Genesis 3:16–24 - In Wrath He Remembers Mercy (Part Two)
Genesis 3:7–15 - In Wrath He Remembers Mercy (Part One)
Genesis 3:1–7 - Covenant Rebellion in the Creation-Kingdom
The First Church-Centered Confession of Faith
Faith and Promise Tried
Advent and the First Gospel Promise
Man in His Four-Fold State: Man as Sin Marred Him
A Panoramic View Genesis 3:15 Shows History’s Sweep in Embryo
The Types of Scripture
The Covenant Maintained in the Promise of a Saviour
The Covenant Broken through the Fall into Sin
The Seed of the Woman and the Blessing of Abraham
Could it be that the blessings given to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 are direct answers to the curses of Genesis 3:14-19? This essay considers whether Genesis 12 is the antidote of Genesis 3.
Our Death in Adam
The Fall of Our First Parents
The Curse of Work in Qoheleth: An Exposé of Genesis 3:17-19 in Ecclesiastes
Did Genesis 3:17-19 form the background to Ecclesiastes' evaluation of work? This article offers a literary-critical analysis of Genesis 3 and its relationship with Ecclesiastes, and explores the theological implications of Genesis 3:17-19 in Ecclesiastes.
Paradise the First
Shame, Fear, Guilt
Understanding how cultures pressure us to conform is important. This article examines shame culture, fear culture and guilt culture. It shows how all find their origin in Genesis 3.
“And Their Eyes Were Opened, and They Knew”: An Inter-Canonical Note on Luke 24:31
This study suggests that we find an allusion to Genesis 3:7 in Luke 24:31. Both Adam and Eve's eyes and those of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus were opened when they were offered food. The study first notes the general lack of attention in the relevant literature for the possibility of this inter-canonical connection. Ortlund identifies three scholars who link Luke 24:31 to Genesis 3, and then provides four factors that suggest such a link.
Genesis 3:22-24 – Man Banished from God
This article is an exposition of Genesis 3:22-24, which tells of man's banishment from the garden of Eden.
Genesis 3:8-19 – The Aftermath of the Fall
This article is an exposition of Genesis 3:8-19, which includes the mother promise, or protevangelium.
Genesis 3:1-7 – The Words of the Crafty Serpent
This article is an exposition of Genesis 3:1-7.
The Woman's Seed (Genesis 3:15)
How was Genesis 3:15 interpreted throughout history? Does this verse contain a promise or does it actually form part of the curse on the serpent? Lewis gives an overview of the history of exegesis of this passage starting with the Scriptures, early Jewish writers, and the early church fathers, and continues until the Reformation and modern commentaries.
Immanuel in Our Place – Paradise Gained and Lost: Sacred Space from the Beginning
Chapter 1 gives an overview of theological motifs in Genesis 2 and Genesis 3: man as image of God, sacred space, the Garden of Eden, evil, and sin. A text to be noted in particular is Ezekiel 31:8. The chapter ends with questions for further reflection.
Why Does It Have to Hurt? – Why Is There Suffering at All? A Look at Genesis 3
Chapter 1 wrestles with the question why there is suffering at all. It first reflects on what suffering is. Next it unfolds the origin of human suffering by expounding on Genesis 3 and throwing light on the different contexts in which suffering is experienced. The chapter ends with questions for further reflection.
God's Covering on Man's Nakedness
Linguistic and Thematic Links between Genesis 4:1-16 and Genesis 2-3
The People, Place, and Presence of God
The author focuses on the promise of God in Genesis 3:15, where the curse and the blessing are introduced as operative for the rest of redemptive history. He cites key moments, especially in connection with the blessings, where he notes that the blessing as pronounced later to Abraham would provide a people, a place, and God's presence with his people.
The Triumph of Divine Grace
The Trouble & Trial of Fallen Sinners
Satan and the Original Temptation
Correcting Caricatures – The Biblical Teaching on Women
Kaiser sets out to correct popular caricatures of the gender roles we find depicted in Scripture. Texts reflected upon include Genesis 2:18, Genesis 3:16, 1 Corinthians 14:34-38, and 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.
Christ the Conqueror
The article is an attempt to discover the gospel message that can be found in Genesis 3:15. Thus the article finds in this verse alone both salvation and judgment, the blessing and the curse, all to be effected through the seed of the woman.
Rhythms of Grace – The Song of Eden
This book is a challenge to worship leaders to discover how the gospel reshapes every dimension and element of worship. The author makes the bold statement that the gospel is the story of worship. In Chapter 1 he starts to tell that story at Genesis 2 in the Garden of Eden. Worship is rooted in the eternal love of God.
Genesis 2:4-3:24 – The Beginning of History
The Promised Seed
This article draws the line from Genesis 3:15 to the birth of Christ, showing that the promised seed was Christ.
Exodus 7-11 - The Ten Plagues: An Introduction to the Conflict
The Fall of Man (Part 1) - A Picture of Grace
The Fall of Man Part 2
Genesis 3:15 - The Gospel in Eden
By One Man
Genesis 3:1-7 - The Temptation and Fall of Man
Setting of Prayer: Life is War
Antithesis or Synthesis?
Genesis 3:8-24 - The Immediate Results of the Fall
Scripture on the Antithesis
The antithesis and the rule of Christ
This article on the antithesis and the rule of Christ, is about the enmity between the church and world. The relation between the rule of grace and the rule of power is also discussed. The author looks at Genesis 3:15 in some detail.