Do you Love?
Three Keys to a Christian Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic
How can a Christian respond to the COVID–19 pandemic? Many people have reacted to the with fear, despair, or apathy. The article provides three keys to a Christian response to the current pandemic: faith, hope, and love.
Brotherly Love
The Love of God
A Look at 1 Corinthians 13 and Love as a Way of Life (4)
This article looks at 1 Corinthians 13:8-13, which testifies to the everlasting character of love. The author focuses especially on the meaning of "perfect."
A Look at 1 Corinthians 13 and Love as a Way of Life (3)
This article examines 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, providing fifteen characteristics of genuine Christian love.
A Look at 1 Corinthians 13 and Love as a Way of Life (1)
How would you define love? This article examines 1 Corinthians 13, showing that in context it is about how we are to exercise our spiritual gifts in the building up of the body of Christ. The author offers a definition of Christian love, explaining that it is comprised of both affections and actions.
All Our Heart, All Our Soul, All Our Might
Life Under the Banner: Loveliness
Loving in Truth
Love in Ethics
Seven Ways to Love People
As a Christian, you are commanded to love your neighbour. What are practical ways of doing so? This article list seven ways you can express love to others.
The Gospel and Adjusted Math: Taking Gospel Love Seriously
This article reflects on Paul's words about love in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3.
Love One Another
The Mandate of Mutual Love in Marriage
Gazelles, Does, and Flames: (De)limiting Love in Song of Songs
Song of Songs 8:6 compares love with a flame. This article proposes that the image is used to both define and limit the expression of that love.
The Love You Don't Need
This article discusses the kind of love we need to show, in light of Ephesians 5:1-3.
A Fruit to Be Tasted
The New Commandment and the Community It Creates
The Christian community is not something we create, but something we participate in. How? The Bible explains that it is by loving one another in God's church, because love is what characterizes the Christian community. This article explains what it means to grow together in this love.
James, Soteriology, and Synergism
This article wants to investigate several ways in which the letter of James describes the necessary human response to the saving initiative of God. It starts with a study of James 2:14-26 and continues by looking at the soteriological language throughout the book: repentance and humility, love and mercy, and perseverance and patience.
Love and the Husband
From Ephesians 5:25 this article shows that man is called to love his wife. It shows that such love mirrors Christ's love.
A Lover of God…or a Liar?
From John’s epistles this article shows that Christians fulfill the command to love only when they know that love is of God, love for God leads to love for saints, and this love cannot be hidden but expressed.
Love is the desire of every human. Yet it is also one area where most fail. Why? This article explains that love can only flow from God's love.
Thirty-Seven Ways to Love One Another
Believers are called to love one another. How can believers show this love? This article lists thirty-seven ways.
Loving the Sinner but Hating the Sin
Ephesians 5:25 – 4 Marks of a Godly Husband's Love
According to Ephesians 5:25 a godly husband is characterized by his love. This article explains the kind of love the Bible refers to.
Law and Love Have No Quarrel
Divine Command to Love
Does Love Really Believe All Things?
What does it really mean that, according to Paul, love "believes all things" (1 Corinthians 13:7)? Are we supposed to always believe what others, like our children, tell us? Read this article for an explanation on this verse.
About Love or Why I Hate Attraction
What exactly does "I do" at a wedding mean? Does it have anything to do with attraction? The article uses these questions to address one feature of real love, both within and outside of marriage.
Courage – You Can Be Courageous
Fear is a powerful emotion. Many Christians are controlled by fear. This chapter deals with the reality of fear in the life of Christians, as well as with the reason to take courage. The main antidote against sinful fear is given in 2 Timothy 1:7, that it is the Spirit of God who gives us power, love, and self-discipline.
A Loving Life - The Lost Art of Lament
A Loving Life – Love without an Exit Strategy
A Loving Life – Suffering: The Crucible for Love
The Love of God
What does "God is love" mean? To understand the love of God, this article contrasts it with the object of God's love. Then it defines and describes God's love. It explains the implications this has for the believer.
What are the Communicable Attributes of God?
What are the communicable attributes of God? After defining communicable attributes, this article explains the holiness, love, goodness, justice and righteousness, and wisdom of God and how they relate to knowing God.
7 Ways to Care for Your Wife
The Least of the Apostles
This article considers two of the most important Christian character traits in the life of Paul: love for God's people and humility. The article attempts to trace the source of all these in Paul's salvation and in his understanding of God's love for him when he was unworthy of it.
This Is Love – God's Eternal Love
Chapter 1 is about love as an attribute of God. The author directs his readers to consider how this love is manifested in the Trinity, and how the glory of this love is seen in Jesus Christ and the salvation of man.
How We Live in Love toward God and Christ
How We Husbands Should Love Our Wives
Love's Beautiful Attributes and Activities
The Trinity and Culture
The author of this article attempts to explain and describe what love should be like in a godly relationship. The author does this by using the doctrine of the Trinity, with further applications from a number of errors that are a result of failure to understand this Trinity properly.
Aspects of the Soteriology of Karl Barth
This paper discusses the doctrine of salvation in the theology of Karl Barth. The main focus is on his understanding of justification and sanctification and their relation to each other. The role of faith and love receives specific attention also.
Seventeenth-Century Teaching on the Christian Life (2)
The Roman and Reformed tradition produced two different traditions on the Christian life. This article looks at these two tradition through the eyes of Francis de Sales, Richard Baxter, and John Owen. Here focus is on their view of faith and love.
Inexplicable Love
A Bad Yoke
Amazing Grace
This author warns believers to be careful of some theologies of universalism or liberalism that, for example, teach us that God loves everyone the same. Instead, the Bible teaches a love for the redeemed, as well as another love for the unsaved.
Characteristics of the Christian (2): Living Lovingly
Bibically, Christians are characterized by love. This article explains why Christian love is different from worldly love, and how this love can be cultivated among Christians.
John 3:16 - God’s Love
Words of Love
Love in the Bible
What is the meaning of love? This article shows that love is a disposition implanted into needful human hearts by the prevailing grace of God. By it we are enabled to joyfully obey the revealed desires of our Creator, both toward the Lord himself and toward others. Without this work of God, man would remain doomed.
Affectionate Initiative: A Call for Loving, Leading Husbands
The Marcions Have Landed!
Is evangelicalism equal to Marcionism? This article maintains that evangelicalism's tendency to exclusively preach God's love while neglecting his wrath is parallel to Marcionism. The article begins at page 27.
The High Calling of Husbands to Love Their Wives (2)
The High Calling of Husbands to Love Their Wives (1)
Covenant Life in the Home (3): Love for God in our Covenant Home
Looking at the text of Deuteronomy 6:6-9, this series of articles looks at how Christians can live covenant lives in the home. The foundation for the Christian family is love for God. This is basic to the structure of family life. The author draws images of what loving God looks like, describing practical implications of this love in the home.
Covenant Life in the Home (2): Love for God in our Covenant Home
Looking at the text of Deuteronomy 6:6-9, this series of articles looks at how Christians can live covenant lives in the home. The foundation for the Christian family is love for God. This is basic to the structure of family life. The author draws images of what loving God looks like, describing practical implications of this love in the home. Love for God shapes the expression of love in the family.
On Charity
1 John 2:3-6 - Law or Love
Loving God
Only Christians can obey Matthew 22:36-40, because Christians are the only people who are given a heart of flesh which is capable of loving God. This love for God serves as motive for obedience toward God.
Loving Your Neighbour
This article shows what it means to love your neighbour by pointing to the nature of biblical love modeled for us by God. This love is sacrificial, is not envious, and seeks the good of others.
Love is ...
This article shows that equating love with feelings is unbiblical, although love does include feelings. 1 Corinthians 13 describes Christian love as going beyond feelings - it is a doing motivated by the model of God's love.
Love – A Feeling and/or Attitude?
Love Never Fails
Love of God We Learn from Scripture about the Source of Love
1 John 4:7 - God's Example
Do You Love Me?
Situation Ethics
Isaiah 61:1-2 - This God is Our God
Looking at Isaiah 61:1-2, this article shows how Jesus displays the compassion and mercy of God, at the same time revealing the relationship between love and judgement. The author encourages the reader to realize the character of God and trust in Him.
The Apple of My Eye
Deuteronomy 32:9-10 and Zechariah 2:8 are texts which speak of God's love and care for His church, and the way salvation flows from His love.
Better Than Wine
The Fruit of the Spirit (2): Love
This article is about the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), focusing on the fruit of love.
Augustine vs. Russell
This article discusses Augustine's belief that human satisfaction can only be found through true love for God. All pursuits of fulfillment in materialism, sex, or atheism will fail.
The Primacy of Love in the Christian Life
Jonathan Edwards
Romans 12:9-21 - Christian Love
Love in the Fellowship of Believers
Love is the reason
True Love
Love – and it's Relations A Study on the First Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5
The Task of the Deacons
Apple in Right Hand while Bringing Up Children
Two Modern Concepts of God
Reforming our View of Sexuality
Ephesians 5:21-32 – Headship and Submission
Marriage ... After 15 Years
Hating Sin and the Sinner
Hating Sin I Don't like Sin. I Especially Don't Like your Sin.
Love Is a Command
The Importance of a Doctrinal Christianity
God is Love
Transforming Love
A deeply distressed father sat for two weeks in a pediatric ICU, watching his three-year-old son slowly die. During those two weeks he read through, quite surprisingly, a book on the Gospel. He later wrote to me, “I want to say to you the Gospel really is for real life.” This article is about sin and the forgiveness of sin.
Love Is in the Air
"Instead of standing firm in love, many Christians have been duped by the world’s definition of love, which proclaims self rather than sacrifice." This article looks at the love of God, the goodwill of God, and sacrificial love.
Nothing, Without Love
This article is about the love of God and love in the church fellowship. 1 Corinthians 13 is also discussed.