Ten Things You Should Know about Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
What is blasphemy against the Spirit? Based on Matthew 12:22-32, Mark 3:22-30, and Luke 12:10 this article explains ten things you need to know about blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
The Unpardonable Sin
Matthew 12:31 – Blaspheming the Spirit
The Sign of Jonah
Matthew 12:31-32 – The Sin against the Holy Spirit
Matthew 12:25-30
This article offers some expository notes on Matthew 12:25-30.
Kingdom of God, Son of Man and Jesus' Self-Understanding (Part 1)
The purpose of this article is to re-examine some aspects of the kingdom of God, especially in the light of certain evidence about the Son of Man, and the relation of the kingdom to Jesus' person and mission. It focuses on two logia in the Beelzebul controversy as presented in Matthew 12:25-32 and its parallels in Mark 3:23-30 and Luke 11:17-30 and Luke 12:10,3.
The Unpardonable Sin
Is it possible that some sins cannot be forgiven? This article discusses the unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit by looking at Matthew 12:32 within the larger context, not only of the Gospel but of Scripture as a whole.
Reflections on New Testament Testimony concerning Civil Disobedience
This essay provides an overview of New Testament texts that may have a bearing on the topic of civil disobedience. Texts discussed include Matthew 2:8; Matthew 2:16; Matthew 4:8-10; Matthew 12:3-5; Matthew 26:50-54; Acts 4:18-20; Romans 13:1-7; Revelation 6:9-11.
The Sign of Jonah
What is the significance of Jesus' reference in Matthew 12:39 to the sign of Jonah? This paper reflects on the meaning of Jonah as a sign to Nineveh.
Engaging with the Holy Spirit – What Is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
Many Christians wrestle with the question of whether they have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit. It is understood to be the unpardonable sin (see Matthew 12:32; Mark 3:29; Luke 12:10; Hebrews 6:4–5; Hebrews 10:26). The author proceeds to look at what has been said about this sin in past times and also in the present.
Is There an Unpardonable Sin?
Unpardonable sin is rooted in the rejection of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. This is not a sin that can be committed by the believer, but only the unbeliever. This article on Matthew 12:31-32 discusses the sin against the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 12:29 - The Strong Man Bound
Matthew 12:29 shows that Christ has come to destroy Satan. The result of this victory is that Satan cannot rule the Christian heart. Through the Holy Spirit, believers are able to conquer Satan. As a result of the cross, the gospel can be preached and people can be drawn from the kingdom of darkness into God's kingdom.
Matthew 12:42 - Greater Than Solomon
This article discusses why in Matthew 12:42 the Queen of Sheba is considered to be better than those who reject the message of Christ and why these people deserve God's judgement. The author also discusses the meaning of coming to Christ.
Matthew 12:38-50 - Jesus' Witness to This Generation
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 12:38-50.
Matthew 12:15-37 - The Servant of God
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 12:15-37.
Matthew 12:1-14 - Lord of the Sabbath
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 12:1-14.
Can I Be Forgiven? Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit
Looking at Matthew 12:31, 32 and Mark 3:28-30, this article shows that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is "attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan or other demonic forces." The author shows what type of person might commit this sin and who will not.