Genesis 39 - Joseph is Tested in Egypt
Genesis 38:1-11 - Judah Begins to Live in Canaan
Genesis 36:1–37:1 - The History of the Older Brother, Esau
Genesis 32:22–33 - Jacob Wrestles with a “Mysterious Stranger” at Peniel
Genesis 33 - Jacob and Esau Meet Again as Brothers
Genesis 11 - Babel and Beyond
Genesis 9:18–10:32 - Canaan and the Nations
Genesis 9:1–17 - Creation Preserved by Covenant (Part Two)
Genesis 8 - Creation Preserved by Covenant (Part One)
Genesis 7 - Saved Through the Water (Part Two)
Genesis 5:28–6:22 - Saved Through the Water (Part One)
Genesis 5:1–6:8 - Death’s Reign from Adam to Noah
Genesis 4 - Degeneration in the Generations
Genesis 3:16–24 - In Wrath He Remembers Mercy (Part Two)
Genesis 3:7–15 - In Wrath He Remembers Mercy (Part One)
Genesis 3:1–7 - Covenant Rebellion in the Creation-Kingdom
Genesis 2:18–25 - Partners in God’s Kingdom
Genesis 2:4–17 - Placed in the Paradise God
Bible Studies on Jacob: Lesson 18 Jacob Tells His Sons About the Future
Bible Studies on Jacob: Lesson 17 By Faith Jacob Blessed Joseph's Sons
Bible Studies on Jacob: Lesson 16 Israel and Sons Sojourn in Egypt
Bible Studies on Jacob: Lesson 15 The History of the Older Brother, Esau
Bible Studies on Jacob: Lesson 12 Jacob and Esau Meet Again as Brothers
Bible Studies on Jacob: Lesson 11 Jacob Wrestles with a "Mysterious Stranger" at Peniel
Jesus told the disciples to make disciples, not converts. A disciple is a long term student who shoulders a cross as he follows the Master.
Genesis 45:16-28 - Pharaoh Directs Israel to Move
Genesis 46:28-47:12 - Israel Moves to Goshen
Genesis 45:1-15 - Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers
Genesis 44:18-34 - Judah Intercedes for Benjamin
Genesis 44:1-17 - Joseph "Arrests" His Brothers
Genesis 43 - Israel's Sons Return to Egypt with Benjamin
Genesis 42:29-38 - Joseph's Test Continues in Jacob's Household
Genesis 42:1-28 - Joseph Puts His Brothers on Trial
Genesis 41:37-57 - Joseph Cares for Egypt ... and The World
Genesis 41:1-36 - Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams
Genesis 37:12-36 - Jacob's Sons Attempt to Rid Themselves of Joseph
Genesis 37:2-11 - Young Joseph is Both Loved and Hated
Genesis 32:1-21 - Jacob Prepares to Meet His Brother Esau
Genesis 31 - The Lord Directs Jacob to Leave Laban
Genesis 30:25-43 - Jacob Acquires Great Wealth
Genesis 29:31-30:24 - The Struggle for Covenant Children
Genesis 29:1-30 - Jacob Marries the Mothers of Israel
Genesis 28:10-22 - The Lord Awakens Jacob to His Covenant Calling
Genesis 27:30-28:9 - The Beloved Son Must Flee From His Own Brother
Genesis 27:1-29 - Isaac Blessed God’s Covenant Heir
Genesis 25:27-34 - Selling the Future for Food
Genesis 25:19-26 - It’s Twins!
Jeremiah 28 - A Duel Between Two Prophets
This article on Jeremiah 28 shows how false prophecy (represented by Hananiah the false prophet) and true prophecy (represented by Jeremiah the true prophet) can be recognized. God's people can only be pastored by God's word - nothing more and nothing less.