Happily Ever After

"Once upon a time in Germany, so long ago that even a grandfather cannot remember, a young farmer named Hans, set out to make his fortune. The laws of his land were strange — they allowed the youngest son to inherit a father's property, not the oldest. Hans was the oldest and, though he loved the land, he left his father's farm and set out to seek his fortune in the nearby copper and slate mines." This article narrates the story of Martin Luther's parents and how Martin eventually rediscovered the true gospel.

The Deformer of Kent

At the tender age of eighteen, Henry, son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, became Henry VIII, king of England. The year was 1509. Henry, a rather obstinate young man, succeeded his father to the throne and married Catherine of Aragon, his dead brother's widow. Autocratic, egotistic and pleasure-seeking, Henry had been raised as a Roman Catholic and was content to remain a true son of that church — content, that is, until he bumped his self-seeking nose against that of the pope. The pope, Leo X, forbade him something you see, and that something was a divorce.

Your Father Through the Gospel

II children have a biological father. If that father fulfills all the responsibil­ities which come with being a biological father, then those children are clothed and fed and taught a number of things to help them get along in the world. All children (sheep) attending church should have a spiritual shepherd. If that shep­herd fulfills all the responsibili­ties which come with being a spiritual shepherd, then those sheep attending church will be clothed and fed and taught a number of things which will help them to both live in this world and prepare for the world to come.

Tyndale, Sweet Singer of England

Not much is known about William Tyndale's childhood - who his parents were or what they did. We do know though, that he was a stu­dent at both Oxford and Cambridge universities, and that he was a very good stu­dent. God had set a special task aside for him, (Eph. 2: 10), and these universities equipped William with the special tools he would need for that task. In 1521 Tyndale was ordained as priest. With love he preached that salvation was free and that it was not to be bought by giving money to the church. He also spoke out against the drunkenness and gambling of many priests.