The Vision of the Sealed Book
Reading for Leisure and Learning
The Sinner’s Comfort and God’s Glory: Zacharias Ursinus and the Heidelberg Catechism
An Unexpected Lesson History’s Failures Teach Us Much – Above All, God’s Grace
Four Reasons to Study Church History
The study of church history can be used by God for your maturity. This article gives four reasons for how the study of church history can do that.
Daniel 1-6 and History
In the interpretation of the book of Daniel, how should the stories of Daniel and his three friends be viewed? Are they "traditional tales" originating in the eastern Jewish Diaspora during the Hellenistic period, like it is sometimes assumed? This article discusses the issues of interpretation of Daniel 1–Daniel 6 in relation to authentic history.
The Times We Are to Understand
This article explains that it is important for Christians as they are engaged in spiritual warfare to understand the times in which they live, as well as the history that precedes them.
Response to G. K. Beale’s Review Article of "Inspiration and Incarnation"
In this article Peter Enns responds to Greg Beale’s review of his book, Inspiration and Incarnation, on the doctrine of Scripture. Aspects Enns deals with include the understanding of categories like myth and history, inerrancy, and the Incarnational Analogy.
Calvin and Culture – 1929 and All That, or What Does Calvinism Say to Historians Searching for Meaning
Chapter 1 is a study of the significance of John Calvin’s understanding of the doctrine of providence. In the second part of the chapter, Hart considers the implications for a Christian approach to history, and the limits in seeking meaning in history.
God and History in Jurgen Moltmann
What is Jurgen Moltmann's view of history? This essay wants to show that Moltmann imposes upon the Old Testament a revisionist Marxist view of history, resulting in a view of God that is alien to the Old Testament.
A Theology of Ezekiel: God's Name and Israel's History
The prophet Ezekiel had a great interest in history. The focus of this article is on Ezekiel's concern for the holiness of the name of the Lord.
Pannenberg's Use of History as a Solution to the Religious Language Problem
This essay is an analysis and statement of the view of Pannenberg who extended the concept of revelation as history into various aspects of Christian doctrine. The function of religious language is explored.
The Bible and History
In this paper Tenney considers the relation of the Bible to history.
The Bible and God's Revelation in History
The article considers the modes of the revelation of God that he uses: the Bible, history, and the relationship between deed and word in revelation.
The Gnostics and History
Gnosticism was a heresy that flourished in the second century A.D. This paper introduces Gnosticism and notes its cosmology, theology, and view of history.
Jurgen Moltmann and his Theology of Hope
This paper reflects upon and evaluates the theology of Jurgen Moltmann, which is known as a theology of hope. The implications of Moltmann's views for history, eschatology, and the relationship between God and history, are considered.
Ideal versus Real History in the Book of Joshua
This paper consider the way the author of the book of Joshua writes history (historiography).
Benjamin B. Warfield's View of Faith and History - A Critique in the Light of the New Testament
How should faith and history be related? The author believes that the views of B.B. Warfield on this relationship are very helpful. However, he also proposes a corrective to Warfield.
The Meaning of History - Posing the Problem
What is history? The author argues that it is a science in that it asks questions of the past, and an art in that it is a recording of events in an interesting way. The data of the historian is thus a composite of fact and evaluation. Historians cannot avoid the questions of philosophy. The author reflects on the meaning of history.
Faith and History
This paper deals with the issue of the significance of our understanding of history for the Christian faith. The question Ladd deals with is whether there is a dimension of factual historical reality which lies outside of history. Ladd argues that there is such a sphere, which can be designated "Geschichte," for "Historie" he understands by definition to be secular, unbelieving history.
Why Church History Is Not Boring
Why Bother with History?
Church History Shouldn't Be Boring
From Prophecy to History
Biblical Patterns of Divine Working and Their Relevance to Today’s Church
Establishing Reformed Churches (3)
What does it mean to be a Reformed church? How can one plant a Reformed church through mission work? This article answers these questions by discussing five aspects of being reformed: history, doctrine, worship, lifestyle, and church government.
Establishing Reformed Churches (2)
What does it mean to be a Reformed church? How can one plant a Reformed church through mission work? This article answers these questions by discussing five aspects of being reformed: history, doctrine, worship, lifestyle, and church government.
Establishing Reformed Churches (1)
What does it mean to be a Reformed church? How can one plant a Reformed church through mission work? This article answers these questions by discussing five aspects of being reformed: history, doctrine, worship, lifestyle, and church government.
Who Needs the Old Testament?
The Old Testament is a beautiful message of God’s love for his people, and forms the context for the saving work of Jesus Christ. The author describes how the history of the Old Testament Scripture is part of God’s beautiful revelation.
Cyprus in the New Testament
Race and the American Church: Lynching, Violence & White Supremacy
Race and the American Church: Sin, Slavery, Silence and 'Separate But Equal'
Race and the American Church
The Use of Church History in Preaching
Protestant Transubstantiantion: Historial Testimony
This article supports the use of bread and wine in the sacrament of Lord's Supper. The author is convinced that the replacement of wine by grape juice is unbiblical, and gives reasons for this based on the history of the early church.
In Defence of History
The Divine Hand in World History
God's Hand in History
This article is about nostalgia, the Christendom's dealing with history and the past, and church history and a Christian lifestyle today.
Remembrance Day – A Cult for the Dead?
The Second Coming of Christ
Did Adam Exist as a Historical Person?
The Interpretation of Providence in History
Believers in a Post-Christian Era
When the Gospel Came to Europe
Hosea 10:7 - Poohsticks
1 Chronicles - Major themes: God and history
This article is about the place of history and the work of God in history in the book of 1 Chronicles.
The accuracy of the Old Testament
This article is about the accuracy of the Old Testament history.
Aesthetic Theology—Blessing or Curse? An Assessment of Narrative Theology
Unaware of the origins of some of these thoughts, many pastors and church members may find themselves increasingly confronted with ideas like “story preaching” or “reading the Bible as literature.” Even though it may seem harmless at first, these phrases may in fact conceal trends of which the unsuspecting pastor, churchgoer, or Bible student may not be aware. This article will help us understand the unfortunate dichotomy between history and literature modern biblical studies have inherited.