Mark 4:26-29 - From Seed to Harvest
When Busyness Leads to Worldliness
How can Christians make a livelihood in the world without conforming to the world? This article explains what Christ meant when he said that we are not of this world: we are called to a new life, to flee worldliness, and remember that we belong to the everlasting kingdom of God, and therefore our busyness should always be done in the light of the world to come.
Jesus Came Preaching About the Kingdom
The kingdom of God was central to the preaching of Jesus. This article surveys the Gospels on this point, explains four components of kingdom-focused preaching (from Mark 1:14), and challenges the reader to appropriate kingdom involvement.
The kingdom of grace is nothing but the beginning of the kingdom of glory; the kingdom of grace is glory in the seed, and the kingdom of glory is grace in the flower.
The kingdom of God is not a democracy. When the Lord speaks...he utters his law unilaterally. He does not rule by referendum.
Kingdom Life
The ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ inaugurated the kingdom of God, and believers enter the kingdom in Christ. This union of Christ the King with believers must shape the daily life of the Christian.
The Exclusivity of Treasure Pursuit
You are a treasure hunter. However, your treasure hunting is exclusive: either you seek the kingdom of God or your kingdom. How do you know? Matthew 6:24 explains.
Kingdom Policy for the Disabled
Living with a Vision for Service in the Kingdom of God
Belonging to a Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken
Our Most Vital Union The Kingdom, rather than Marriage, is our Ultimate Goal
What Does It Mean to Be Part of God's Kingdom?
This article explains how the Lord Jesus defined in his Sermon on the Mount what it means to be part of the kingdom of God. Kingdom citizens recognize their sin, see the perfection of God, have a pure heart, and conduct themselves with the fear of the Lord.
Sabotaging Your Kingdom
Are you seeking self-approval? Are you building your kingdom and not the kingdom of God? There are three habits that can help you stop seeking your kingdom and start focusing on God's kingdom.
The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory
The study considers the present reality of the kingdom of God in the coming and preaching of Jesus Christ, but also the fact that there are future aspects of this kingdom that still need to be revealed and manifested.
Thy Kingdom Come
What does it mean for us to pray for the kingdom of God to come? We pray that sin be eradicated, Satan destroyed, and Christ glory to cover the earth. This is the essence of praying, Your kingdom come.
The Kingdom of God
Kingdom of God, Son of Man and Jesus' Self-Understanding (Part 1)
The purpose of this article is to re-examine some aspects of the kingdom of God, especially in the light of certain evidence about the Son of Man, and the relation of the kingdom to Jesus' person and mission. It focuses on two logia in the Beelzebul controversy as presented in Matthew 12:25-32 and its parallels in Mark 3:23-30 and Luke 11:17-30 and Luke 12:10,3.
The Kingdom of God: A Biblical Survey
This article gives a broad outline of the biblical teaching on the kingdom of God.
Regnum Spiriti: The Role of the Spirit in the Social Ethics of the Kingdom
Saucy writes from the conviction that understanding the Holy Spirit is important for understanding the aims and means of the kingdom of God in the present age. His starting point is that the Holy Spirit is directly related to the manifestation of the kingdom in this world.
The Gospel in the Gospels: Answering the Question “What Must I Do to Be Saved?” from the Synoptics
The Synoptic Gospels regularly describe the way one enters the kingdom of God. The Synoptics rarely in these contexts explicitly mention faith. The Gospels do not imply that people merit eternal life and the kingdom; nevertheless, active obedience provides the gateway to life. The article draws attention to the way the Gospels framed the doctrine of salvation (soteriology).
Why Do Christians Meet?
The Old Testament prophesied a time when nations will be part of the kingdom of God. This paper explores how 1 Corinthians and other New Testament examples present these prophecies as fulfilled in local church gatherings today, including worship. Since the purpose of church gatherings is to praise and to edify, this has implications for the church in reaching to those outside the church.
Reflections on the Kingdom of God
This essay is a reflection on different aspects of the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven.
The Kingdom of God in the Teaching of Jesus
We do not find the expression "kingdom of God" in the Old Testament. The sovereign rule of God, however, is affirmed in various ways throughout the Old Testament. The royal rule of God is expressed in the kingdom of heaven. This essay reflects on how the presence of the kingdom functioned in the teaching of Jesus Christ and the future expectation of the kingdom in the return of Christ.
Living at the Crossroads – Gospel, Story, Worldview, and the Church's Mission
This volume is about worldview. This is a concept that emerged in the European philosophical tradition. As a concept it wants to enable believers to understand more faithfully the gospel and to live more fully in that story. In Chapter 1 the authors indicate how a Christian worldview starts with the gospel of the Kingdom of God. The gospel is an announcement of the story about where God is moving the history of the whole creation.
Christ's Kingdom
Optimism and Pessimism – Science and Eschatology
How can a Christian give himself to work for the coming of the kingdom of God, while we know that the present world is destined for destruction? A very optimistic view of the future and the possibilities of science often leads to a postmillennial view of eschatology.
The Apocalyptic Interpretation of Thomas Brightman and Joseph Mede
In the seventeenth century two commentators on the Bible who helped to fan the interest in the coming of the kingdom of God were Thomas Brightman and Joseph Mede. This essay compares the comments of these two men on the book of Revelation.
The Coming of the Kingdom – Introduction
This is an introduction to the central theme of Jesus’ ministry according to the Synoptic Gospels, the coming of the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven. Ridderbos also gives an overview of the fierce controversies over the character of this kingdom as it occurred in the first half of the twentieth century.
The Davidic Promise and the Inclusion of the Gentiles (Amos 9:9-15 and Acts 15:13-18): A Test Passage for Theological Systems
What is the relationship of the Old Testament to the New? What is the exegetical method(s) employed by the New Testament's use of the Old? Wherein can we find elements of continuity and/or discontinuity between Israel and the church? Who are the “people of God” and what is the “kingdom of God”?
The Kingdom of God – The Kingdoms of God: The Kingdom in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Is the kingdom of God the central message of Jesus Christ’s teaching? There are numerous interpretations of the kingdom.
The Kingdom of God – Introduction
This introduction indicates the great importance of a good grasp of the kingdom of God—it is indispensable for a proper understanding of Jesus Christ and the redemption he accomplished. A good understanding of the kingdom illuminates many other aspects of theology. The introduction also reflects on divergent views of the kingdom.
What Is the Mission of the Church – A Common Word in Need of a Careful Definition
The following words of Stephen Neill are used to introduce chapter 1: “If everything is mission, nothing is mission.” The chapter wants to introduce the concerns of questions like, What is the mission of the church? Is the mission of the church the same as the mission of God? Should we distinguish between the mission of the church and the responsibilities of individual Christians? Is Jesus’ mission continued by the church?
Kingdom of God or Justification of the Sinner? Paul between Jesus and Luther
We Will Not Serve Your Gods
The book of Daniel presents a constant battle that faces every Christian: the battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. The many idols of this world exert an influence on believers. Christians must ask themselves: how are we going to live through this battle? The answer lies in Christ.
What does it mean to be spiritually minded? Being spiritually minded involves being conscious of the spiritual world, which happens as the result of God’s work through the Holy Spirit. Christians who are spiritually minded grow in understanding of the kingdom of God.
The Beginning of the End
This article is about the reality and the last days of the kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God (Part 1)
This is the eighth article in a series on various doctrinal issues facing the church today. This article acknowledges the centrality of the kingdom of God throughout the New Testament. The kingdom of God is the dynamic rule of God.
Isaiah 51:9-11 - No Room for Gloom
Christians have no reason to despair or be pessimistic. This is true because Isaiah 51:9-11 shows that the kingdom of God is progressing, God is working out salvation for His people always, and the opposition cannot withstand His work.
The Kingdom of God (Part 2)
This is the ninth article in a series on various doctrinal issues facing the church today. This article looks at the kingdom of God, discussing the citizens of the kingdom (those who are regenerated) and the characteristics of the kingdom.
The King of the Kingdom
The Two Kingdoms Doctrine: The Teaching of Scripture
This article looks at the Bible's teaching on the two kingdoms doctrine - the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. Focus is given to the eschatological nature of the kingdom of Christ. The author shows how the church functions as a experience of Christ's kingdom.
The Two Kingdoms Doctrine: What's the Fuss All About?
This article discusses the two kingdoms doctrine. This article shows how the perspectives around the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world were used during the Reformation to argue against the separation of church and state, and is used today to support the social gospel. This warrants a new look into the discussion of the two kingdoms.
The Kingdom of God and the Church
A Lasting Faith for the Last Days (Part 1)
Living in the last days is about knowing how to live as God's people. Looking at the relationship between eschatology and the kingdom, this article shows that the first coming of Christ ushered in the kingdom of God which will be completed when He returns. This has bearing on the Christian life, because Christians live their lives looking at the completed work of Christ while waiting for the full realization of it.
The Task of the Government Today
Setting of Prayer: Life is War
Eschatology – What's in a Word?
Creating God's Kingdom
Hope as an Incentive to Godliness
This article is about hope, and how it is an incentive for godliness. In other words, what does the return of Christ have to do with our piety? The kingdom of God is discussed from a amillennial point of view, as a spiritual kingdom. It also looks at the relation of the kingdom of God to this world.
Thy Kingdom Come
This article is about the kingdom of God as a spiritual kingdom. The author also discusses the kingdom of God in culture and society, the optimistic and pessimistic view of the kingdom of God in this world, and amillennialism.
Covenant Theology and Old Testament ethics: Meredith G Kline's Intrusion Ethics
In this article on the intrusion ethics of Meredith G Kline, the author also discusses theocracy in the Old Testament, the eschatological kingdom of God in the Old Testament, theonomy, and the relation Old Testament and New Testament.
The New Creation
This article looks at the relation of the creation and the new creation, the consummation of the kingdom of God and the new heaven and earth.
Luke 22:29 - The Covenanted Kingdom
Our Children - Future Kings and Queens in God's Kingdom Parents and the Education of their Children
Luke 10:17-20 - Christ’s Victory Over Satan
The Ultimate Encounter - Narcissism and the Kingdom of God
Through much of the history of the Church those who have articulated Christian doctrine have viewed narcissism as the original and fundamental human problem. Augustine declared that the "primal destruction of man was self-Iove". This article takes an in-depth view at the role of the "I" in the confrontation with the Kingdom of God, where the most important one is the one who know how to be a servant.
Civilization & its Discontent
This article is about the expectation of the new heaven and earth and the worldly hope and optimism and the idea of utopia we find in our society today. The author also looks at the joy and the patience of the kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God
What exactly is the kingdom of God? In his book The Kingdom of God, John Bright emphasizes the unity between the Old and New Testaments by looking at the biblical theme of the kingdom of God. This is a review of this book.
1 Chronicles - Major themes: Divine responses
This article is about victory and defeats in the kingdom of God] as we see it in the book of 1 Chronicles. The article also discusses the victory and defeat of Israel in war, the blessing of the Lord, children as a blessing, prosperity and poverty, and sickness and healing.