Confusing Faith with Taking Big Risks for God
How should we think about the promises of God? God's promises should be received by faith. However, this article explains the difference between living by faith and taking risks.
How should we think about the promises of God? God's promises should be received by faith. However, this article explains the difference between living by faith and taking risks.
The promises of the gospel are not only for the past and future. Gospel promises are also for today. This article discusses seven such gospel promises.
How is the Bible a unity? The Scriptures makes it clear that God has a unified plan for all of history. God’s ultimate purpose realized in the fullness of time is to unite all things in Christ (Ephesians 1:10). The Old Testament contains God’s promises and covenants. All of these were shadows, prefigurements, and types.
The article traces the meaning of the phrase "the fullness of time," which relates to the various times in which God fulfilled his promises and will fulfill remaining promises to his people.
What is the role of preaching and the sacraments in the worship service? Through these means, God assures believers of the promises of Scripture. The author also discusses the practice of the altar call - does this practice also confirm the gospel?
This article provides guidelines for believers' attitude and manner of life in view of the present and future aspects of the promises of God (Hebrews 12:25-29).
We are a people who place our trust in God’s covenant faithfulness. This covenant faithfulness of God firstly applies to the covenant of redemption before the creation of this world. This article looks at God's plan of salvation and the promises the three persons of the Trinity made to each other.
In this article on infant baptism, the author discusses that there is one covenant and people of God, that God includes children in the visible church, that the promises of the baptism must be believed, and infant dedication.
In this overview of covenantal theology, the author discusses the covenant of redemption, the covenant of works, the covenant of grace, a definition of covenant, the promises and conditions in a covenant, conditional and unconditional covenant, the covenant view of Meredith Kline