A Threefold Cord Needed
Being a Christian Student in a Christian School
Why Reformed, Christian Schools?
God’s covenant of grace is the basis of Christian education. This article gives five things that should not be the basis of a Christian school. Then it shows how the covenant shapes an understanding of Christian education.
What is the role of the teacher in Christian education? This article shows that the role of the teacher comprises explaining, motivating, modelling, and disciplining. It also looks at the challenges faced by the teacher in the Christian school.
In Loco Parentis – Covenantal Schools in Action
Who has the responsibility to educate children? A proper understanding of the covenant has great implications for the education of children. This article shows how Christian schools play a role in keeping parents responsible for education. The author extends a call to parents to heed to this call rather than leave the responsibility to government.
Blessing in the Christian School
The evidence of the blessing of God in the Christian school is not found in size, but in the attitudes of parents, teachers, and learners. This article lists some of the indications of God's blessings in the Christian school.
Christian Education: Are Charter Schools The Answer?
This article is on the topic of education. The author discusses the responsibility of parents in raising children in a God-saturated environment.
Christian Schools
Showing that parents have the ultimate responsibility for the education of their children, this article calls on parents to take this responsibility in sending their children to Christian schools or to home school their children. The author argues that there are very few, if any, reasons for Christian parents to send their children to public schools.
Cars, Kids, and Report Cards
Dare We to Discipline?
Addressing Bullying in Our Schools
The Bible in the Curriculum
A Truly Liberal Education
The Need for a Confessional Basis for Our Children's Education
Do the Creeds Function in Education?
Apple in Right Hand while Bringing Up Children
The Handicapped Child and Education Integration
Why Our Own Schools?
On Home-School Trends: Threat or a Challenge?
Christian Schools and Home Schools Are They Allies or Rivals?
"Not a Square Inch"
Educating Our Children
Contrast Community
Our Children - Future Kings and Queens in God's Kingdom Parents and the Education of their Children
Church, Home and School - A Three-Legged Stool
Transformation - Whose Job is It?
Educational Alternatives
The Reformed School as Answer to the First Petition
Martin Luther on Reformed Education
Overcoming Discord in the Communion of Saints
To Whom Belongs the Child?
Home Schools or Christian Schools?
This article looks at the three options for the education of our children: the public school, the Christian school, and home school.
The School and the Christian mind
This article is about the Christian school and learning to think. The author also discusses outcome-based education, the place of the Christian mind in education, and curriculum.
Do you Send your Children to a Christian School so they will Learn how to become Worldly Christians?
This article is about world-wise children and the Christian school. The author discusses the fact that education should confront children with worldly ideas, and that education should teach children to discern.
General Aims of Education
This article is a mandate of a Christian school.
Why do you Send your Children to a Christian School?
Why do you send your children to a Christian school? Isn't it better for them to learn how to be Christians in a secular school?
Philipp Melanchthon on Reformed Education
This article on Philipp Melanchthon and reformed education, also looks at the importance of education for the reformation of church, and the importance of learning at the Christian school.