The Element of Warning in Preaching

Every Sunday again and in every worship service the Gospel is proclaimed, isn't it? Doesn't the apostle Paul write: "Woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel"? That is why again and again the congregation of the Lord must hear the Gospel. And it must be the full Gospel. Isn't it therefore a contradiction in terms when the judgments of God sound forth in the proclamation of the Word? Is it really necessary to hear that it is appointed unto man to die once and after that the judgment?

How Are You a Child of God?

Is it possible to be a child of God and yet be lost? This article considers the various ways in which one can live as a child of God. All those who are baptized are children of God by virtue of the covenant, yet among them are those who do not want to know about the God of the covenant. Yet the Father does not want to lose any of his children, and so he urges all to repent and believe.