Judgment and Grace in a Hungry World
Poverty, Prosperity, and The Gospel
The Place of the Church among the Poor
Does the church have an obligation toward the poor? To answer this question one must define what poverty is, which is this article's starting point. It explains that poverty is about both the poor and the rich. It then highlights three things the church cannot ignore in relation to poverty.
Poverty Traps The Poor are Always with Us – so there’s Plenty to Do
Evangelical Views of the Poor and Social Ethics Today
World poverty is widely considered to be one of the major moral issues of today. This article wants to examine attitudes to poverty among evangelical Christians.
How the Proverbs Turn Poverty into Prosperity
The Rich and Poor in James: Implications for Institutionalized Partiality
Public policy and faith are often difficult to relate. This essay wants to help construct a biblically informed perspective on matters of public policy as it relates to labour, poverty, and wealth. It offers an analysis of the book of James with attention to passages that deal with the rich and the poor and examines the implications of these Christian public ethics.
What Does the Old Testament Say about Poverty and Riches?
Kaiser summarizes what the Torah and Wisdom Literature teach on poverty and riches.
The Economics of the Minimum Wage and the Christian Response
This article shows that minimum wage law hurts the poor it seeks to help, it takes away their freedom to create their own work or get work themselves, and it is against the biblical principle of charity. Therefore, it should not be embraced by Christians as a way of alleviating poverty.
Globalization and Poverty: The Engine of Economic Growth and Development
The Bible makes it clear that the poor will always be among us. This means that the fight against poverty will be a constant one. This article shows that globalization contributes to economic growth and development.
The Poverty Issue The Christian Response, Good News, and Good Works
Helping the Needy in a Developing Country
Foreign Subsidy under Scrutiny (1)
What is the impact of foreign aid on mission work? This article documents five different aid works and shows how each negatively alleviates poverty, paralyzing the poor and causing dependency in mission work and economic development.
Deuteronomy 15:4-5 - Make Poverty History?
This article looks at Deuteronomy 15:4-5, showing that the Bible is realistic when speaking about the issue of poverty. There is no economic system that will fully eradicate poverty; therefore, the focus is on generosity.
The Task of the Deacons for Today
The Task of the Ministry of Mercy
Ending Welfare as We Know it?
Poverty According to the Proverbs
1 Chronicles - Major themes: Divine responses
This article is about victory and defeats in the kingdom of God] as we see it in the book of 1 Chronicles. The article also discusses the victory and defeat of Israel in war, the blessing of the Lord, children as a blessing, prosperity and poverty, and sickness and healing.