We are saved by faith in Christ. Why? Based on Article 22 of the Belgic Confession this article explains the necessity of faith for salvation and the source of saving faith.
What necessitated the coming of Jesus Christ? How? Based on Article 20 of the Belgic Confession this article explains that through Christ’s life and death we see the demonstration of God’s justice and God’s mercy.
What is election? Based on Article 16 of the Belgic Confession this article explains what the doctrine of predestination is and how this is the hope for the salvation of mankind. It also respond to objections to this doctrine.
Providence means that God did not only create, He also continues to care for His creation. Based on Article 13 of the Belgic Confession this article discusses the biblical teaching of providence. It explains that God’s providence rules out fate and chance.
Creation story or evolution story? Based on Article 12 of the Belgic Confession this article discusses the biblical account of creation, the creation of man, angels and the fall of Satan, showing how this is contrary to the claims of evolution.
Is the Holy Spirit God? Based on Article 11 of the Belgic Confession this article discusses the divinity of the Holy Spirit, giving biblical grounds that shows that The Holy Spirit is God and the Third Person of Trinity therefore shares the same attributes.
Should Christians play lottery? This article looks at the place and role of the lot in the bible; then it shows that lotto and gambling are against God’s will.
This article discusses Article 9 of the Belgic Confession with focus given to the explanation of the New Testament foundation on the Trinity. Does the New Testament speak about the Trinity?
This article discusses Article 8 of the Belgic Confession with focus given to the explanation of the Trinity. How can God be one and three persons as the same time?
This article discusses Article 8 and Article 9 of the Belgic Confession with focus given to the explanation of the Old Testament foundation on the Trinity. Does the Old Testament speak about the Trinity?
This article discusses Article 6 of the Belgic Confession with focus given to the explanation of the apocryphal books, their origin and their role and place in the Christian life.
This article is a bible study on the life of Abraham, focus is on Genesis 24:32-60 on the meeting between Abraham’s servant and Bethuel. This when Eliezer met Rebekah’s family.
This article is a bible study on the life of Abraham, focus is on Genesis 24:10-31 on how God provided a wife for Abraham’s son Isaac through the prayer of Eliezer his servant.
This article is a bible study on the life of Abraham, focus is on Genesis 24:61-67 when Abraham’s servant brings Rebekah the wife of Isaac, as he was sent by Abraham.
This article is a bible study on the life of Abraham, focus is on Genesis 24:1-10 when Abraham sent Eliezer his servant to look for a wife for his son, Isaac.
This article is a bible study on the life of Abraham, focus is on Genesis 22:1-10 when Abraham was tested by God calling him to sacrifice his son Isaac.
This article is a bible study on the life of Abraham, focus is on Genesis 22:11-24 showing how Abraham experienced God’s providence when God provided a lamb in the place of Isaac.
What is regeneration? This article explains what it means to be born again. It shows the relationship between regeneration and conversion, and it defines what regeneration is not in order to explain what it is.
This article is a Bible study on the life of Abraham The focus is on Genesis 17:15-27 when Abraham obeyed and responded to God’s promise by circumcising his male servants.
This article is a Bible study on the life of Abraham. The focus is on when Abraham was visited by three men, one of whom was the Lord, as related in Genesis 18:1-15.
This article is a Bible study on the life of Abraham. The focus is on with the inauguration of the covenant between Abraham and God, as related in Genesis 17:1-14.
This article is a Bible study on the life of Abraham. The focus is on when Abraham witnessed the judgement of God over Sodom and Gomorrah, as related in Genesis 19.
What is the role of the conscience in the Christian life? To answer this question, the article looks at the relationship between the conscience, God’s law, and Christian liberty.
Did God decree the fall? What is the meaning of God’s decrees? This article looks at the meaning and purpose of the decrees of God, the place of the fall into sin in God’s decrees, and the purpose of understanding these. matters.
The Synod of Dort was held to deal with the errors of Arminianism. What is Arminianism? This article looks at the history of the person behind the name, Jacobus Arminius. It then discusses five areas where Arminianism differs with Calvinism.
Revivals are in the Bible and the history of the church. What is a true revival? This article looks at the essence of revival and the marks of true revival.
Is church membership important? Belgic ConfessionArticle 28 answers this question. The article explains the challenge of schisms for church membership, the necessity of church membership, the responsibility of each member, and when to separate from a church.
What does it mean that Christ is our Intercessor? The article explains the nature of the intercession of Christ, the necessity of his intercession, and the relationship of his intercession to the believer’s prayer. It explains these in the light of the Belgic Confession, Article 26.
Sanctification if the work of God’s grace whereby he through the Spirit renews those who are in Christ. If this is so, what is the role and place of good works? This article answers this question from the Belgic Confession, Article 24.
Justification is being acquitted of guilt and punishment and being given eternal life. This article explains what this means by looking at the Belgic ConfessionArticle 23.