forgiveness alone? This article suggests this is the case, and offers the doctrine of salvation we find in the theology of Athanasius as a correction.
Our Forgetful God
God's forgiveness is such that when he forgives, he chooses to remember our sins no more. This article explains what that means.
Ethnocentric Legalism and the Justification of the Individual: Rethinking Some New Perspective Assumptions
According to this article, a shift has occurred in how justification is viewed. The rise of the so-called New Perspective on Paul led to justification being viewed more in corporate terms. What is the place of the individual in Paul's view of justification? Hassler believes that the case that Paul was not really interested in “inner tensions of individual souls and consciences” has been overstated.
What God Does with Your Sin
The Bible does not only tell us that God forgives our sins. It also uses different pictures to portray his forgiveness, showing us what God does with our sin. The article considers those pictures.
Do You Listen When You Apologize?
When you seek someone's forgiveness, what approach do you take? Do you talk far more than listen? In this article, the author suggests a different tack when seeking forgiveness.
Here Is Our God – In the Temple: The Glorious and Forgiving God (1 Kings 8)
Chapter 2 is an exposition of 1 Kings 8. The emphasis is on God who displays himself as present in his glory and forgiveness.
The Forgiven Parent & Teacher
"Revive Us Again"
Christ Our Scapegoat
God's Definition of Forgiveness: What if I Do Not Feel Like Forgiving?
Forgiving Like God Forgives: God’s Plan for Restoring Peace to Sin-shattered Relationships
Guilt-free Christianity
It is through forgiveness in Christ that people can be guilt-free. Fear to talk about sin and guilt today denies the Christian message.
The Church of Jesus Christ
This article is an exposition of Lord's Day 21 of the Heidelberg Catechism, looking at the catholic church, the communion of saints, and the biblical teaching of forgiveness.
Justification: Considering the Judgment Day With Singular Delight
Why was the teaching of justification so important to John Calvin? For Calvin, justification and sanctification are both found in Christ and are inseparable. Justification allows for assurance of salvation, and includes the continual forgiveness of sins. The gift of justification is our only hope in facing judgment day.
The Four Promises of Forgiveness: Tearing Down the Walls That Threaten Community for Children
What does it mean to forgive others? This article is about forgiveness and working towards conflict resolution.
Working from Revelation 12:10, this article shows that Satan operates as the accuser of believers. Satan points believers to their sins, making them doubt God's forgiveness. However, believers can be assured that Christ has achieved victory over sin and death.
Just Say I'm Sorry
In the church, forgiveness involves the offender, the offended, and the third party. The church should be a witness of Christ's forgiveness.
The joy of forgiveness can only be experienced in Christ through the confession of sins and in trusting God's faithfulness to forgive.
Christians are called to forgive their enemies. This forgiveness of enemies does not mean that they are then absolved from their responsibility, but it is done out of trust in God's justice.
Restoration Must Always Be Our Aim - Forgiveness
Is there a difference in the way individual Christians and the congregation as a whole deals with offences? How should we administer discipline, and what role does forgiveness play?
Forgiving and Forgetting
This article looks at the relationship between forgiving and forgetting. Only through the transforming work of the Spirit are we able to forgive in the way that God forgave us. This forgiveness involves choosing not to bring up past wrongs.
Forgiving Others
It is only through knowing and experiencing the gift of God's forgiveness that we are able to forgive others.
Micah 7:18 - Who is a God Like the God of Forgiveness?
The Lord's Prayer (Part 5): Forgiveness
This is the fifth article in a seven part series on the Lord's Prayer. Praying for forgiveness (the fifth petition) is necessary because sin is directed against God. The author discusses the relationship between confession of sins and repentance, and points to God as the model for forgiveness.
Sexual Assault Happens
Psalm 130:4 - Forgiveness Unto Fear
I Believe in … The Forgiveness of Sins
This article on the Apostles' Creed examines what Christians confess when they say that they believe in the forgiveness of sins.
Why I Believe in the One Great Heresy
Looking at the relationship between forgiveness and consequences, this article shows that forgiveness of an action does not mean a fresh start with no repercussions. Some actions, even when God has forgiven them, have a permanent effect.
Packing Unforgiveness
God's forgiveness is conditional. Understanding this truth shapes the biblical command to forgive others. The author of this article shows that automatic forgiveness can only breed unforgiveness.
The Triangle of Marriage
A Clear Conscience
Johannes Piscator and the Doctrine of Justification
Marriage ... After 15 Years
Acts 2:39 – Grace Magnified
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:5 and 6 (Part two)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:5 and 6 is about faith, forgiveness and repentance.
Transforming Love
A deeply distressed father sat for two weeks in a pediatric ICU, watching his three-year-old son slowly die. During those two weeks he read through, quite surprisingly, a book on the Gospel. He later wrote to me, “I want to say to you the Gospel really is for real life.” This article is about sin and the forgiveness of sin.
Compassion in a Broken World: The Powerful Support of God’s Spirit in Weakness
John 8:1-12 - The Light of the World
Zechariah 3:3-4 - The Cure of Unworthiness
Preparing for the Lord's Supper: Self-examination and the Sure Promise of God
“Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors”
We are sinners, and often fail to forgive others. How then can we ask forgiveness from God?
God is the Gospel
Why do you value God’s forgiveness? Or why do you value eternal life? Have you ever considered asking why a person would want to have eternal life? Why would people want to live forever? Does God feature in how we think about these things? This article looks at John 17:3 and how this text should shape our perspective on forgiveness and eternal life.