God's Word and Women in Office
Tithe Law Interpretations
Church Boundaries: Keeping Christ Whole!
1 Corinthians 14:34 – "The Women Should Keep Silence in the Churches!"
Did Moses Write the Pentateuch?
Laying On of Hands at the Ordination of Elders
What About the Lord's Supper?
Hosea 11:1-11
A Short Chronology of Events in the Wilderness
Liturgical Principles
God's Word and Women in Office
Tithe Law Interpretations
Church Boundaries: Keeping Christ Whole!
Should We Worship and Rest on Saturday or Sunday?
Ephesians 3:14-16 - Paul’s Prayer
Reformed Church Polity concerning Withdrawal of Church Membership
Psalm 95 - Aspects of the New Testament Sabbath Psalm 95 as Interpreted by Hebrews 3-4
Galatians 3 - An Argumentation Analysis
Biblical Principles Concerning Divorce
Fathers of the Early Church on the Special Gifts of the Holy Spirit
A Sketch of the Ministry of Jesus
The Use of God's Law
The Consequences of Sex Before Marriage A Christian perspective
Ephesians 1:3-8
The Use of the Word "Amen”
Singing in the Corporate Worship of the Church
Why are Ecclesiastical Feast Days in our Church Order?
Old Covenant vs. New Testament
De Magistratu: A Probe into the Textual History of Article 36 of the Confessio Belgica
Paul’s Use of “Allegory” in Galatians 4:21 to Galatians 5:1 - A Method of Interpretation?
Exodus 20:22 to 23:19 - The Laws of the Book of the Covenant
The Laws for Uncleanness in the Pentateuch and New Testament Baptism
Numbers 5:11-31 - The Jealous Husband
Christ's Church and Our Calling
A Few Notes on Musical Instruments in Worship
The Three Great Feasts in the Worship of Israel
Experiencing the Day of Rest in the First Century
Are Deacons Members of the Consistory?
The Sinews of the Church
Article 31 of Our Church Order
Acts 2:38-39 – The First Preaching of the New Covenant in Christ’s Blood The Message of Acts 2:38-39
The Death Penalty in God’s Law
Entrusted with the Oracles of God...
Christians are entrusted with the word of God. This article makes a plea to believers to treat God's word with respect and honour by reading and obeying it.
Acts 2:38-39: Peter's Pentecost Appeal
This article looks at the relationship between circumcision and baptism, with a focus on the baptism of children under God's covenant promise. This paedobaptism is supported by Peter's appeal in Acts 2:38-39.
Jews, Judaisers and Paul
The influence of the Jews and Judaisers was significant in the life of the early church. Understanding their ideas helps us to understand the background behind many of Paul's epistles.
Exodus 21:12-14 - Looking for the Motive
This article on Exodus 21:12-14 is about the difference between murder and manslaughter, the intent to harm and accidents. This article looks at the importance of motive in a crime. Cities of refuge is also discussed.