Equipping the Church
The Office and Leadership
The Offices in the Church
Using Psychology to Unmask the Abuser
This article addresses the question as to whether office-bearers may make use of secular psychologists in abuse situations. The author suggests that we ought to do so, provided that we always use Scripture to screen and filter the input we receive from secular psychologists.
When Elders and Ministers Cross the Line
The author explains why it is critical that the church exercise church discipline when office-bearers are guilty of abusive behaviour.
"Instructors" and "Frontsoldiers" in Evangelism
Those Elected Shall Be Appointed
The Confession of Faith Article 31 Of the Ministers, Elders, and Deacons
Called to the Office?
Authority and Confidentiality
Office-bearers are required to keep confidentiality. This article discusses three reasons for the necessity to keep confidentiality and three situations that may tempt office-bearers to break such confidentiality.
A Time to Be Silent and a Time to Speak
Esteeming the Elders Very Highly for Their Word’s Sake
Elders have a duty towards the church based on the calling Christ have them. However, this article shows that the church also has a duty towards elders, to respect the authority of office-bearers for the sake of Christ.
Looking for Leaders
This article helps us to consider how to go about nominating office-bearers in the church. It discusses what office-bearers—elders and deacons—are called to do, and what qualifications for leadership they are required to have. In relation to this, consideration is given to 1 Timothy 3.
The Role of Office-Bearers
Office-bearers are given by Christ to his church to equip the saints. This article looks at the biblical foundation for the role of elders and deacons, their qualifications and duties, with texts such as 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
Principles behind Reformed Church Polity (2)
Church polity seeks to answer the question: how does Christ want things done in his church? This article shows that Jesus Christ rules his church through the office of elders. It discusses the shift of authority from the apostles to office-bearers.
The Role of the Church and Its Place in Our Thinking The Role of Office-Bearers in Our Thinking
Caring for the Flock of Christ
Christian Ethics and Pastoral Counselling
Should Sisters Vote for Office-bearers? Must All Churches Do the Same?
A Goal in the Philippines (1):
What would mission work be like if one was to do missions with the aim of establishing a self-governing church (where office-bearers are local men)? This article addresses this question and shares four ways through which such a goal can be achieved.
The Qualification of the Office of Elder (3): Adult Males - The Scriptural Defense
This series of articles looks at the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This article discusses whether women can be office-bearers, concluding that God only calls men to serve as elders in the church.
The Qualification of the Office of Elder (2): Adult Males
This series of articles looks at the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This article discusses whether women can be office-bearers, concluding that God only calls men to serve as elders in the church.