2 Kings 5:1-8 - Grace Goes International
Postures Towards Providence: Noah Instructed in Providence
Postures Towards Providence: Ezekiel Admiring God's Providence
God’s Leading: Biblical Leading
The Belgic Confession of Faith Article 13: Of Divine Providence
Faith and the Providence of God
Does God Play Dice?
I Crave Freedom But I Pray for Providence...
Reading Backwards Only Afterwards Can We See God’s Providence
Perfect Planning We may be Caught in the Whirlwind. No Need to Panic
Belgic Confession Articles 12-14: Creation and Providence, The Fall of Man
God’s Providence and Sin
If God’s providence embraces all things, does it mean that God is responsible for the sins of men? This article shows that God’s providence encompasses the moral acts of sinful men, but God remains pure and holy, and therefore not the author of sin.
God’s Providence and Evil
If God’s providence embraces all things, does it mean that God is the one who sends suffering and afflictions? This article’s answer is: yes.
To Whom Was the Permit Issued?
To say that God is in control is to claim that in his providence he determines when and where events will occur. Does this include natural disasters? The article weighs in.
Providence describes the biblical teaching that God not only planned his work, but actively works his plan. This article explains how this teaching should shape our attitude when facing unpleasant events.
God not only created the earth, but in his providence he still sustains it. This article explains how.
Calvin and Culture – 1929 and All That, or What Does Calvinism Say to Historians Searching for Meaning
Chapter 1 is a study of the significance of John Calvin’s understanding of the doctrine of providence. In the second part of the chapter, Hart considers the implications for a Christian approach to history, and the limits in seeking meaning in history.
The Providence of God
What is the providence of God? To answer this question this article traces the doctrine of providence in the Bible, and explains how a biblical understanding of providence will help us in our daily lives as Christians.
Reading God’s Providence
What does God want me to do? This is a question that arises when facing a challenging situation or after one has happened. This article gives three warnings and three guidelines to reading God's providence in the search for guidance.
Our Father and His Providence
God’s Hidden Wisdom
The Providence of God in the Theology of Irenaeus
Still Things Moving
Looking at the motion of the earth, this article shows how God in His providence sustains everything. This work of God calls us to respond with faith in Him.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 - The Seasons of God's Sovereign Providence
This article is an exposition of Ecclesiastes 3:1-15. In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon points us to the sovereign providence of God.
Father’s Sovereign Providence
This article is an exposition of Lord's Day 10 of the Heidelberg Catechism. Nothing happens to a child of God by accident. Providence means that all things happen as a result of God’s will. This article defines the meaning of providence and outlines the assurance and peace it gives to the child of God.
Esther 6:1 - "On That Night the King Couldn’t Sleep" Providence, Esther and You
Cycles (1): The Providential Provisions from an Unchanging God
Creation abounds with cycles. The sun rises, sets, and rises again. Is there anything to learn from these cycles of life? The author affirms with a resounding Yes. The circles of life are meant to teach us about God’s wise design, his providence, and his unchanging nature.
Malachi 3:10-12 – Covenant Faithfulness and Unfaithfulness (15)
This article focuses on Malachi 3:10-12, discussing prosperity, God's providence, and God's blessings.
Behind a Frowning Providence
When facing suffering, Christians can sometimes struggle to make sense of God's providence. This article points to the cross, encouraging believers that God's providence is at work even through our suffering. A godly response to suffering is humilty in prayer.
Why Did This Happen to Me?
The only way we can account for events happening in our lives is by looking at the providence of God. We should recognize, admire and submit to God's providence, and turn to prayer in the difficult times.
Esther 6:1 - When the King Could Not Sleep
Observing God at Work
Noticing God's providence in daily life brings blessings to the Christian. This article describes five of these blessings.
Divine Providence: Occupying the Mysterious Middle (Part 3)
This is the third article in a series about prayer and the psalms of lament. This article describes a good way to view suffering in relationship to God's providence and grace.
Perspective of the Suffering of God's Children
The Godhood of God
To speak about the Godhood of God is to affirm that God truly is God. Looking at God and His attributes, this article shows how society through its lifestyle can deny these attributes and paint another picture of God, which this article calls the "modern god". The author points to creation, revelation, salvation and providence as affirmation of the Godhood of God.
Are the Times Really out of Joint?
Chaos and the Christian World View
John Sutcliff's Testimony to John Berridge
Ruth 2:3 - Chance is Not
Satan, World, Providence, Christ
This article discusses God's providence, grace, and restraining hand which holds back sin in this world.