Why You Don't Have to Fear in the Valley
Many people think the best way to deal with fear is to avoid danger. This article says the best way to rid yourself of fear is to believe the promises of God.
The Crucial Difference Between Law and Gospel for the Christian Life
Should Christians be driven by the law of God or the promises of God? While the law has its appeal to us, the Bible teaches that we ought to be driven by the promises of God. This article discusses two Scripture passages to help to address this matter: Genesis 15 and Romans 4.
Should Infants Be Baptized?
There are differing views regarding infant baptism. This article supports infant baptism, showing from Scripture how God is still in the business of blessing the children of believers through baptism, among other ways. The promises of God revealed in the gospel are for both the parents and their children.
Where to Find Hope When You Need It
Do you find your hope and security in your culture, status, and wealth? Many people look to these things for security. However, the Scriptures tell us that our true security is found in the promises of God, which are grounded in a firm hope (Hebrews 6:16-20).
The Prophets After Exile
The prophets who prophesied after exile pointed to the promises of God that were fulfilled in Christ. This article gives the promises of three of the prophets: Zechariah's prophecy of a new King, Joel's prophecy about the coming of the Spirit, and Malachi's prophecy about the remnant.
Faith and the Promises of God
Confusing Faith with Taking Big Risks for God
How should we think about the promises of God? God's promises should be received by faith. However, this article explains the difference between living by faith and taking risks.
Precious Promises God’s Promises Promote Holiness in the Believer
Abraham, Israel and the Church
What is the relationship between the promises of God for Abraham and the way the New Testament makes use of the Old Testament narratives? This article wants to affirm that the New Testament's use of these promises is in line with the original intentions of God with Abraham to be a blessing to the nations.
Parenting by God’s Promises Dr. Beeke interviewed on his book:
Understanding the Promises of God
The Voice of God and Our Response
Confession and God's Promising Word Lord's Day 7 on “All That Is Promised Us in the Gospel”
Appropriation of Salvation
The Life of Faith
In this article the author looks at the relation of faith and trust, faith and obedience, faith and hope, and faith and the promises of God. Hebrews 11 is also discussed.
Prayer – It is Certain
A Lesson from the Prophets
Baptism and the Covenant
Confidence in Christ
This article discusses assurance of faith, faith in the promises of God, and faith as confidence in Christ.
Acts 7 - The Pilgrim Mentality Promise and Fulfilment
The Covenant and the Christian life: Assurance and Election
Hebrews 11:11 - Being Able to do the Humanly Speaking Impossible
A Call to Heavenly-mindedness
This article is about the relation of hope and piety, and hope and worship. The promises of God and afterlife is also discussed.
Historical Contingencies and Biblical Predictions
This article looks at the fulfillment of prophecy, conditional prophecies, the influence of human action and decisions on prophecy, predictions and the providence of God, predictions and unconditional/assurances by God, prophecy and an oath of God, promises and the human response in the covenant, covenant and predictions, and the promis
The Promises at Baptism
This article is about infant baptism and the work of the Holy Spirit. Infant regeneration, the promises of God at baptism, and specifically the promise of the Spirit at baptism is discussed in this article.