Liberating Black Theology – Setting the Stage: Defining Terms and Theological Distinctions
This book explores black liberation theology. In the portion of Chapter 1 presented here, the author first identifies what Black Theology is. Next, he explores the relationship between Black Theology and victimology. Victimology is the adoption of victimhood as the core of one’s identity as human being. Bradley then inquires about the major differences between orthodox Christianity and the tradition of Black Liberation Theology.
John Wesley's Concept of Sin
John Wesley's doctrine of Christian perfection makes it necessary for him to make clear how he understands the doctrine of sin. He had a specific view of holiness. In this paper the author's intention is to clarify Wesley's concept of sin.
Fallen – Sin's Contemporary Significance
Chapter 1 distinguishes the doctrine of sin’s intrinsic and contemporary significance. A deeper understanding of the cross of Christ is possible by gaining a deeper grasp of the nature of sin.