The Basis for the Diaconate: Christ Our Merciful High Priest
The truth that Christ is our merciful High Priest is the basis for the diaconate. This article shows that Christ continues his high-priestly work through the office of deacons.
The Basis for the Diaconate: God’s Care for His Poor
The Qualification of Deacons: Full of the Holy Spirit, Wisdom, and Faith
The Qualification of Deacons: A High Standard
Through the diaconate Christ is present with his church, and deacons administer Christ’s mercy. This article based on 1 Timothy 3 shows that the standard required to be a deacon is a high one. It points out that this standard should at the same time characterize every Christian.
The Qualification of Deacons: An Important Subject
Through also the diaconate Christ is present with his church, and deacons administer Christ’s mercy. This article explains why the subject of qualifications of deacons is so important.
The Nature of the Diaconate: The Office of Mercy
The Deacons' Care for the Elderly
Challenges That Deacons Face Today
The Work of the Deacons Questions and Answers
Financial Management of the Diaconate
Office of Deacon in the Churches
Women Assisting Deacons (4): Implementing the Practice
This series of articles continues the discussion of the office of deacons. Looking at 1 Timothy 5:9-10 and 1 Timothy 3:11, this series focuses on how women in the church can support the work of the diaconate. This article provides a practical method in which women can function as assistants to deacons.
Women Assisting Deacons (3): Historical Survey - Reformed Churches
This series of articles continues the discussion of the office of deacons. Looking at 1 Timothy 5:9-10 and 1 Timothy 3:11, this series focuses on how women in the church can support the work of the diaconate. This article gives a historical survey of how these texts were implemented in Reformed churches from the time of the Reformation up to the present.
Women Assisting Deacons (2): Historical Survey - The Early Christian Church and the Middle Ages
This series of articles continues the discussion of the office of deacons. Looking at 1 Timothy 5:9-10 and 1 Timothy 3:11, this series focuses on how women in the church can support the work of the diaconate. This article gives a historical survey of how these texts were implemented in the early church and the middle ages in regard to the role of women in the church.
Women Assisting Deacons (1): The Biblical Rationale
This series of articles continues the discussion of the office of deacons. Looking at 1 Timothy 5:9-10 and 1 Timothy 3:11, this series focuses on how women in the church can support the work of the diaconate. The church today should realize that although the office of deacon is held by men, women can play a significant role in fulfilling this ministry of mercy.
The Congregation’s Support of Her Diaconate (1): The Calling of the Whole Congregation
This article gives a sobering reminder of the congregation's responsibility to support the diaconate. Caring for the poor and needy is the work of the congregation as well as the deacons. This article establishes the biblical ground for this calling, showing that the call is to the congregation as a whole, but also to each and every member of the congregation.