The Lord, Lord: Part 2
Three Signs You Hold an Unbiblical View of Grace
What is your understanding of the grace of God? Many people have a flawed view of grace, suggesting that grace saves them but the rest of their path depends on their efforts. The article describes three things that reveal you may be holding an unbiblical view of grace.
The Three Most Important Words for the Christian Life
What are the most important words you should know for your Christian life? The article describes the three most important words you should know: guilt, grace, and gratitude.
The Consequences of Grace
Pastor, God May Lavish You with Uncomfortable Grace
This article describes a seldom-celebrated side of grace, sometimes referred to as uncomfortable grace. It shows how Scripture and church history overflow with this grace of God's.
Simply Amazing Saved by Grace, we also Grow by Means of Grace
Love’s Choice Divine Election is the Very Summit of Grace
Jonah & Micah – Messenger of Grace (Jonah 1:1-3)
Grace’s Humbling Necessity
The Christian life is a life dependent on the grace of God. Based on Luke 18:10-14, this article shows why we need God's grace.
Galatians 1:3 – Paul's Defence of His Apostolic Credentials
Mercy, grace, and peace are words used often by Paul in the opening of his letters. In this article the meaning of these words is studied as they are announced in Galatians 1:3.
Grace 101
Why is Christianity all of grace? Because the gospel of the grace of God is not just for the beginning of the Christian life, but for the whole of it.
How Grace Motivates
What best motivates people? This article explains that grace is the secret to motivation.
What Is Grace?
Grace is getting what you don't deserve, and not getting what you do deserve. This article explains that the grace of God is the centre of the gospel's message.
Why Does Grace Matter?
Grace is important because grace is what carries the Christian life from its beginning to an end.
The God of All Grace
When we talk about the grace of God we refer to the beauty of God. Grace also points to the underserved favour and the power of God.
Irresistible Grace
The biblical concept of grace can easily become meaningless due to its abundant use in Christendom. The author of this article sets out to describe this term and especially how it is related to God's work of salvation. This grace is irresistible grace.
Predestination in the Century before Gottschalk (Part 1)
Was Gottschalk, the ninth-century monk of Orbais, standing alone in his preaching of the sovereignty of God? This article indicates that it was not the case that in a time when Semi-Pelagianism dominated, he stood alone. Investigation of eighth and early ninth-century literature reveals an influence of Pelagian and Semi-Pelagian soteriology.
Recovering the Mosaic Covenant as Law and Gospel: J. Mark Beach, John H. Sailhamer, and Jason C. Meyer as Representative Expositors
Does the traditional antithesis between law and gospel indeed function in the Mosaic covenant? The article gives specific attention to the use of the contrast between the principles of inheritance by works and inheritance by grace through faith. Can it be argued that the Mosaic covenant is in a certain sense a republication of an original covenant of works?
God’s Mercy and God’s Wrath Meet at the Cross
Guilt, Grace & Gratitude
The Triumph of Grace in Hosea (Part 3)
The Triumph of Grace in Hosea (Part 2)
The Triumph of Grace in Hosea (Part 1)
Chosen in Christ – Grace and Peace to You (Ephesians 1:1-2)
Chapter 1 is an exposition of Ephesians 1:1-2. The author explores Paul’s apostleship, and the significance of peace with God and receiving grace from God.
The Nearness of God – Incarnation as Presence
In Chapter 1 Burns discusses the subject of the presence of God in John 1:1-18. The focus of the chapter is verse 14.
Run to Win the Prize – Exhortations to Persevere
The Grace, Mercy, and Patience of God
What does it mean to say that God is gracious, merciful, and patient? God’s mercy means God’s goodness towards those in misery and distress. God’s grace means God’s goodness towards those who deserve only punishment. God’s patience means God’s goodness in withholding punishment toward those who sin over a period of time. This article explains these attributes of God and their implications for the Christian.
The Battle for Grace Alone
The author discusses the origins of the battle between Augustine's teachings of predestination and grace, and Pelagius's views on the same issues. Pelagianism later developed into semi-Pelagianism, a teaching that has remained to this day.
Efficacious Grace
Two Fiery Sermons
The Triumph of Divine Grace
The Whole Christ – How a Marrow Grew
The Marrow Controversy was a debate within the Church of Scotland in the early eighteenth century. The dispute was centred on the difficulty of properly relating works and grace, and law and gospel. This controversy influenced not merely systematic theology but also preaching and pastoral ministry.
The Grace of God
There is no way men and women can believe the biblical truth about grace without embracing what it presupposes. This article discusses four fundamental truths that grace presupposes. Without them, the truth of grace is not believed.
Defiant Grace: The Surprising Message and Mission of Jesus - Matthew: the Surprise of Disobedient Obedience
Jesus' coming fulfilled Old Testament prophecy, but did so in a way which shattered expectations. Jesus brought grace in a way that is counterintuitive and contrary to what we would expect. This book examines how Jesus and the gospel of grace are revealed in each of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This section focuses on the book of Matthew, showing how Jesus' rebuke is counterintuitive.
The Heavens Declare
What is the nature of God's grace? The article describes the differences between God's common grace and God's special grace, in line with the reformed teaching of election. Common grace is extended to all men, but does not lead to salvation. Special grace is extended to the elect, and leads to righteousness in Jesus Christ, and thus salvation.
Salvation By Grace Alone: None Seeketh After God
No one seeks after God. Man's salvation is only as a result of God's grace. In expositing Romans 3:11, this article shows that man by nature has no inclination to seek after God. Only when He is found by God can he seek after Him. This truth of salvation by grace alone is fundamental to the life of every Christian, family and church.
The Idea and Importance of the Sacraments (1)
Not only does God tell us about His love and grace, but He also makes them visible to us in the sacraments. This article is about the sacraments as signs of grace.
For Whom is Worship?
All of Grace
Our salvation is through grace alone. This article discusses the order of salvation, focusing on the work of the Holy Spirit.
Right with God
This article speaks about how sinners receive justification with God only through faith in Jesus Christ. The author describes what it means that we are justified through grace alone.
The Five Points of Calvinism (Part 5): Irresistible Grace
This is the fifth article in a series on the five points of Calvinism. This article looks at irresistible grace. This doctrine is important because it shows that salvation does not depend on the free will of man, but on the sovereign grace of God. God brings the sinner to trust in Christ, giving him the will through the Holy Spirit to respond to the calling of the gospel.
Hebrews 4:14-16 – The Throne of Grace (Part 2)
This is the second of two articles on Hebrews 4:14-16. Because of Christ's priesthood in heaven, Christians are encouraged to approach the throne to receive mercy and grace in times of need. The author looks at the Old Testament to examine the meaning of the expression to "find grace."
The Ultimate Balance of the Attributes of Christ
God Accepts You!
Romans 11:33-36 - The Depth of God's Riches
Irresistible Grace
Incorporating Both Grace and Truth in our Political Action
Infant Baptism and the Promise of Grace
Most discussions on infant and adult baptism focus on the role of faith. This article looks at this discussion from another angle, addressing the question: when is the grace that is symbolized in baptism given to the individual? The author shows that adult baptism sees it to be given in the past, whereas infant baptism is a promissory seal of grace to come.
The Still Small Voice
We Are Not Saved By Grace
Reformed Righteousness
This article looks at how the Reformation is still relevant today. The author looks at the Reformation under Martin Luther, showing that the struggle of knowing we have justification before God still exists today. This is a call to the church today to embrace reformed righteousness, learning to live through the sufficient and complete work of Christ by grace alone.
The Reformed Faith and Racial Harmony
This article shows that a true understanding of the gospel and the sovereignty of God will lead to racial harmony. Looking at total depravity, limited atonement, unconditional election, irresistible grace, and perseverance of saints, this article shows how in all of these God works beyond race or color.
The Lord’s Supper in Christian Experience
Regeneration as gift
Everything for Nothing
Acts 2:39 – Grace Magnified
Acts 8:1 – From Death to Life
Dealing with Grief
Psalm 73:22-23 – Overruled for Good
Luke 2:8-9 - The Shepherds who First Heard the Good News
In this article on Luke 2:8-9, the author discusses salvation and grace, especially grace for sinners and despised people.
Divine election
In this article the relation of election and grace is discussed, as well as election and the free offer of the gospel.
Who Saves Whom?
In this article the author offers a few responses to the common objections concerning the doctrine of election. He states, "If one does not believe in the doctrine of unconditional election, it is impossible to have a high doctrine of grace."
Wrights, Rites and Rights
"Knowing Ourselves as Sinners who Live by God's Grace"
John 1:16 - Celebrating Thanksgiving at the Source
The Taste of Grace
Perspectives on Grace
Will There Be Degrees of Reward in the Kingdom of Heaven?
Returning to the Gospel of Grace
Why Must We Suffer?
New Perspectives on the Church and Charismatic Gifts?
Abraham Kuyper: Advocate of a Christian Worldview
Leviticus 12:1-8 – Water Is Thicker Than Blood
Isaiah 6:3 - Holiness, Sinfulness, Grace and Service
Matthew 20:1-15 - The Late Afternoon Workers
This article on Matthew 20:1-15 is about grace in salvation.
The Doctrines of Grace
This article looks at the five points of Calvinism (TULIP) and salvation through grace alone.
Reclaiming the Doctrine of Justification
This article is about justification by faith alone and through grace alone. The author also discusses the relation of faith and merit, law and grace, law and gospel, and justification and sanctification.
Christ is My Worth
This article addresses the issue of faith in Jesus Christ and self-esteem. The author discusses self-esteem and sin, human dignity, grace or merit in the Christian life, justification and self-worth.