Ephesians 1:3-8
Canons of Dort Chapter 1 – Divine Election and Reprobation
Election and Reprobation
It’s a good thing God chose me before I was born, because he surely would not have afterwards.
The Belgic Confession of Faith Article 16: Eternal Election
Assurance of Election
The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 16
Those Elected Shall Be Appointed
What Election Is Not
The Comforting Doctrine of Election
God So Loved the World
What If I Am Not Elected?
Election, an Incentive to Missions
The Westminster Standards Compared to the Three Forms of Unity
In God's Grasps Disability or Incapacity does not put People beyond God's Grace
Love’s Choice Divine Election is the Very Summit of Grace
Belgic Confession Articles 16-17: Election
Who Is Chosen by God?
Covenant and Election
Confessions of a Harsh, Intolerant, Judgmental One
This article explains that to deny total depravity, election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints is to attribute salvation to man’s merit.
Does God the Father Love You Because of Jesus?
Does the Father love us because of his Son? It may surprise you to know that the answer is "No." This article explains why: the basis of God's love for us is his election of us.
Ten Things You Should Know about Election
This article succinctly provides ten things that the Word of God says about election.
Adding to the Church: The Puritan Approach to Persuading Souls
This article seeks to find answers to whether the Puritans were evangelistic in their preaching. Further it seeks to find out how they went about persuading souls to believe. It probes the nature of their confrontations, the language they used, and whether doctrines such as election, predestination, and particular redemption confined and restricted the scope of their evangelistic messages.
God's Indisputable Sovereignty
This is an extensive defense from Scripture of the doctrine of the sovereignty of God, touching upon words such as chosen, elect, election, calling, appointed, and ordained. The article also touches on the nature of the human will.
Perseverance of the Saints
This article relates the teaching of the perseverance of the saints to another Calvinistic doctrine, the doctrine of election. It explains further this relation, noting the role of man and the role of God in the process of perseverance, the possibility of backsliding, the danger of relying on external conduct as a sign of election, and the insecure ground of belief on which Arminianism stands.
The article discusses the doctrine of election in Scripture. It carefully describes what is to be understood of this doctrine. The article then proceeds to answer different questions that confront believers and unbelievers with regard to election.
Chosen But Free
This article is a critical review of Norman Geisler’s Chosen But Free. The article argues that the book supports the Arminian view of election, although Geisler himself professes to be a Calvinist. The author suggests the book is aimed against the five points of Calvinism.
Two Roses from the Garden of Grace: Whosoever Will and Sovereign Election
This article carefully works out the relationship between God's election unto salvation and the command for all men everywhere to repent and believe.
Calvinistic Distinctives and Evangelism
This article considers how the doctrines of election, limited atonement, and total depravity harmonize with evangelism.
Is Jeremiah 33:14-26 a "Centre" to the Bible? A Test Case in Inter-Canonical Hermeneutics
Can Jeremiah 33:14-26 be seen as a centre of the Bible? The article draws attention to six intercanonical themes that cluster in this passage as God promises here to restore his people. These themes are messianic hope, land, kingship, priesthood, covenant, and election.
Custom-Crafted Kids
Does the Bible tell us the reasons for God's election? In other words, is there a reason God chose you? This article explains that though God could have custom-crafted his children, he chose out of love those who had nothing special to offer.
Did YHWH Condemn the Nations When He Elected Israel? YHWH's Disposition toward Non-Israelites in the Torah
The election of Israel to be the people of God is a significant theme in the Old Testament. This special position of Israel has offended many people both in the ancient and modern world. In a world of "equal opportunity," people argue that the idea of election leads to violence because it in effect defines all other nations as the enemy. The elect and the non-elect are seen as antagonistic categories.
Election and Evangelism
Does Romans 9 Teach Individual Election unto Salvation? Some Exegetical and Theological Reflections
Appeal is often made to Romans 9 to explain and defend the doctrine of election. The traditional Reformed exegesis of Romans 9, however, is increasingly questioned today. Schreiner first wants to explain two of the objections to this exegesis, and then examines whether the objections are persuasive.
The Perseverance of the Saints: A History of the Doctrine
This essay provides a historical overview of the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. It starts with the first extensive treatment of the doctrine in Augustine. The author indicates the central role the understanding of election plays in this doctrine.
Election and the Christian Life
Election and the Love of God
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Salvation: A Brief Overview of the Spirit's Role in the Doctrine of Grace
What is the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation? This question is answered in this article by looking at the work of the Holy Spirit in total depravity, election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of saints.
Limited Atonement
Why are not all people saved? This article answers this question by looking at the relationship between limited atonement, election, and total depravity.
Paul's Use of Kalein: A Proposal
What is meant by the call of God unto salvation? How did the apostle Paul view the call of God? This paper has a linguistic approach in its effort to clarify the significance of the call (Greek: kalein). The relationship with election is considered.
Election: God’s Decision to Adopt
Election and Free Will – Why a Book on Election and Free Will?
The subject of election, or predestination, raises many questions in people’s minds. In this book the author tries to answer many of those questions from the Scriptures. The first chapter introduces the importance of the subject, noting the biblical witness to God’s electing love and the search for assurance in the insecurity of contemporary life.
Election God Chooses His Own
Election is rooted in God's sovereignty and is unconditional. Yet the elected are known through their fruits. This is what this article explains. It also points to the reality of reprobation as a biblical reality.
Esau Have I Hated
Chosen Church of God Why was Abraham chosen? And Joseph? And Moses? And Samuel? And Paul? And...
Speaking of Election
The Place and Purpose of Election in God’s Way of Salvation
Born Again
The article considers some of the major questions that arise concerning the doctrines of election and reprobation.
The Heavens Declare
What is the nature of God's grace? The article describes the differences between God's common grace and God's special grace, in line with the reformed teaching of election. Common grace is extended to all men, but does not lead to salvation. Special grace is extended to the elect, and leads to righteousness in Jesus Christ, and thus salvation.
Knowing the God of Election - The Intensity of the Resonance
Unconditional Election
This article looks at the doctrine of election, giving the biblical foundation and implications of this doctrine.
Basics of the Reformed Faith: Election
Does the Bible teach election? This article shows that the doctrine of election makes sense if we rightly understand human nature and God's sovereignty.
Election and the Covenant of Grace
With whom was the covenant of grace made? The covenant of grace was made with Christ as the second Adam, and in him with all the elect as his seed. In baptism God proffers to our children the truth and promise of the gospel - a truth which is accomplished through the work of Christ and applied by the Spirit, according to God's election and his enabling us to respond in faith.
Preaching the Gospel Properly
Redefining Election
This article looks at the relationship between redemption and election.
The Mission Labors of John Calvin
It is sometimes said that the doctrine of election eliminates the need for mission work. Is this true? John Calvin would rather say that the doctrine of election is the motivation for missions. The hope of mission work is found in the fact that God elects. This article demonstrates this truth from Calvin's life and mission work.
John Calvin’s Doctrine of Predestination (2)
Without predestination there can be neither gospel nor grace. John Calvin believed that failure to preach election and predestination is equivalent to being ashamed of the gospel. Christ's election and reprobation are absolute and unconditional. Election is based solely on God's grace. Calvin challenges the church to preach these doctrines boldly.
John Calvin’s Doctrine of Predestination (1)
Without predestination there can be neither gospel nor grace. John Calvin believed that failure to preach election and predestination is equivalent to being ashamed of the gospel. Christ's election and reprobation are absolute and unconditional. Election is based solely on God's grace. Calvin challenges the church to preach these doctrines boldly.
Laboring in the Consciousness of God’s Sovereignty in Missions (4): Jesus’ Proclamation of His Hardening of the Reprobate
This is the fourth article in a five part series on evangelism and mission work. The commission to preach and teach the gospel is given to the church. God’s election is the root of all mission endeavours. In this article the author shows how both election and reprobation can be of great comfort to those involved in mission work.
Laboring in the Consciousness of God’s Sovereignty in Missions (3): Jesus’ Proclamation of His Gathering of the Elect
This is the third article in a five part series on evangelism and mission work. The commission to preach and teach the gospel is given to the church. How can mission work be successful? Election is the guarantee that it will be successful. This is the guarantee which Jesus Christ gave to His disciples, and is still the anchor for mission work today.
Election: Friend or Foe to Evangelism?
Baptism as a Seal
The Five Points of Calvinism (Part 3): Unconditional Election
This is the third article in a series on the five points of Calvinism. This article focuses on unconditional election. The nature of man, being sinful, is not a foundation for God's election. Predestination is completely rooted in God. Desiring Christ, repentance, and seeking forgiveness are marks of election.
Whose Choice is it?
The doctrine of election is a source of comfort to believers, since believers can know that God has chosen them eternally in Christ. Believing in election does not, however, nullify the call to believe in Christ.
Matthew 22:14 - Called or Chosen?
Working from Matthew 22:14, this article shows the relationship between calling and election. Though the gospel is preached to many, only those who are elected believe.
Calvinism and Evangelism: Friends or Foes?
This article addresses the accusation that election is the killer of evangelism by discussing Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, and the Perseverance of the saints. A biblical understanding of TULIP strengthens the call to do evangelism.
The Reformed Faith and Racial Harmony
This article shows that a true understanding of the gospel and the sovereignty of God will lead to racial harmony. Looking at total depravity, limited atonement, unconditional election, irresistible grace, and perseverance of saints, this article shows how in all of these God works beyond race or color.
Answering The Objections To The Doctrine Of Unconditional Election Part 2
This article is on the topic of election and salvation. The author looks specifically at the objections raised against the doctrine of unconditional election.
Answering the Objections to the Doctrine of Unconditional Election Part 1
This article looks at the objections raised against the doctrine of unconditional election. Attention is given to the objections that are based on predestination.
Bavinck on the Doctrine of Election
How Can I Know Whether I Am Elect?
Reformed Evangelism: "Election and the Free Offer of the Gospel"
How Do I Know If I Am Elect?
Divine election
In this article the relation of election and grace is discussed, as well as election and the free offer of the gospel.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 10:3
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 10:3 is about election and sovereignty of God.
Every Work made Public
When we stand before the great white throne and the Lord asks us, "What have you done to Me in your life?" what will we say? This article is about the final judgment, election and reprobation, and the relation of our works and heaven and hell.
Preservation and Perseverance
This article is about the preservation by God and the perseverance of the saints. The author also discusses election, believers falling into sin and Canons of Dort Chapter 5:15.
Election of Elders
This article is about the election of elders and deacons in their office in the church. This article also looks at the methods of election.
Who Saves Whom?
In this article the author offers a few responses to the common objections concerning the doctrine of election. He states, "If one does not believe in the doctrine of unconditional election, it is impossible to have a high doctrine of grace."
Ephesians 1:4 - Elected unto Holiness
Election and the Great Commission
Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 3: Predestined unto Life in Christ Chapter Three of the Confession of Faith is Entitled "God's Eternal Decree"
Calvinism and Evangelization
Elect – But to What?
The Foreknowledge of God
The Covenant and the Christian life: Assurance and Election
Electing Love
Unconditional Election
2 Thessalonians 2:13-15 - The Bible Teaches the Doctrine of Election - Part 1
These two articles looks at election, the sovereignty of God, calling and preaching and the assurance of faith from 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15.
The Boundaries of the Church
This article is about the church and election. The author looks at the visible church and invisible church distinction, the relation of church and faith/believers, and church membership. Jesus Christ and the church is also discussed.
Baptist Objections to Infant Baptism and the Reformed Response
In this article on infant baptism, the author discusses the objections against infant baptism by the advocates of believers baptism.
A Brief Overview of Covenantal Theology
In this overview of covenantal theology, the author discusses the covenant of redemption, the covenant of works, the covenant of grace, a definition of covenant, the promises and conditions in a covenant, conditional and unconditional covenant, the covenant view of Meredith