Preaching the Moral Law: ''But … you Mustn't Blame Yourself"
In Praise of "Thee" and "Thou"
The Consequences of Grace
The Genesis of Sin
Where do temptation and testing come from? How do we keep away from temptation and sin? This article weighs in.
William Perkins and the Pursuit of Godliness
This article considers the doctrine of progressive sanctification, or growth in holiness, also as it was pursued by William Perkins. It also considers what are the marks of credible godliness.
2 Timothy 4:9-15, 19-22 – Among the Last of the Sermons in Aberystwyth (Part 2)
This article is an exposition of 2 Timothy 4:9-15, 19-22.
2 Timothy 4:6-8 – Among the Last of the Sermons in Aberystwyth
This article is an exposition of 2 Timothy 4:6-8.
2 Timothy 1:9-10 – The God Who Has Saved Us by His Grace Alone
This article is an exposition of 2 Timothy 1:9-10.
2 Timothy 1:6 – Fan into Flame the Gift of God
This article is an exposition of 2 Timothy 1:6, with due consideration of spiritual gifts.
Romans 5:12 – Was Adam a Historical Figure?
This article, through the lens of Romans 5:12, offers a thorough consideration of whether Adam was a historical figure, and it concludes with some thoughts on what the historical Adam gives us as believers.
Daniel 9 – The Prayer of Daniel
This article considers the prayer of Daniel in Daniel 9.
The Patience of God
This article considers the perfection of the patience of God.
Romans 3:24 – Justification Is Free, by God's Grace, through Christ's Redemption
This article is an exposition of Romans 3:24, on justification.
John 17:3 – Knowing God
This article considers what it means to know God, in light of the message of John 17:3.
Romans 2:14-15 – What of Those Who Do Not Have the Bible?
This article is an exposition of Romans 2:14, 15.
Romans 1:18 – The Wrath of God
This article is an exposition of Romans 1:18, which speaks about the wrath of God.
Romans 11:33 – Oh, the Depth of the Riches of the Wisdom of God!
This article is an exposition of Paul's doxology in Romans 11:33.
Romans 10:1-4 – The Old Perspective on the Apostle Paul
This article is an exposition of Romans 10:1-4.
Luke 23:39-43 – The Dying Thieves
This article is an exposition of Luke 23:39-43.
Romans 9:11-13 – "Jacob Have I Loved; Esau Have I Hated": A Sermon
This article is a sermon on Romans 9:11-13.
The Virgin Birth of Christ
This article considers the ways in which the incarnation of Christ was supernatural.
Deuteronomy 29:29 – The Secret Things of God and the Revealed Things
This article is an exposition of Deuteronomy 29:29, on the will of God.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones' Spiritual Depression
This article is the foreword to Martyn Lloyd-Jones' Spiritual <em>Depression</em>. It discusses why Lloyd-Jones was well-suited to write on the subject.
Luke 12:16-21 – The Rich Fool
Genesis 15:7-21 – God's Sovereign Covenant with Abram
This article is an exposition of Genesis 15:7-21, where God established his covenant with Abram.
The Duty and Benefits of Self-Examination
This article considers the discipline of self-examination.
1 Corinthians 11:5 – The Covering for the Woman's Head
This article discusses Paul's instruction in 1 Corinthians 11:5 that women have head coverings in worship.
Luke 11:24-26 – The Peril of Fickle Religion
This article is an exposition of Luke 11:24-26, which addresses the matter of a so-called temporary conversion.
The Joy of the Lord Jesus
The Work of the Pastor (Part 2)
This article offers an thorough answer to the question, "Whom does the pastor shepherd?"
The Work of the Pastor (Part 1)
With Psalm 23 as its framework, this article reflects on the work of the pastor.
Wake Up, Sleepers!
Genesis 18 – The Intercession of Abraham
This article is an exposition of Genesis 18, where Abraham intercedes for Sodom.
Romans 12:11 – Never Be Lacking in Zeal
This article considers the exhortation in Romans 12:11 to be constant in your zeal for the Lord, with spiritual fervour.
Luke 6:43-45 – The Lord Jesus Proclaims the Inability of Man
This article exposits Luke 6:43-45, and discusses at length the inability of man.
John 3:1-8 – The New Birth
Limited Atonement
This article offers a scriptural discussion on limited atonement, with due reflection on Paul's words in Ephesians 5:25-27.
Preaching Christ from the Old Testament
This article contains a discussion on preaching Christ from the Old Testament.
Joshua 7 – The Sin of Achan
Genesis 4:1-5 – Worship, Accepted and Rejected
Genesis 3:22-24 – Man Banished from God
This article is an exposition of Genesis 3:22-24, which tells of man's banishment from the garden of Eden.
Genesis 3:8-19 – The Aftermath of the Fall
This article is an exposition of Genesis 3:8-19, which includes the mother promise, or protevangelium.
Genesis 3:1-7 – The Words of the Crafty Serpent
This article is an exposition of Genesis 3:1-7.
This article explains the biblical perspective on singleness, including how to love a Christian single. Along the way, the article engages with Genesis 2:18.
Genesis 2:24-25 – They Became One Flesh
Genesis 2:21-23 – And God Created Woman
Genesis 2:18-20 – The Search Begins for a Suitable Helper for Man
Genesis 2:8-17 – The Garden of Eden
This article interprets Genesis 2:8-17, the record of pre-fall life in the Garden of Eden.
The Creation of Man
This article considers man's creation in the image of God.
The Day of Rest and Gladness
This article starts by considering the Sabbath rest instituted in Genesis 2:1-3, moves to considering its use in the Old Testament, and discusses the change of the day of rest from the seventh to the first, concluding with reasons to keep the Sabbath day today.
The Six Days of Creation
God Changed Chaos into Cosmos
In the Beginning God
This article reflects on Genesis 1:1.
Spurgeon on the Minister's Wife
Read this article for a sobering yet encouraging view on the role of the minister's wife.
Mark 15:40-41 – The Women at the Cross
This article considers Mark 15:40-41, which speaks of the women at the cross of Christ.
Ephesians 5:25 – Christ's Love for His Church
This article is an exposition of Ephesians 5:25, which speaks of the love of Christ for the church.
Ephesians 5:22-24 – Wives Submit to Their Husbands
This article is an exposition of Paul's word to wives in Ephesians 5:22-24.
The Lord Jesus Christ amidst the Soldiers
The Triumph of Grace in Hosea (Part 3)
The Triumph of Grace in Hosea (Part 2)
The Triumph of Grace in Hosea (Part 1)
This article offers some of the significant features of the life of Augustine.
The Sin That Will Never Be Forgiven
Through an analysis of Mark 3:29–30, as well as some commentary on the warning passages in Hebrews, this article discusses what the unforgivable sin is and is not.
Deliverance from Demon Possession by Jesus Christ
This article considers demon possession, also as it appeared often in Christ's ministry, and the power of Christ over demons.
William Tyndale and "The Obedience of a Christian Man"
This article provides a survey of William Tyndale's life, including one of his important books, The Obedience of a Christian Man.
Faith Is a Gift of God
This article discusses faith as a gift of God.
Heaven Is Being with Christ
What makes heaven heaven? This article answers in no uncertain terms that heaven means being with Jesus Christ.
Christian Hope in Death
Death Is a Departure
What is it that led the apostle Paul to believe there was life after death? This article discusses how for Paul, in Philippians 1:23, death is to be with Christ.
The Instant Track to Sainthood – Regeneration
This article provides a discussion on the New Testament word "saint," against the Roman Catholic concept of sainthood.
Who Opened Lydia's Heart?
Learning from the Life of Dr. Klaas Schilder (Part 4)
This article is the last of a four-part series on the life of Klaas Schilder. It offers some critical remarks on the theologian.
Learning from the Life of Dr. Klaas Schilder (Part 3)
This article is the third of a four-part series on the life of Klaas Schilder. It recounts his involvement in the Liberation and its aftermath, as well as his ongoing work as professor and editor, and then it begins an assessment of Schilder's contributions, also to the field of biblical theology.
Learning from the Life of Dr. Klaas Schilder (Part 2)
This article is the second of a four-part series on the life and legacy of the Dutch theologian, Klaas Schilder. It offers a critique of Abraham Kuyper, and then continues with Schilder's life, particularly as a professor, writer, and editor for De Reformatie, and active opponent of Nazism.
Learning from the Life of Dr. Klaas Schilder (Part 1)
This article is the first of a four-part series on the life and legacy of the Dutch theologian, Klaas Schilder, particularly his historical context (including Abraham Kuyper), his early life, and preaching ministry.
Why Is Prayer So Difficult?
Christian Orthodoxy Must Lead to Christian Orthopraxis
Maker of Heaven and Earth
Why is it important to believe that God created the earth? The doctrine of creation is important for our Christian worldview.
A Confusion of Demons
Maintaining a Christian Worldview
A Christian worldview is maintained through the fear of God, love for Jesus Christ, prayer, and Bible reading.
Don't Hit Back
How should we respond to persecution? Should we take revenge?
The Celebration of the Christian Mind
God's progressive work of sanctification in the believer creates a mind which is set on Jesus Christ, is shaped by the Bible, is holy, and is taken by God's creation.
The Golden Chain of Salvation (Part 3)
This article is a the third in a trilogy which looks at the golden chain of salvation - predestination, calling, justification and glorification. Here the author focusses on the topics of justification and glorification, showing that these flow from God's mercy and are a source of peace and security.
The Golden Chain of Salvation (Part 2)
This article is a the second in a trilogy which looks at the golden chain of salvation - predestination, calling, justification and glorification. Here the author focusses on the topics of predestination and calling, looking at the concepts of God's general call and His effectual call.
The Golden Chain of Salvation (Part 1)
This article is a the first in a trilogy which looks at the golden chain of salvation - predestination, calling, justification and glorification. Here the author focusses on the topics of foreknowledge and predestination.
'Lay Down the Thing as It Was': Reflections on Books and Reading
Luke 2:8-9 - The Shepherds who First Heard the Good News
In this article on Luke 2:8-9, the author discusses salvation and grace, especially grace for sinners and despised people.
You Can't Beat a Book
Upholding Human Life in the Image of God
This article is about abortion, life, disabled people, and Christian help in difficult circumstances.
The virgin birth
This article is about the virgin birth of the Son of God, and the relation of the incarnation of Jesus Christ and original sin.
Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield
This article is about the life and legacy of B.B. Warfield.