True saving faith rests on the sufficiency of Christ. How do we know this? Based on Article 22 of the Belgic Confession this article explains the nature of saving faith as resting on the finished work of Christ.
It is only in Christ that believers are declared righteous. How do we know this? Based on Article 23 of the Belgic Confession this article explains the meaning of justification as to its nature, basis, necessity, and how it relates to faith.
The one who is justified by God will bring forth fruits. How do we know this? Based on Article 24 of the Belgic Confession this article explains the meaning of sanctification as to its nature, necessity, its relation to justification. It also addresses the question of rewards of good works.
The ceremonial law was fulfilled by Christ. How do we know this? Based on Article 25 of the Belgic Confession this article explains the significance of the ceremonial law and the manner in which it pointed to Christ. It shows how Christ as the High Priest fulfilled the ceremonial law with focus given to the Sabbath and Lord’s Day.
Church membership is not an option but a must. How do we know this? Based on Article 28 of the Belgic Confession this article explains that every true believer has the responsibility to seek membership in the true church of Christ and be a living member in that church.
It is possible to distinguish the true church from the false church. How do we know this? Based on Article 29 of the Belgic Confession this article explains the three marks of the church – true preaching, pure administration of the sacraments, and the exercise of church discipline.
Sacraments are the means of grace. How do we know this? Based on Article 33 of the Belgic Confession this article explains how sacraments are the means of grace, the number of sacraments, and the purpose of the sacraments.
The Lord’s Supper is a sign and a seal. How do we know this? Based on Article 35 of the Belgic Confession this article explains the how Holy Communion is both a sign and seal. It discusses the presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper, then it gives some guidelines as to the when, who, what, and how of the Lord’s Supper. Read on…
Christ governs His church through the office bearers. How do we know this? Based on Article 30 of the Belgic Confession this article explains different approaches to church government, the role of elders and differences between the elders and deacons. It also explains the danger of hierarchy and independentism.
The Holy Spirit glorifies Christ, this is according to John 16:14. How does He do this? This article offers ways by which the Holy Spirit glorifies Christ.
The work of God cannot be destroyed. This must be a great comfort to the church. How? This article explains how the God’s work is different from man’s work and why God’s work will last, Acts 5:38-39.
The name Christ means the Anointed One, because Christ is anointed to be our Priest. How do we know this? This article is based on Article 21 of the Belgic Confession which explains the Priesthood of Christ, and how as a Priest, He made a satisfactory payment for our sins through His sacrifice.
Jesus Christ is fully Man and God. How do we know this? This article is based on Article 19 of the Belgic Confession which explains the doctrine of two natures of Christ, while also explaining how Christ who is both Man and God are yet one person.
Christ is truly man. How do we know this? This article is based on Article 18 of the Belgic Confession which explains the doctrine of the incarnation of Christ with focus on the necessity of the incarnation and its relation to the covenant of grace.
Only God can save man that has fallen into sin. How do we know this? This article is based on Article 17 of the Belgic Confession which explains that in the plan to save man, God displays God’s wisdom and God’s goodness.
Humans are not what they were meant to be. How do we know this? This article is based on Article 14 of the Belgic Confession which explains the creation of Adam and his fall into sin and the impact it has on all human beings.
God did not only create, He continues actively to uphold His creation. How do we know this? This article is based on Article 13 of the Belgic Confession which explains the work of God’s providence.
Creation is the work of God. How do we know this? This article is based on Article 12 of the Belgic Confession which explains that creation both of the visible and non-visible is the work of the Triune God and provides the biblical basis of this with the manner in which God created.
How do we know that God is the Trinity? This article considers Article 9 of the Belgic Confession, explaining that God revealed himself in this way. This article gives biblical grounds for this teaching and addresses some errors regarding the teaching of the Trinity.
How do we know that God is Triune? Based on Article 8 of the Belgic Confession this article explains that God revealed himself in this way. In the Bible, the persons of the Trinity are distinguished by their names, order, and works.
Christian education begins at home. This article explains that it is through parenting that seeds of faith are sown, and God uses this education as means to call children to himself. The article explains both the importance of this education and the manner in which parents should carry out this duty.
Education is a significant means God uses to build his church. This article explains this as the conviction of the Reformers, with focus on Martin Luther, showing that education can be used to build or destroy the church.