Planned Praise
This article is a short reflection on worship as an activity of the people of God that must be approached with utmost seriousness and care.
This article is a short reflection on worship as an activity of the people of God that must be approached with utmost seriousness and care.
What is nationalism and how did it play a role in the life of Israel as the people of God? This article examines the characteristics of neo-Babylonian nationalism before looking at two biblical examples of nationalism. The focus is on some of the eschatology concerned with Israel's future, which also involves the nations.
What is the relationship between the New Testament church and the Old Testament people of God? Can we speak in any way of an Old Testament church? The thesis of this article is that throughout the history of the church there was a strong emphasis on the unity of the church with the Old Testament people of God. These convictions are expressed in most of the confessions produced in the time of the Reformation.
What do people do when they gather for worship? What does it mean that worshippers gather as the people of God? Chapter 1 considers the fact that God is gathering a people for himself throughout history and that they meet for worship and to receive God’s blessing.
What is the future of Israel? Does the Bible still give a particular function for Israel as the people of God after the ascension of Christ? How should we interpret the words of Paul in Romans 11:26 when he refers to the salvation of all Israel? This article weighs in.
This paper studies the use of Amos 9 in Acts 15. The significance of Gentiles being included in the people of God is reflected upon. He further notes the difference in approach between a dispensational and covenantal reading of the text and its implications for the relationship between Israel and the church.
What is the relationship of the Old Testament to the New? What is the exegetical method(s) employed by the New Testament's use of the Old? Wherein can we find elements of continuity and/or discontinuity between Israel and the church? Who are the “people of God” and what is the “kingdom of God”?
What is a church? Allison presents a working definition of what the church is.
Defining the church both from the Old Testament and New Testament, this article shows that the church started in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament we see the continuation of the church. The author discusses how the church is the gathered people of God who worship God and listen to His Word. Believers, therefore, find their identity in being part of this group of people.
This article is about the people of God as we find it in the book of 1 Chronicles.
In this article on infant baptism, the author discusses that there is one covenant and people of God, that God includes children in the visible church, that the promises of the baptism must be believed, and infant dedication.