Understanding God’s holiness is key to answering the call on Christian to be holy. This article explains that God’s holiness is His character and makes us love God, it also shows how this relates to our holiness.
How do you resist the temptation of Satan? There are six arguments Satan uses to lure your heart to give in to temptation. Know them and know how to respond to them in resisting temptation.
Adoption is an act of God’s grace in making you His child. How do you know that you are a child of God? This article explains the work of the Holy Spirit in giving the assurance of adoption. It explains the testimony and sealing work of the Spirit.
Christians at times face impossible situation, be it life crisis or temptations. This article explains that God is able to work in impossibilities and bring deliverance. How does God’s deliverance work?
How should the relationship between parents and children be like? This article explains that parents have the responsibility to train and nurture children in the fear of the Lord. They should not provoke their children. This article explains nine ways parents can provoke children and it gives things parents can do to nurture a healthy parent-child relationship in their parenting.
How do you prepare for old age and retirement? This article explains the role of the elderly in church and society with practical guidance on how to prepare for this phase of your life.
What is the relevance of Puritans for the church today? We can learn from them from their understanding of man. The Puritans were physicians of the soul. How? This article explains this by showing how they understood the place of the conscience and sin in man.
How do you deal with young converts in church? There are two things young Christians must guard against – neglecting prayer and being aware of the world. Young converts must be encouraged and guided to make the profession of faith in the right time.
Who is the devil? How does he work? This article explains that Satan aims at God’s children. It explains the purpose of his spiritual attacks, his methods and how Christians should exercise discernment.
Who is the devil? How does he work? This article explains that Satan aims at God’s children. What does he aim at? The spiritual attacks of Satan are directed to faith, prayer, preaching and emotions. It gives guidance on how Christian can resist the devil.
How do you deal with young converts in church? There are two things to consider when dealing with young Christians: protect them from self-deception and build them up in faith and holiness.
For whom did Christ die? This article looks at the nature and extent of Christ’s atonement. Is it biblical to talk about limited atonement? This article contrasts the view of Armenianism and the reformed view in the light of scripture. It shows how the atonement shapes our practice of evangelism.
Stewardship is a calling of every Christian. This article explains the exercise of stewardship in relation to material possessions, spending, enjoyment, affluence, tithing and giving.
What does a man who has come face to face with God do when he must face a new day? We receive a good answer to this question when we watch Jacob limp from Peniel into the embrace of Esau (Gen. 3:4).
What is the place of prayer in the Christian life? This article draws wisdom from John Calvin. It looks at his explanation of the relationship between the word and prayer, the profitableness of prayer, call to prayer and the posture of prayer.
Does God demand Christian education? What is Christian education? Why is it important? This article engages with these questions by explain what Christian education is not and what it is and the implications this has for teaching. It also gives reasons for Christian education.
One of the fuels behind the reformation was the rediscovery of the doctrine of justification by Martin Luther. What did Luther understand by the righteousness of God? This article looks at his life and the rediscovery of this doctrine.
Is the Christian family under threat in our society? The Christian family is under attack from Satan. This article explains the forms of attack on the Christian family which Satan is bringing. Here focus in on family entertainment and the discretion needed to be exercised by Christians.
The doctrine of adoption is given to us for our comfort. For it means you are a child of God. How? This article explains the implications of adoption in our relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit.
Worldviews matter. Why? This article explains the meaning of worldview. It discusses the relationship between worldview and faith and the necessity of a Christian worldview.
Christmas celebration is not commanded in scripture, should Christians celebrate it? This article examines reasons given against the celebration of Christmas. It explains that even if God does not command the celebration of Christmas, He does not forbid it also and there are good reasons to celebrate.
How do you deal with young converts in church? There are four things to consider when dealing with young Christians: direct them where to find comfort, help them form their opinions based on scripture, warn them against sin and backsliding.
Is the Christian family under threat in our society? The Christian family is under attack from Satan. This article explains the forms of attack on the Christian family which Satan is bringing.
When it comes to grey areas of life, how should Christians make decisions? This article explains that strong Christians must be concerned about the weak Christians. Who are the weak and strong in faith? What things must you consider in decision making to avoid causing the weak to stumble?
When it comes to conversion the sinner is both passive and active. How? The article explains by showing how the Holy Spirit works conversion in the life of the sinner.
Love is one of the distinguishing traits of Christian character. How? This article explains by showing that this love is reflected in every believer and marks each one, it also shows the nature of brotherly love.
Is catechism preaching a promotion of man’s word not God’s word? This article answers objections against catechism preaching. It also explains the function of creeds and the importance of catechism preaching and the manner it should be done.
The church is the mother of believers. What does this mean? This article explains the doctrine of the church through the lenses of John Calvin. It explains visible and invisible church, marks of the church, the responsibility of every believer to join the church, and some lessons for us today.
How should we view the biblical teaching about the last things? This article looks at the signs of the end times. Here focus is on the final state of the wicked. The article answers questions: will God send people to hell for eternity? What is Hell?
How should we view the biblical teaching about the last things? Are all those who die outside of Christ going to hell? What about those who died without hearing the gospel and the death of infants? This article engages with these questions.
How should we view the biblical teaching about the last things? This article looks at the signs of the end times. Here focus is on the meaning of all Israel. Will all Israel be saved?
Why church history is important? The importance of church history is seen in that through it we learn to understand the struggles facing the church. That it is within and outside. This article looks at corruption in the church, conflict, and the Crusades.
Christian are heirs in Christ. What does it mean to be an heir in Christ? This article explains the future glory of Christians and the implications it has for their daily life.
How should God’s word be applied in pastoral care? This article explains this by looking at the nature of conversation in pastoral care and points to the role God’s word plays in such a conversation.
It is only when the believer is conscious of God’s holiness that the call to holiness of life can be answered. This article demonstrates this by looking at the biblical evidence and drawing five implications for the Christian.
God’s providence is a doctrine which must be cherished by every child of God. Why? It explains the meaning of your daily life. How? In the light of Genesis 8:15-9:17 this article describes providence in the life of Noah in relation to sin, society and salvation.
According to 1 Peter 3:15 apologetics is the responsibility of every Christian. What is apologetics? How should Christians practice it? What are the hindrances to consider?
God’s providence is a doctrine which must be cherished by every child of God. Why? Providence explains the meaning of your daily life. In the light of Ezekiel:1 this article explains the framework of providence and its features.
Apologetics is the responsibility of every Christian. How should Christians practice apologetics? We can learn from those who went before us. This article explains the apologetics of C. S. Lewis.
On the basis of 1 Peter 3:15, every Christian is called to defend of the faith. What does it mean? Apologetics is the science that helps Christians to do that. This article explains some different views of apologetics, the practice of apologetics, and the right way of doing apologetics. In deals with seven arguments raised against Christianity.
How does the church progress? The church’s progress will be visible when we see the church as God sees it, when the church remains rooted in His word, proper use of sacraments and through communion of saints, these mark the progress of the church.
What distinguishes a Christian from a hypocrite? It is their interest in Christ. The principle marks that marks them is justifying faith and renewal of the whole man in holiness.
What is the relevance of Puritans for the church today? They are relevant because of their preaching. The Puritans were distinguished preachers. What made Puritan preaching so special? It is the nature of their preaching.
Should baptism be repeated? What is the significance of infant baptism? This article explains the value of infant baptism and gives objections to those calling for rebaptism.
Will the world come to an end? This article looks at the scientific, humanist, and religious view on the end of the world. It looks at the apocalyptic writings and prophecy about the end of times. Then it asks the question: why does prophecy sells so much in our time?
Worldliness is a state of mind in which our thinking is governed by the mind and outlook of the world. How do Christians identify and combat worldliness in their recreation, entertainment and amusements? This report gives some principles to guide us. R
Are human rights Christian? To share some light into this question this article looks at human rights in biblical context, civil rights through the historical context, and the relationship between truth and rights, rights and entitlement.
Is the Christian faith private? The privatization of faith is against the biblical understanding of salvation and the Lordship of Christ. Christian faith does not distinguish between private life and public life.
Why church history is important? The importance of church history is seen in that it helps us understand how God works through general history to build his church and preserve her. This article explains this through the fall of Rome.
This article is a biography on John Wycliffe. Attention is given to his work in defending the faith against the errors of the Roman Catholic Church and how he carried the course of the reformation.
Why church history is important? The importance of church history is seen in that it helps us to understand how the church was shaped, this article explains heresies faced by the early church and how this helped the shaping of church in its doctrine.
This article is a bible study on the signs of the times and end of times based on Matthew 24-25. Here focus is on Matthew 24:9-14 describing events that will characterize the end of times within the church.
This article is a bible study on the signs of the times and end of times based on Matthew 24-25. Here focus is on Matthew 24:4-8 describing events that will characterize the end of times coming from the world.