Compassion Must Be Wise
A Deacon Catechism
Luther and Calvin on the Deaconry
The Deaconry and the Magistrates
Home Visits – Visits by the Deacons
Spiritual Leadership in Church Planting
Elders and Deacons as Biblical Counsellors
Perspectives from the Past: Brakel on the Diaconate
Well Ruled Who shall Lead, Teach and Pastor the Church? Scripture is Clear
The Diaconal Care of Non-Poor Christians: Implementing the Practice Today
Diaconal work is always associated with caring for the poor. This article argues that this should not be so. The author give suggestions and practical ways in which care by deacons can be extend to the non-poor. This ministry is crucial to them as a manifestation of Christ’s compassion and mercy for his church.
The Diaconal Care of Non-Poor Christians: The Example of Calvin’s Geneva: An Evaluation
Diaconal work is always associated with caring for the poor. This article argues that this should not be the case. After giving some examples of diaconal work in Calvin's Geneva in the form of hospitals and a funding organization, the author gives an evaluation of this work, with lessons for today’s deacons and the ministry of mercy.
The Diaconal Care of Non-Poor Christians: The Example of Calvin’s Geneva: The Funds
Diaconal work is always associated with caring for the poor. This article argues that this should not be the case. Deacons are called to care for the non-poor also. If diaconal work is seen as Christ’s way of administering mercy, then the work should go beyond the poor. In this article the author looks at the example of John Calvin in Geneva, where there was the fund to care for other needs or people.
The Fundamental Work of the Deacons: Keeping in Touch with the Directors of Institutions of Mercy
Deacons are called to care for the poor and the needy in the church. How do they do this for the needy who are kept in institutions? How do they co-ordinate the work with the directors of those institutions? This article gives ways to handle the work, with a brief history of diaconal work in the Christian church and how can deacons be actively involved with institutions that care for the needy and poor.
The Election and Installation of Deacons: The Congregation’s Role
This article discusses the role of the congregation in the election of the deacons. It discusses the process of suggesting names, approving them, and the act of electing deacons.
The Election and Installation of Deacons: Biblical Principles
This article discusses three biblical principles that must govern the election and installation of deacons.
The Reward of Using the Office of Deacon Well
Deacons who serve well are promised a reward, according to 1 Timothy 3:13. This article discusses the nature of this reward, the encouragement needed by deacons, and those deacons who will get the reward.
The Qualifications of Deacons: Their Proving
1 Timothy 3:10 notes that deacons must be proved in other to serve in the church. This article explains what it means to prove, and what standard should be used to prove deacons.
Leadership in the Church
What should church leadership look like? This article first discusses New Testament terms for church leaders, such as apostles, elders, and deacons, and then explains that elders are called to rule God's church, and should be men, not women.
The Office of Deacon: Its Function
The Office of Mercy – Its Basis
The office of deacon should not be viewed as a stepping stone to the office of elder. Understanding the diaconal office is conditioned upon understanding the offices of Christ. The deacons function as a reflection of the priesthood of Christ. This article explains how.
The Nature of the Diaconate: An Office of Authority
To hold a special office in the church means that one is given authority by God and Christ to represent Christ. This article argues that since the deacons have an office they have authority. It discusses how this authority is made public and the implications it must have on the deacons and their work.
The Fundamental Work of the Deacons: Distributing the Alms
Deacons are called to care for the poor and the needy. This means deacons must be able to determine and relieve need. This article explains that deacons must distribute alms according to the need, sincerely desiring to help the poor and show genuine love of Christ. The manner and condition of alms distributions are discussed.
The Fundamental Work of the Deacons: Determining Need
What is the work of deacons? Deacons are called to care for the poor and the needy. This article explains the steps needed to determine the financial need of the family in need of help. It also discusses the attitude that must clothe the deacons as they carry out this task of determining the need.
The Fundamental Work of the Deacons: An Overview
What is the work of deacons? Deacons are called to care for the poor and the needy. However, to fulfil this task deacons need means. This article looks at what the deacons are to collect, and their responsibility to preserve what they collect.
The Fundamental Work of the Deacons: An Overview
What is the work of deacons? To answer this question one must understand the principles that govern the work of deacons. This article examines the Reformed confessions and the biblical evidence to establish the principles that point to the nature of the work of deacons.
When Deacons "Deacon"
This article explains how pastors can lead the church toward the active work of the deacons.
The Election and Installation of Deacons: The Nominee’s Calling
Not only are the church and its elders responsible for the election and installation of deacons, but the nominee has a responsibility too. This article discusses the nominee’s responsibility, and the reason for removing someone from the nomination list.
The Election and Installation of Deacons: The Council’s Supervision
Though the church is involved in the election and installation of deacons, the church council has the responsibility to exercise supervision in the process. This article explains why such supervision is needed and how it should be done.
The Fundamental Work of the Deacons: A Mutual Understanding with Civil Poor-Relief Organizations
What is the work of deacons? Deacons are called to care for the poor and the needy. Should deacons allow the needy and poor within the church to be cared for by civil organizations? This article looks at the relationship between diaconal work and civil organizations offering social grants and relief to the poor.
The Fundamental Work of the Deacons: Caring for the Poor Who Move Away from the Congregation
What is the work of deacons? Deacons are called to care for the poor and needy. This article explains that this care is not limited to those within the church, but is also for those who were members of the church but who moved away from the congregation. It explains how such care must be conducted and the warning to guard against burdening other churches.
The Basis for the Diaconate: Christ Our Merciful High Priest
The truth that Christ is our merciful High Priest is the basis for the diaconate. This article shows that Christ continues his high-priestly work through the office of deacons.
1 Timothy 3:8-12 – The Qualification of Deacons: Their Family Situation
From 1 Timothy 3:8-12 this article explains the qualification of deacons in terms of their relationship to their family.
1 Timothy 3:8-12 – The Qualification of Deacons: Godly in Their Conduct
From 1 Timothy 3:8-12 this article explains the qualifications for deacons, focusing on their conduct.
The Qualification of Deacons: Full of the Holy Spirit, Wisdom, and Faith
The Qualification of Deacons: Male Recipients of God’s Grace
The first qualification for deacons, based on 1 Timothy 3 and Acts 6:3, is that they must be men. This article explains what kind of men they should be.
The Qualification of Deacons: A High Standard
Through the diaconate Christ is present with his church, and deacons administer Christ’s mercy. This article based on 1 Timothy 3 shows that the standard required to be a deacon is a high one. It points out that this standard should at the same time characterize every Christian.
The Qualification of Deacons: An Important Subject
Through also the diaconate Christ is present with his church, and deacons administer Christ’s mercy. This article explains why the subject of qualifications of deacons is so important.
The Nature of the Diaconate: The Office of Mercy
The History of the Diaconate: Its Deformation
The development of the hierarchical structure in the church, the unbiblical understanding of the responsibility of the deacons, and the modification of the biblical qualifications of office of deacons are what led to the deformation of the office. This is what the article explains.
Acts 6 – The History of the Diaconate: Its Institution
The Fundamental Work of the Deacons: Caring for the Poor Outside the Household of Faith
What is the work of deacons? Theyare called to care for the poor and the needy. Is this care limited to those within the church? This article argues that deacons also serve their congregation and Christ by caring for the unbelieving poor. The article gives biblical ground for such care, as well as its significance in pointing the unbeliever to the mercy of God shows us in removing our sins.
The Fundamental Work of the Deacons: Caring for the Believing Poor Outside the Congregation
Deacons are called to care for the poor and the needy. Is this care limited to those only within the church? This article argues that deacons also serve their congregation and Christ by caring for the believing poor outside of their congregation. The principle for this care is the unity of the body of Christ. Guidelines are given on how this is to be done.
The Fundamental Work of the Deacons: Visiting and Comforting the Distressed
What is the work of deacons? They are called to care for the poor and needy. This article discusses how part of expressing this care is through visiting the distressed, reading the Scriptures with them, and praying with them. These visits manifest the love of Christ for his people in distress.
The Office of Deacon: Qualifications and Responsibilities
From Scripture and Reformed confessions this article outlines the qualifications and responsibilities of deacons.
The Election and Installation of Deacons: Tenure of Office
This article considers how long should deacons serve in office, and after how long are they eligible for nomination again.
The Election and Installation of Deacons: The Installation Ceremony
This article explains the significance of the installation ceremony for the deacons and the congregation.
Looking for Leaders
This article helps us to consider how to go about nominating office-bearers in the church. It discusses what office-bearers—elders and deacons—are called to do, and what qualifications for leadership they are required to have. In relation to this, consideration is given to 1 Timothy 3.
The Gospel in the Office of Deacons
Why are deacons ordained? This articles argues that deacons are ordained to represent Christ's offices as priest, prophet, and king.
Authority in the Church
The Role of Office-Bearers
Office-bearers are given by Christ to his church to equip the saints. This article looks at the biblical foundation for the role of elders and deacons, their qualifications and duties, with texts such as 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
The Office of Deacon
Why Deacons Who "Learn on the Fly" are Bound to Have a Crash Landing
Challenges That Deacons Face Today
Reflections on Pastoral Care to the Elderly
Biblical Foundations for the Ministry of Mercy
The Work of the Deacons Questions and Answers
The Offices and the Congregation
The Diaconate – An Overview
Diaconal Office in Scriptural Perspective
My Last Word: Let the Deacons Use Their Office Well
This article is a continuation of the previous articles entitled Diaconal Conferences. Considering the difficult nature of their work, this article is designed to encourage deacons to do their work faithfully and diligently. It is a call to both elders and the congregation to encourage deacons. The author also highlights that Christ promises a reward for faithful deacons - this also is a great encouragement to deacons to perform their work to the best of their abilities.
Diaconal Conferences (2)
The coming together of deacons nationally can be of great benefit to the ministry of mercy. The author of these articles encourages the practice of diaconal conferences, discussing the biblical grounds for it, it's purpose, and the way in which it should be organized.
Diaconal Conferences (1)
The coming together of deacons nationally can be of great benefit to the ministry of mercy. The author of these articles encourages the practice of diaconal conferences, discussing the biblical grounds for it, it's purpose, and the way in which it should be organized.
To Be or Not to Be Reformed (4): Upholding the Formula of Subscription
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. If this is so, then the confessions must be binding, and discipline must be exercised on those who depart from them.
To Be or Not to Be Reformed (3): Upholding the Formula of Subscription
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. This article focuses on what the Form of Subscription requires from individuals.
To Be or Not to Be Reformed (2): Upholding the Formula of Subscription
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. This article focuses on the history behind the Form of Subscription.
To Be or Not to Be Reformed (1): Upholding the Formula of Subscription
It is a common practice in many Reformed Churches that elders and deacons sign the Formula of Subscription. Why practice this tradition? Two reasons: the adoption of and adherence to Reformed confessions, and to maintain and promote Reformed church government. This article focuses on the importance of adhering to the Reformed confessions.
Women Assisting Deacons (4): Implementing the Practice
This series of articles continues the discussion of the office of deacons. Looking at 1 Timothy 5:9-10 and 1 Timothy 3:11, this series focuses on how women in the church can support the work of the diaconate. This article provides a practical method in which women can function as assistants to deacons.
Deacons’ Meetings (3): A View from the Observers’ Gallery (continued)
Diaconal work is a great blessing for the church. How can deacons be more effective? Deacons’ meetings can be a great benefit to the congregation, the poor and the deacons themselves. This article gives an example of a typical deacons' meeting.
Deacons’ Meetings (2): A View from the Observers’ Gallery
Diaconal work is a great blessing for the church. How can deacons be more effective? Deacons’ meetings can be a great benefit to the congregation, the poor and the deacons themselves. This article gives an example of a typical deacons' meeting.
Deacons’ Meetings (1): Their Benefits
Diaconal work is a great blessing for the church. How can deacons be more effective? Deacons’ meetings can be a great benefit to the congregation, the poor and the deacons themselves.
The Prophetic Aspect of the Deacons’ Work (2): Implementing This Aspect
The Prophetic Aspect of the Deacons’ Work (1): The Argument that There is Such an Aspect
The Diaconal Care of Non-Poor Christians (5): Implementing the Practice Today
Diaconal work is always associated with caring for the poor. This article argues that this should not be the case. Deacons are also called to care for the non-poor. This is the last article in a five part series on the role of the deacon. This article provides practical suggestions for deacons to assist them in their care for non-poor Christians.
The Diaconal Care of Non-Poor Christians (4) The Example of Calvin's Geneva: An Evaluation
Diaconal work is always associated with caring for the poor. This article argues that this should not be the case. Deacons are also called to care for the non-poor. This is the fourth article in a five part series on the role of the deacon. This article evaluates the previously mentioned Geneva examples of diaconal work, drawing lessons for today's deacons.
The Diaconal Care of Non-Poor Christians (3): The Example of Calvin's Geneva: The Funds
Diaconal work is always associated with caring for the poor. This article argues that this should not be the case. Deacons are also called to care for the non-poor. This is the third article in a five part series on the role of the deacon. This article discusses a church fund that existed in the time of John Calvin as an example of this diaconal work.
The Diaconal Care of Non-Poor Christians (2): The Example of Calvin's Geneva: The Hospital
Diaconal work is always associated with caring for the poor. This article argues that this should not be the case. Deacons are also called to care for the non-poor. This is the second article in a five part series on the role of the deacon. This article discusses the hospital in Geneva in the time of John Calvin as an example of this diaconal work.
The Diaconal Care of Non-Poor Christians (1): The Propriety of Such a Care
Diaconal work is always associated with caring for the poor. This article argues that this should not be the case. Deacons are also called to care for the non-poor. This is the first article in a five part series on the role of the deacon. This article discusses the biblical and historical grounds for diaconal care for non-poor Christians, concluding with an example from the time of John Calvin.
The Deacons and the Consistory
The Task of the Deacons for Today
The Practice of the Ministry of Mercy
Diaconal Visits
The Administration of the Ministry of Mercy
The Task of the Ministry of Mercy
Family Visiting
The Appointment to the Ministry of Mercy
The Qualifications for the Ministry of Mercy
Finding the Deacons we Need
Selecting Elders and Deacons
Are Elders and Deacons Really Office-Bearers?
The Work of Deacons
This article looks at the task of deacons: their work with the poor, with unbelievers, distribution of the alms and offerings, and deacon visitations.
Appointment of Deacons
In this article on the appointment of deacons, the author also gives a historical overview of the office of deacon as well as a discussion on deaconesses.
The Diaconate - A Ruling Task Women Deacons or Women Rulers
Confidential Resource and Needs Assessment
A Call to Encourage
The Church and Public Assistance: A Catechism
Willing Leaders
Deacons at Prayer
The Deacons: Managers of Congregational Talents
Hermeneutical and Exegetical Challenges in Interpreting the Pastoral Epistles
In the recent past several major commentaries and monographs on the Pastoral Epistles have been published. This article ask what light these recent works have shed on the study of this group of writings. The focus is on several of the major hermeneutical and exegetical challenges with which the modern interpreter is confronted in the study of the Pastoral Epistles.