God’s Eye Knows No Pity
Is God a Genocidal Maniac?
Why did God command the killing of people in 1 Samuel 15:3? Does God support genocide and violence? This article explains how this is a reflection of the justice of God.
Trained to Kill
Lamentations and the Poetic Politics of Prayer
This article wants to indicate the political dimensions of the book of Lamentations. The Babylonian politics of violence are vividly depicted in the poetry of Lamentations. In the second part of the article, the author argues that Lamentations contributes to modern theo-political reflections. Readers are encouraged to bring political calamity into God’s presence through prayer.
What Did Jesus Teach about Violence and Turning the Other Cheek?
Violence in the Bible
Did YHWH Condemn the Nations When He Elected Israel? YHWH's Disposition toward Non-Israelites in the Torah
The election of Israel to be the people of God is a significant theme in the Old Testament. This special position of Israel has offended many people both in the ancient and modern world. In a world of "equal opportunity," people argue that the idea of election leads to violence because it in effect defines all other nations as the enemy. The elect and the non-elect are seen as antagonistic categories.
Political Violence and Liberation Theology
Can it ever be a legitimate option to consider violence as part of political liberation? In this essay, the author considers the place of violence in liberation theology.
Violence in the Name of Christ – The Significance of Augustine's Donatist Controversy for Today
Lewis reflects on the Donatist controversy in the fourth century, particularly the role of violence perpetrated by the different parties involved and the advice and role of Augustine in the controversy.
Fallen – Sin's Contemporary Significance
Chapter 1 distinguishes the doctrine of sin’s intrinsic and contemporary significance. A deeper understanding of the cross of Christ is possible by gaining a deeper grasp of the nature of sin.
Show Them No Mercy
How Can a God of Love Use Violence?
Civil Disobedience - An Ethical Evaluation of Operation Rescue
In this article about the conduct of Operation Rescue, civil disobedience and violence is also discussed, as well as obedience to God and the laws of the state.
A Growing Darkness?
It Must have Been the Guns
Why Children Kill
Helping the Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
This article focuses on the perpetrators of violence and abuse (specifically domestic abuse), and the pastoral care they must receive.