The Blessings and Marks of Adoption
The Privileges of Adoption
The Adoption of the Children of God
How Do I Know I Am a Child of God?
Adoption: A Comforting Doctrine
Children of God
Does the Priority of Orphan Care Mean We Should Stop Having Children?
Should Christians not intentionally limit their conception of children for the sake of orphan care or adoption? This article shows that adoption and procreation both point to the gospel, and so it really is not a matter of either/or, but of both/and.
Thought of Thoughts
This article offers seven reasons why we should take great delight at the fact that God is our Father, through our adoption as sons in Christ Jesus.
"Adoption" in the Pauline Corpus
When the apostle Paul describes the relationship between God and those who belong to him, he uses different concepts, one of which is "adoption" (huoithesia). He uses it five times: Romans 8:15, 23, Romans 9:4, Galatians 4:5, and Ephesians 1:5. The article explores the origin of the metaphor and then the different aspects of the life with God that it entails.
From Heirs of Hell to Heirs of Promise
This article discusses the meaning and significance of adoption as a benefit of salvation.
Adoption, IVF, and a Closed Door
This article offers some biblical advice for those considering adoption or in vitro fertilization.
The Order of Application
What is the order of the application of redemption? The article deals with this question and establishes the order of salvation: calling, regeneration, faith and repentance, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification.
Think Adoption
What is important when considering adoption? There are four things to consider: a quality adoption agency, prepare yourself for the journey, be realistic about the child you are adopting, and remember God has adopted you.
Lessons on the Journey of Adoption
The journey of adoption is not an easy path. This article gives five important factors to consider when one thinks about adopting.
Helping Adoptive Parents
What are the challenges of adoption? While adoption is a good thing and Christians should be encouraged to adopt, it also has some challenges. This article addresses those challenge and shows how the church can play a role in assisting adoptive parents.
Justification and Adoption
The Blessing of Being a Justified and Adopted Child of God
A New Family
Adoption places the believer in a new status in terms of his relationship with God and God's people. His inheritance status changes also and he is given a new confidence in approaching God. This article explains these three changes.
Adoption is an act of God’s free grace whereby believers become members of God's family. This article explains how the Bible speaks about the fatherhood of God and looks at both the positive and negative implication of this doctrine, showing that it is impossible to claim the universal fatherhood of God.
Heirs with Christ – Correcting a Caricature
This chapter introduces the biblical doctrine that every true Christian is God’s adopted child. Its main focus is on correcting the widespread perception that adoption did not find an important place in Reformed theology’s consideration of the order of salvation.
The Manliness of Adoption: Testosterone and Pure Religion
Matthew 1 - The Adoption of Jesus
Arguments Supporting the Doctrine of Limited Atonement (Part 5)
Looking at the doctrine of limited atonement, this article focuses on the intended results of atonement; namely, sanctification and adoption.
Bearing the Name of God
Not from the Flesh but from the Heart
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 12 (Part three)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 12 is about adoption.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 12 (Part one)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 12 is about adoption and sonship.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 12 (Part five)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 12 is about adoption.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 12 (Part four)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 12 is about adoption.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 12 (Part two)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 12 is about adoption.