To live a life in the kingdom of God that is focused on his glory calls for sacrificial love and a heart committed to service. This article explains what this means for family and church life, and how Christians can be servants to the world they live in.
Where does your certainty about life comes from? In Deuteronomy 33:27 Moses pointed Israel to the everlasting arms of God. This article points the believer in the everlasting arms of Christ where there is full confidence that our life is eternally secure.
The purpose of this article is to provide information about addiction to support the office bearers in their work. The author defines what addiction is, identifies signs of various addictions, and describes how to support those struggling with addiction.
“True worship is not first of all about what we are doing, but about what God is doing to and in us.” This article is about the question: What is worship?
Does Genesis 1 record true history? This article looks at Genesis 1 from the perspective of different theories which deny its historicity. The author critiques these theories, maintaining that Genesis 1 does record true history.
This article looks at the help and care that can be given to those struggling with homosexuality. We need to listen and understand in order to give pastoral care.