The Rapture: When and How?
The Doctrine of the Last Things: Armageddon and “The Rapture”
Understanding the Times: Dispensationalism – The Rapture
Attention for the Rapture
The Biblical Order of Events
The Rapture of the Believers
The Life Everlasting Begins
Do We Believe in the Rapture?
The Rapture
What will be the nature of the return of Christ and what will the rapture be like? This article addresses these questions, which are concerned with eschatology.
Bringing Heaven Down to Earth – Lost in the Cornfield: Hope in Crisis
This volume is about Christian hope. Part of the Christian hope is heaven. The promise of an afterlife in heaven places our lives in a larger context, to fix us to a firm foundation. Bierma takes a look at the reasons why hope for the afterlife is not a heartfelt reality in our daily walk. Part of the answer can be found in misrepresentations people have about heaven and afterlife and Christ’s return, like the rapture.
2 Thessalonians 1 Supports Amillennialism
Poythress believes that 2 Thessalonians 1 provides support for amillennialism. He considers separately midtribulational premillennialism, post-tribulational premillennialism, and postmillennialism and its understanding of the rapture, in the light of 2 Thessalonians 1. Poythress also provides a careful reading of 2 Thessalonians 1 in the context of first-century Thessalonica.
A Case for Amillennialism – Defining Our Terms
This chapter defines important terms used in discussions of the last things (eschatology). An extensive vocabulary has been developed around this topic, and readers are familiarized with it in this chapter. Theological terms discussed are eschatology, millennium, rapture, preterism, and futurism.
The Rapture
This article looks at the rapture as presented in scripture. The rapture will not be secretive, will bring an end to the suffering of God's people, and will be a one-time event.
The Resurrection and the Rapture
Christ's Return and the Rapture
This article on the return of Christ and the rapture, is on evaluation of dispensationalism (pre-millennialism). It looks at the two phases of dispensationalism in the light of Scripture. The rapture of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 is also discussed.