Who delivered up Jesus to die? Not Judas, for money; not Pilate, for fear; not the Jews, for envy; but the Father, for love!
God's Foreknowledge
Loraine Boettner offers a philosophical argument against the Arminian view of the foreknowledge of God.
What Is the Gospel?
The author believes that the future of Christianity is in the theology of Calvinism. He goes on to emphasize the basic tenets of Calvinism such as the sovereignty of God, total depravity, the atonement of Christ, the foreknowledge of God and the so-called universalistic passages.
The Foreknowledge of God
The author speaks on the foreknowledge of God as it applies to the doctrine of atonement. The article rejects the assertion that God foreknew who would believe and therefore predestined such people to salvation. The author redefines the foreknowledge of God, understanding it in the context of the decree of God.