“Everything or Nothing” The Covenant Theology of Klaas Schilder
The covenant is an expression of God’s will, not man’s, and man must listen to its terms, trust God that they are holy and just and good, and order his life accordingly.
The Belgic Confession of Faith Article 17 On the Recovery of Fallen Man
Dying and Living in the Covenant of Grace
Introducing the Big Idea
Our Children in the Covenant of Grace
Promises and Obligations
Seven Essential Distinctions in the Doctrine of the Covenant of Grace
The Covenant of Grace and Public Worship
The Great Gift of the Covenant
This article offers some remarks on the covenant of grace as portrayed in Scripture.
Christ in the Covenants
This article defines the covenant of works and aims to show its connection to the covenant of grace. The author argues that seeing the relationship between the two covenants is essential to seeing the place of the gospel.
The Value of Your Baptism
Why Works Works Biblical Revelation Unfolds from the Covenant of Works
Covenant of Grace: Appendix – Seven Essential Distinctions in the Doctrine of the Covenant of Grace
Covenant of Grace: Chapter 5 – The Covenant of Grace and Public Worship
Covenant of Grace: Chapter 4 – Our Children in the Covenant of Grace
Covenant of Grace: Chapter 3 – Dying and Living in the Covenant of Grace
Covenant of Grace: Chapter 2 – Promises and Obligations
Covenant of Grace: Chapter 1 – Introducing the Big Idea
Covenants in the Old Testament
The Moral Law
This article discusses the Antinomian controversy. This controversy was about whether or not the moral law is applicable today. The writer engages passages in Romans. Other aspects of the discussion involve the view of the law as a covenant of works versus the covenant of grace.
The Doctrine of Sin
This article explains the difference between original sin and actual sin. In explaining original sin, the author includes in the discussion such subjects as the covenant of works and the covenant of grace. In the second part, the nature and evidence of original sin is discussed.
The Covenant of Grace
This article starts with a discussion on the relationship between the covenant of redemption and the covenant of grace, arguing that there is no material difference between them. He then focuses on the covenant of grace, refuting non-Reformed teachings that have emerged on this doctrine. The author emphasizes that this covenant follows the covenant of works in history, and that it does not do away with the responsibility of man.
Outline of the Covenant of Grace and Testimony to Sublapsarianism
This article begins by outlining the original threefold distribution of the topics embraced in Christian theology: (1) relations of a rational creature to its Creator and Ruler, (2) the covenant of works, and (3) the covenant of grace. Then the author goes on to focus on different views of how primarily two groups of theologians give the order of decrees within the scheme of redemption: supralapsarians and sublapsarians.
Atonement and the Covenant of Grace
In this article, the author puts forward a strong case for studying theological doctrines in such a way that each individual doctrine falls within a particular larger theological field. He thus proposes that the doctrine of the atonement should be defended as falling within the covenant of grace. In this regard, the gospel call is made to everyone outside, but the one who really calls, Jesus Christ, does so from within the covenant of grace.
An Argument against Theologically Constructed Covenants
This article responds to the approach in biblical studies of working with theologically constructed covenants, and proposes an alternative. The author refers to the covenant of grace as constructed by Meredith G. Kline or the covenant as constructed by John H. Walton.
Covenant, Universal Call and Definite Atonement
In this article, Nicole interacts with current views on three important topics in Reformed dogma: definite atonement, a universal call in the presentation of the gospel, and the covenant of grace.
The Covenant of Grace: A Key to Understanding the Bible
What is the covenant of grace? The covenant of grace is that arrangement whereby God planned to save man from the just consequences of his sin, namely, immorality, misery, death, and damnation. This article discusses the need for this covenant, the content of it, its unity, and how it is revealed in the Bible.
Kingdom through Covenant – Covenants in Biblical-Theological Systems: Dispensational and Covenant Theology
Both dispensational and covenant theology are ways in which believers “put together” their Bible. These systems serve as interpretive grid to understand the storyline of Scripture. Chapter 2 compares and contrasts dispensationalism and covenant theology to see how they relate different covenants and to better understand both approaches. Different varieties of dispensationalism and covenant theology are discussed.
Christ's Glory as Head of the Covenant of Grace
Paul's Mystery in Ephesians 3
Does Paul's teaching in Ephesians 3 concerning "mystery" conflict with the Reformed confessions' view of the unity of the covenant of grace? The purpose of the author is to survey the meaning of the word "musterion" in secular and Jewish literature, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the writings of the Apostle Paul.
Deuteronomy 30:11-14 - Our Call to Covenant Obedience
The Position of Christ in the Covenant of Grace
Election and the Covenant of Grace
With whom was the covenant of grace made? The covenant of grace was made with Christ as the second Adam, and in him with all the elect as his seed. In baptism God proffers to our children the truth and promise of the gospel - a truth which is accomplished through the work of Christ and applied by the Spirit, according to God's election and his enabling us to respond in faith.
Baptism – The Issue of Continuity within the Covenant Grace
The Three Pillars of Christian Education
Covenantal Worship and Christ's Authority
Looking at the covenant of creation and covenant of grace, this article shows how understanding worship within the covenant helps to cure the modern individualistic approach to worship. A covenantal understanding shows that worship is obligatory and that in worship Christ's authority remains final.
The Atonement in Context of Covenant Theology
This article views the covenant of redemption as the plan, and the covenant of works and covenant of grace as being the execution of the plan. The author shows how the atonement features within the covenant, and how Christ takes our place.
Bavinck on the Doctrine of the Covenant
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 8:6, 8:7 and 8:8
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 8:6,7 and 8 is about Christ the Mediator, Covenant of grace and salvation.
Redemption accomplished
This article is about the covenant of redemption contracted between the three Persons of the Trinity before time began. The author also discusses the fall of Adam and Jesus Christ as the mediator of the covenant of grace.
Covenant Theology under Attack
This article is about the covenant of works (covenant in the paradise). Rewards and blessing, the active obedience of Jesus Christ, and the relation of paradise and the covenant of grace is also discussed.
A Brief Overview of Covenantal Theology
In this overview of covenantal theology, the author discusses the covenant of redemption, the covenant of works, the covenant of grace, a definition of covenant, the promises and conditions in a covenant, conditional and unconditional covenant, the covenant view of Meredith Kline