On Augustine, Pelagius, Semi-Pelagians, Evangelicals, Catholics, and Other Sunday School Stuff
Galatians 3 - An Argumentation Analysis
Ten Things You Should Know about Justification
What do we mean when we confess that justification is by faith in Christ? This article raises ten things you need to know to understand what justification by faith is.
Justification in Modern Scholarship: Some New Interpretations
Luther's Understanding of the Righteousness of God
Justification never results from good deeds; justification always results in good deeds.
Understanding the Times: The Heart of the Reformation
Excerpt from Holiness: Justification and Sanctification
The Holy Spirit's Work in Salvation
The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 23
Comfort for the Struggling, Downcast Christian
The Resurrection of Christ
'A Tale of Two Men: The Basis of Justification' Considering Romans 5:12-21
The Results of Justification Considering Romans 5:1-11
God’s Righteousness in Romans 5:1
Justification by Faith Alone The Fundamental Fact
Justification in the Old Testament
Does the Old Testament teach the doctrine of justification by faith alone? This article looks at the example of Abraham from Romans 4:21-22 to answer this question.
Justification in Romans and Hebrews
This article considers how Romans 3:24-26 and Hebrews 9:14-15 contribute to the doctrine of justification.
The New Perspective on Paul
When the Good News Becomes Bad
What is a threat to the gospel? When the message of justification is confused with the law, church membership, and work, then the gospel becomes bad news.
Paul on Justification and the Final Judgment
What is the relationship between justification and the final judgment in Paul's writings? This article argues that the final judgment should be thought of in relation to the resurrection of Jesus.
The Nature of Justifying Faith
Justification is by faith alone. What is the nature of justifying faith? This article explains that the nature of saving faith is one that turns away from itself. It is faith in Christ.
Calvin and Justification
Is Anyone More Holy Than Anyone Else? The Missing Category of the "Righteous Man"
Many Christians are fond of the saying, "No one is more holy than anyone else." Is this biblical? This article shows that it is not by explaining that many neglect the biblical category of the righteous man, the believer who displays a consistency in walking with God.
The Reformation Isn't Over
In spite of claims that the doctrines of Protestantism are closer now to those of the Roman Catholic Church, this article explains that there remains a vast difference between the two traditions. It considers such differences in the doctrines of justification, Scripture and tradition, church and sacraments, Mary and the saints, indulgences, and purgatory.
Virtue That Counts Justification by Faith Alone is still our Defining Doctrine
The Core Belief Jesus clearly Taught Justification by Faith, the Key Doctrine to get Right
Right and Wrong Some scholars deny righteousness through Christ — They err
Wright or Wrong? Wright’s New Perspective has insights, but too High a Cost
The Confession of Faith Article 23 Justification
A Legal Will Calvin Shows Justification is Loving and Legal Acceptance by God
Why the Cross?
Is My Lifestyle Justified?
James – Introduction to James
This chapter presents an introduction to the letter of James. Included is an excursus on faith, works, and justification in James and Paul.
Review Article – The Deliverance of God: An Apocalyptic Reading of Justification in Paul by Douglas A. Campbell
This article sees the work of Campbell as a sustained attack against traditional understandings of justification, and in particular the understanding of Romans 1-Romans 4. This review gives special attention to Campbell's own exegesis and finds merit in much of it, but at the key points deems it unacceptable.
Why Not Sin?
What is stopping you as a Christian from sinning? One of the best answers is given by Paul in Romans 6. There he points out that our sanctification cannot be separated from our justification. This article shows that Paul would have us realize that our union with Christ marks every aspect of our salvation, including our justification, sanctification, and glorification.
From Filthy Rags to Robes of Righteousness
What is justification? It is God crediting the righteousness of Christ to us.
It's Reformation Day
What was at the heart of the Reformation? This article argues that the Reformation was sparked by the rediscovery of the biblical doctrine of justification.
Raised for Our Justification
This article discusses the implications that the resurrection of Christ has for our justification.
The Perfect Ground of our Imputed Righteousness
How is justification possible? This article demonstrates that the biblical ground for justification is found in the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ and his perfect satisfaction on the cross.
Justification-Righteous Before God
Justification seeks to express the biblical truth that the supreme Judge, who is perfectly righteous, declares that we are in perfect harmony with his law. This is the legal standing of those who believe in Christ.
The Order of Application
What is the order of the application of redemption? The article deals with this question and establishes the order of salvation: calling, regeneration, faith and repentance, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification.
The Reformation Gospel: Justified by a Living, Working Faith
Justification does not contradict sanctification. In fact justification fuels sanctification leading to good works. This article argues that this is how the Reformers understood the relationship between justification and sanctification.
Not Faith, But Christ
The author here takes time to explain the difference between faith and the righteousness that results from having faith in Jesus Christ. This is done chiefly by defining what faith is and what it is not. For example, faith is not righteousness, it is not Christ, nor satisfaction to God. Further, Christ himself as the atonement sacrifice is the one who is presented as the ground of our justification.
Spurgeon begins by defining what justification is, and how it can be distinguished from sanctification. Further, he argues that there must be proper grounds for justification. Then there must also be a means for man to have access to this justification. Finally, this justification when accessed should be manifest.
The New Perspective in Action
This article explores the consequences of the New Perspective on Paul for justification, as well as for Christian holiness and assurance.
Wright up Close
This article shows that the New Perspective on Paul in general, and the position of N.T. Wright in particular, are a significant departure from the traditional Reformed understanding of justification. It first offers points of appreciation, and then provides its critique.
The Gospel and Evangelism: An Assessment
This article reviews a number of positions held on the nature of salvation. The article refutes the Roman Catholic accusation that the Reformation rejected all works of holiness and the need for moral transformation in the life of converts. Other unbiblical approaches to evangelism are antinomian elements that deny the necessity for commitment to Christ.
Arminianism Exposed
This article exposes the major teachings of Arminianism. The teachings discussed include the doctrines of the knowledge of God, atonement, prevenient grace, justification, the denial of imputation, and the role of faith.
Views of Justification – Two Differing Gospels
This article outlines the different views on justification that divide the Reformed and Catholics.
Romans 3:24 – Justification Is Free, by God's Grace, through Christ's Redemption
This article is an exposition of Romans 3:24, on justification.
The Clear and Present Danger of a Truncated Gospel
This article explains that the preaching of the gospel may not be limited to an emphasis on justification alone, but needs to include a word also on regeneration and sanctification.
Calvin on Justification
Why did John Calvin once say that justification is the hinge on which religion turns? This article explain Calvin’s view on justification in contrast to the Roman Catholic’s teaching.
God’s Glorious Work of Sanctification
Sanctification is God’s work. This article discusses the relationship between sanctification and justification, and sanctification and glorification.
Justification and Good Works
In looking at the relationships between justification and good works, this article explains that good works are not a means to earn God’s favour. It then clarifies why we must still do good works.
Justification by Faith Alone
Why is justification ours by faith alone? The imputed righteousness of Christ we receive can only be received by faith. This article explains the nature of this faith to point out why it is by faith alone that we are justified.
Ethnocentric Legalism and the Justification of the Individual: Rethinking Some New Perspective Assumptions
According to this article, a shift has occurred in how justification is viewed. The rise of the so-called New Perspective on Paul led to justification being viewed more in corporate terms. What is the place of the individual in Paul's view of justification? Hassler believes that the case that Paul was not really interested in “inner tensions of individual souls and consciences” has been overstated.
The Near Word of Christ and the Distant Vision of N. T. Wright
Seifrid wants to regard Romans 10 as providing an interpretive key to the gospel Paul proclaimed. He further wants to make use of this chapter in Romans to assess the vision of N. T. Wright on justification. He offers exegetical remarks on Romans 10:1-21, which he then uses to make critical remarks about what he understands Wright is teaching about justification.
God's Righteousness as God's Fairness in Romans 1:17: An Ancient Perspective on a Significant Phrase
Thielman is convinced that if one is to understand how justification functions in Paul's writings, one needs to understand how the righteousness language functions in Romans 1:17. He argues in this article that part of the reason for the volatile interpretive history of this verse is that the phrase is polyvalent. He further argues that the "righteousness of God” has three meanings in Romans 1:17.
Romans 5:1-2 – Peace with God and False Peace
This article is a sermon on Romans 5:1–2, on the peace with God that results from justification by faith.
This article surveys the understanding of the doctrine of justification in church history, from the early church to the Reformation to today, with due consideration to the New Perspective on Paul as a modern-day aberration of the biblical teaching.
Justification: The Saving Righteousness of God in Christ
This article is about justification, how lost sinners share in the saving righteousness of God in Christ. Schreiner is in dialogue with N. T. Wright. First, Schreiner is convinced that Wright wrongly says that justification is primarily about ecclesiology instead of soteriology. Next, Schreiner believes that Wright often introduces a false polarity when referring to the mission of Israel.
Review of "The Deliverance of God: An Apocalyptic Rereading of Justification in Paul" by Douglas A. Campbell
This is a review article of the influential The Deliverance of God: An Apocalyptic Rereading of Justification in Paul by Douglas A. Campbell. Moo mainly interacts with what he sees as Campbell's fierce attack on Paul's theology of justification.
In Adam's Fall We Sinned All
This article considers the pitfall of placing in preaching an emphasis on justification while neglecting the call to put sin to death and pursue personal holiness.
Martin Luther and the Doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone
Romans 8:1 – “There Is No Condemnation”: But Why Not?
It seems as if Paul grounds the taking away of the condemnation in Romans 8:1 in the transforming work of the Spirit. This article notes how often this passage suffers under efforts and approaches taken to harmonize it with the traditional Protestant teaching on justification and sanctification. It continues to seek to understand the significance of this passage for Protestant theology.
Reflections on Salvation and Justification in the New Testament
This article offers some reflections on how the New Testament views salvation and justification. It first notes the common ground in Roman Catholic and evangelical views of salvation.
Walking with God: Sanctification and the Gospel of Jesus
Understanding the biblical teaching on sanctification depends on how one understands the nature of the work of Christ. This article examines the relation between justification and sanctification and shows how different understandings flow to what the Christian life should be like. It argues that though justification and sanctification are distinct they must not be separated, as this is at the heart of understanding the call to holiness.
The Crucial Role of Union with Christ in Understanding the Gospel
Without understanding the biblical teaching of the believer's union with Christ, justification will lose its meaning. This article looks at the meaning of justification in relation to the believer being in Christ.
Justifying Our Existence
What is justification? Luke 18:9-14 sheds light on what is justification, how are we justified, and the reason why justification is important.
Second Response to "Faith according to the Apostle James" by John F. MacArthur Jr.
How does the epistle of James portray faith? What is the relation between faith and works in the believer's justification and sanctification? This short response wants to answer these questions as it represents a response to what became known as the "lordship salvation" question and in particular, the way it is expressed by John F. MacArthur.
Can a Lonely Faith Save?
Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes – Justification and Union with Christ
Gaffin reflects in Chapter 11 on John Calvin’s view of justification and union with Christ in Book 3 of his Institutes of the Christian Religion. Gaffin gives a brief overview of the treatment of justification in successive editions of the Institutes from 1536 to 1559. Next, he considers what Calvin mean by the “double grace” (duplex gratia) that believers receive by union with Christ.
Justification and Adoption
The Blessing of Being a Justified and Adopted Child of God
Aspects of the Soteriology of Karl Barth
This paper discusses the doctrine of salvation in the theology of Karl Barth. The main focus is on his understanding of justification and sanctification and their relation to each other. The role of faith and love receives specific attention also.
The Future of Justification – Introduction
In this volume the author confronts the teaching of N. T. Wright on justification by faith. In the Introduction Piper portrays the view of Wright as “difficult to recognize as biblically faithful.” One of the major concerns is that Wright does not see justification as “how you become a Christian.” Piper formulates eight points in Wright’s reading of Paul that lead to a loss of the historic understanding of justification by faith.
Justification: Salvation Is by Grace through Faith
The judicial act of God pardoning sinners and declaring them righteous for Jesus's sake is justification. This article explains the relationship between judgement day and justification.
Sola Fide: The Reformed Doctrine of Justification
This article shows that in speaking about justification by faith, the Reformers addressed three things: the need for justification, the means to it, and the meaning of it. Then it shows how this view can be distorted.
The New Perspective: A Recent Development in Evangelical Theology?
Resurrection Joy
Justification and Final Judgment according to Works
Kingdom of God or Justification of the Sinner? Paul between Jesus and Luther
Justification by Faith Alone
The Lutheran-Roman Catholic Joint Declaration
Justification by the Imputation of Christ’s Righteousness
Luke 18:10-14 - The Pharisee and the Publican Jesus’ Teaching on Justification by Faith Alone
Necessary Qualifications
In the emergence of the Reformation, it became necessary for the reformers to qualify certain words in order to distinguish their understanding of the gospel from that of the Roman Catholic Church. This article discusses the qualification of the doctrine of justification.
Justified Now and Forever
How can you be justified now and forever? How can you be sustained in that state and not fall away? How does justification relate to the believer’s present and ongoing life?
Romans 5:1-5 - The Fruit of Justification: Victorious Living in the Light of God’s Smile
Does your life show the fruit of justification? This article shows from Romans 5:1-5 that justification results in peace with God, access to God, a sense of God's glory, a proper perspective on pain, and a heart filled with God's love.
The Ground of Our Justification
This article shows that justification is rooted in the work of Christ, through which the believer receives forgiveness of sins, imputed righteousness, and a clear conscience before God.
Basics of the Reformed Faith: Justification
This article shows that the doctrine of justification rests on Christ's righteousness imputed to us.
The Other Justification by Faith
What is justification? What is justification by faith? What is the 'other' justification by faith? In the real justification by faith, you have faith in what Christ has done for you. In the false version, you have faith in what you do for yourself. In whom do you put your faith?
Justification: Its Necessity and Grounds
This article is about the necessity and grounds of justification. Why do we need to be justified, and upon what basis are we justified?
James and Justification by Faith
What do Paul and James say about justification by faith? Paul clearly places the doctrine of justification by faith without works at the heart of the gospel. James and the other leaders in Jerusalem agreed with him. But if James taught the same doctrine as Paul, how can he speak as he does in James 2? This article provides an exegesis of this text and its doctrine.